Hey Sup Forums, I would like to ask you guys your opinion on Xbox One and Ps4.
First, I have a PC, so don't say I should go "PC mustard rice" or some shit.
I'm trying to get one console and i'm between Ps4 and Xbone. Reason is there are games some consoles have (like Bloodborne and Uncharted as example) and PC doesn't.
I really don't give a shit about graphics, but I would like your opinions on this topic.
Any information helps.
TL;DR, which console is best one and why?
Hey Sup Forums, I would like to ask you guys your opinion on Xbox One and Ps4
wait for E3
>wait for E3
For what? Why is a more powerful xbox going to change anything?
PS4 has the best line up.
I don't give a shit. I got a ps4 because it's what all my friends had, so from my personal experience I'd say ps4.
I went Ps4 because I didn't care about halo, gears or forza, and enjoyed using the DS4 over the bone controller. Exclusives should be your defining decision OP.
I was given a PS4 by my friend recently and suffice to say it's a really nice piece of hardware if you buy it used or whatever. I would probably only stick to exclusives only for these systems, since many multi-plats are better played on PC, but it's all up to preference.
Preferably, I would much rather play on Xbone since many of the exclusives on there appeal to me (used to be a big Microsoft shill in the day), but I've come to terms with PS4, and I find it a nice change in today's market. No gimmicks, no bullshit, just set up an account and play.
You literally answered your own question.
You listed two games you want to play and both happen to be on ps4.
However, I wouldnt recommend buying a ps4 as a new iteration will be coming out later this year
almost every game is 30fps. i bought a ps4 for bloodborne but couldnt get past the pathetic framerate.
i bought an xbone for mcc and you know how that worked out. there is almost nothing worth playing on either the bone or ps4. halo 5 is pretty terrible and uncharted is a 30fps hand-hold-a-thon. they're incredibly disappointing pieces of hardware, which is why they're both getting upgrades so early in their life cycle.
wait for the new ones if you need to have a console. i dont understand why you'd want one though. just stick to pc.
>already have a PC
You just made the choice yourself, get a PS4. XO games are heading to PC
I have both and they're both excellent systems, but it's rather cut and dry here.
Buy both.
More space.
More games.
More enjoyment.
I dare you to play Uncharted 4 Chapter 20 on fucking crushing that shit damn near made me quit gaming
I mainly play on of and I enjoy the layout of the xbone controller and support I got a little while back. The controller worked seamlessly with my Ubuntu lap top. But this last week I played on a Xbox one for the first time and I got fed up with all the little kinks. One of being that I couldn't play local coop on one of the halo legacy games while it wasn't connected to the Internet.
Wait for E3, either way the PS4 neo being announced will bring the price of the base PS4 down by a lot so you can pick it up cheap.
There's rumours of a price drop too. Just get a PS4.
There is seriously no reason to get an xbox when you have a PC which gets ALL its exclusives and plays them at a better quality.
Either get a ps4 or stick to PC
All Xbone games besides Halo come to PC. There's no point in getting an Xbone unless you really love Halo.
Having to turn up the difficulty to be challenged.
Why the fuck would anyone consider buying an Xbone? It's a terrible joke at this point.
OP, wait for E3. They are about to announce the upgraded PS4. You can buy that one or the normal PS4 for a lower price then.
>that gif
bruh im sorry but street fighter V is garbage, its not really a loss to us
buy ps4,then you can use the ds4 for your pc with ds4windows since the ds4 is the best controller for emulations
Definitely get a PS4. You cannot go wrong
They're both going to be obsolete by the end of the year due to the Neo and Scorpio.