Hearts of Iron 4 drops monday
When will Sup Forums stop being bad at video games and pick up grand strategy?
Hearts of Iron 4 drops monday
When will Sup Forums stop being bad at video games and pick up grand strategy?
When they fix EU4 by removing their game breaking updates, like the fact that rejecting a peace treaty with a negative warscore removes stability every single time, effectively destroying all early game wartime strategies.
When paradox stops releasing a DLC every month for $15 that makes the updates they add in actually work, and not just off throw the balance of the game entirely.
When the community stops being the biggest faggots in the entire world who think they're better than other people for playing a game that takes a little bit of time to learn but is easier than basically any other form of "strategy" out there.
when they make it shitter friendly
You're on a board covered in Overwatch threads. Not going to happen anytime soon.
Though this whole idea of grand strategy being difficult is bs. Once you learn how to play HoI3 you realise the 'difficulty' in that game is just nothing but tedium, the OOB being a classic example.
wtf is that thing?
looks fucking gay
I'll get it in a sale in a few years. By then some of the bugs will be patched out and it'll be remotely "finished" content wise.
HoI 2 will last me until then.
that's MacArthur's pipe you pansy faggot
>fucking gay
Oh, its summer again, right.
It's called a corncob pipe, and its made from a corncob.
this one is though
stellaris was pretty disappointing I wouldn't get my hopes up for hoi
But it is user
Is it still grand strategy if /gsg/ kicks it out like they did with stellaris?
Hearts of Iron basically made /gsg/
They can fuck right off with their shitty Vic2 memeing
It's gonna be shit. Been following it's development since it was announced and it's more dumbed down than EU4 and some of the new features look they won't work as intended. I dunno why people still suck paradox's dick, they turning into money grabbing jews and shelling out shit products.
i can never play these games legit for long, i always have to go and use one of those mods that make every nation spawn in a random place
I used to hold them up as the best general on /vg/. It's a shame to see what they've become.
it's a corncob pipe you peter smoking pansy
It' just fucking annoying to learn. Being horrible to learn doesn't make it hard, dwarf fortress is easy as shit but it's niche because it takes 5 hours to understand the basics.
>Expecting a good game from Paradox after EU4 and Stellaris
It'll be released a few months too early, they'll spend 3 years trying to make it playable and another year after that breaking it again for multiplayer balance
The naval AI will be completely nonfunctional except for extremely specific scenarios which can be easily broken by player interaction
>not mentioning all the DLC required to make it playable.
Yeah, you only need to look at /gsg/ threads for example and you'll see that trying to be successful is actually frowned upon because everyone and their has the game solved anyway so people just roleplay with tidy borders and self-imposed challenges.
>its a game developer panders to casuals who don't even play their games episode
I'm more of a Close Combat man myself.
HoI games never appealed to me because I get my giggles from fucking up history. There's only so much you can do in the WW2 timeframe and only a handful of countries are powerful enough to do things.
HoI3 modded was somewhat interesting though.
>tfw the USSR collapsed before the war even starts and turns into the Russian Federation with endless rebellions
HoI4 has quite a few ahistorical paths you can take for the majors
Fascist France for one and Italy starting up their own faction and so on
I can't wait to draw arrows on the map and let the AI do everything
I enjoy the idea of GS but it always feel so meaningless to play, can someone give me ideas of objectives for HoI3 or CK2?
I want Victoria 3 instead.
win as Nationalist China
Just pick a large scale achievement and go for it, or a couple of minor ones
You...did buy the games, right user?
