ITT: Overwatch player facts

ITT: Overwatch player facts

McCree players can only get kills through Flashbang+fanning the hammer. in fact 100% of them don't even know how to left click

No Hanzo actually knows how to aim and just fires randomly hoping for (and getting) headshots

Mercy players have an overinflated sense of self importance over Lucios

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Fully agreed.

>No Hanzo actually knows how to aim and just fires randomly hoping for (and getting) headshots

and it works every fucking time if that hanzo is on the enemy team.

The BR is generally boring to play.
His wall ride is practically useless compared to the other movement skills (eg hanzo and widowmaker)
He is my most played character

>Mercy players have an overinflated sense of self importance over EVERYONE
havnt played with a mercy that doesnt think a win is completly because of them

It's usually true tho

>Mercy players have an overinflated sense of self importance over Lucios

i play lucio and while mercy has a situational ult that could possibly be game changing, lucio is much better at aggressively holding/pushing a point. his aoe healing and ult are a wall if your team is coordinated.

Widowmakers will never ever EVER step foot on an objective.

Also they're on attack. And they honestly think they're contributing beyond their ult

>Mercy players have an overinflated sense of self importance over Lucios

I don't play either but in my experince Lucio players have been the real shitters that whine all the fucking time if the battle doesn't go right for them.

Then again there are so much people playing that we really shouldn't generalize.

Lucios tend to actually try and defend a point while nobody else wants to help them.

and then they complain about no heals when they have to use speed groove to avoid getting shot at

>wallride useless

This is how you instantly spot a shitter.

>bet retarded user doesnt know how to stay on walls forever and climb pillars

fucking hanzos and widowmakers are so rarely useful, i get kinda salty when i press tab and see there'e one of each on my team.

when the fuck would you ever need two snipers


lucio can contest points by himself because the other team cant into shooting him while hes riding wall in speed boost mode

Double the fun

git gud

>mfw actually hit a lot of shots with left click McCree and get quite a few dinks as well
>but it does fuck all damage unless you're in fan range anyway unless you land multiple headshots in a row

Blame Blizzard, if it did good damage on left click it'd be worth using.




I just wish there was more for him to reliably wall ride off of

a lot of it is kind of like broken up walls that make it hard for him to do shit on


spam jump like a madman and you'll fucking ascend on those walls

I dont actually play overwatch i just come here for dank overwatch memes.



widowmaker x widowmaker when

>that payload position
>those widowmakers being there


Play it it's fun

Never disrespect the robot, motherfucker

to be fair, the first widow had scored 2 kills from that position, the other one was sitting on their beautifully round ass

I jusr bought warhammer total war i don't like spending tovmuch money on vidya.

Lucio can't do much without his team. He's forced to stay near them and if they're all spread out and not moving as a group he doesn't really get to contribute much.

>right trigger

If there is a Rein and a Tor on the payload, your defending team will have no idea how to stop it.

What is Pharah?

She absolutely wrecks Bastion.

I respect the usefulness of Bastion, but yeah holy shit.

>be roadhog
>hookshotting left and right successes
>pushing enemy team back and in place
>think I get the potg from multiple ults
>nope it's the bastion that was sitting back on the point at just the right angle to snipe off anyone for passes

I swear to god.

Not if he positions properly in a corner, or has a rein/mercy or both

blink blink blink attach bomb.

CHEERS LUV ;))))))))))))))))

>I think of this
>blink blink
>WAIT FOR I- ugh...
>Bastion swats me like a fly

Cheese n crackers...

Don't you have a general on /vg/?

this is probably the most autistic webm i have ever witnessed in my life. congratulations, i guess.

Making another Overwatch thread just for you winky face

>mfw I have yet to have a game where no one picks hanzo or widowmaker

D.vas that's follow their self destruct with an emote in an attempt to fish for potg will somehow fuck it up 100% of the time.

>mfw games without Widow are actually fun to play in

The difference is very noticeable.

>left clicking as McCree

Left clicking people as McCree is completely fucking garbage, that's the problem with it. Why would I give away my position for mediocre damage, when instead I can get up in their shit and immediately burst them down risk free?

>post Hero archetype you wanna see in the future
>pic related

Some of us know when we have to pull one for the team.
got also PoTG for knocking 3 people out and killing a phara afterwards

Lucio is the easiest character to play in the game.

Move, shoot, hit e occasionally when big critical health icon pops up. Ult when enemy team ults or when you push. Most braindead and boring shit possible.

Flamethrower dude
Sawed off shotgun dude with Lucio wallride
Support that can place healing stations
Offense melee character
Character that can place jumppads
Defense character with demomans stickylauncher

>Enemy Zarya ults
>entire team trapped
>McCree tries to HIGH NOON us
>mfw I DROP THE BEAT and save my team

I played with Slevin, good aim but worthless teammate.

>that webm
>tfw pinning dva's mech bomb away from teammates
Good shit lad


no no no no no no no no no

cancer cancer cancer just mcfucking kill yourself

What you and OP said is way too true.

Chakram throwing hero who's projectiles bounce once, ult throws giant chakram that passes through enemies.

did u get potg after that heroic move?

>shoot Gravity Charge half way up against a wall
>enemy team suspended in the air
>Reinhardt and Lucio try to ult
>cast doesn't go through since they can't touch the ground

>tfw you give widowmakers that hot monkey dick

>Play Lucio
>Make team go sanic fast
>Heal team with sonic jams
>Push and annoy the ever living fuck out of the enemy team
>No one acknowledges or commends you
It's a thankless job but I love it anyways

>killing someone with a headshot as Mcree and they get salty since you're good at every range
Even better if it's a Widow.

>i will never be this good at lucia


Junkrat has the best kit against 90% of annoyances

not for that, but for pushing 3 idiots down the canyon with sonic blast

I will never have a game as good as this again

Is there an edit for that comic?

not being able to backtrack after you get stuck in the snare is just borderline retarded. and i main junkrat, it is still stupid as fuck.

so every mercy in all your matches used the chat function to make 100% clear that mercy got your team the win?

you're full of shit my nigga

>risk free
I wish I could hate you dead

I am about to break Sup Forums and it's all your fault.

I am actually tempted to buy overwatch now.

Question is...PS4 OR PC?


Why does this game not have a pyro-like class

>on console

Why do you ask questions you already know the answer to?

> get snared
> want to move

Tough shit

D.VA is useless in its current state

Don't play Genji unless you are really good

quick question, who here DOESN'T mute the in game voice?

I didn't want to be a part of the OW crowed. I caved and bought it and I've been playing it nonstop. I got it for PC because playing an FPS on a console is garbo.

Too easy to move everyone off the point I guess

No one likes playing against pyro

How does one get good at Genji without playing him?

>what is mei

Mercy gets all the attention because she's hot. Lucio is the best healer.

I played beta version on ps4 and using ds4 to aim?its hard,and then i purchased pc version knowing there will be more players on pc servers day and night,keyboard and mouse are much better to be honest,besides,this is blizzard game come on now user.

I don't but Ive also only played maybe 3 games outside of a party.

but you don't really move, you un-move.

You train on a mountain top and commit yourself to deep introspection. Only by mastering yourself can you master the blade.

obviously any smart person, including me

why would'nt you want to chat to dudes? It's always useful to callout stuff as well
I've not ran into any kids yet, thankfully. Not being F2P really eliminates lots of the babies

I mostly see the opposite happening. Support with ~25% team-damage healed being showered in commendations, even if the team lost.

PC, shooting on controllers is dogshit and its really optimised on PC, can run it at medium, 60fps on my toaster.

Not in Korea senpai.

not useless, just not tanky enough for a fucking tank, but she counters Reaper, Winston and Bastion really well...but she's getting buffs in a few months anyway

also McCrees getting nerfed, so all is well

>Mercy players have an overinflated sense of self importance over Lucios
Honestly the reverse. I'm not into playing as Lucio since I can't do his wall riding shit at all and I can never heal well, but I like playing as Mercy and sometimes I feel like Lucio would be far more useful (especially for static objectives).

>Gibraltar, Defend
>trying to contest the payload as the timer goes down because it's right in front of the end of the level
>die and the payload starts moving because I was the only one in contesting range
>shows the killcam
>couple seconds of killcam after my death show a Widowmaker and a Hanzo on my team who were both stood right outside of contest range started backing off when the payload moved forward, instead of staying still or moving forward a couple steps to contest it

Holy shit.

There are people here RIGHT NOW who fan the hammer

Train against bots

>no option to add tracer bots in custom games to improve your mccree left click

>Defence on Route 66
>Play Widow and stand on the tall rock formation overlooking the spawn zone
>Pick players off left and right as they try to leave
>Soldier, D.VA and Junkrat drop everything and gun for you every chance they get for the rest of the game

Widow is so fun for the first point on that map.

until you realize his whole team was clear and the enemy team was just wiped

How do you even voice chat with randomers when you're in a group? As far as I can tell only my friends can hear me.

Post yfw nailing that perfect mid-range headshot kill with Torbjorn's M1

as long as the dmg increase is tiny i'm ok with it. The biggest and imo only issue with her is the snare effect when shooting

> inb4 massive crit box
She's the only character in the game with a second wind. You can literally stay alive the entire match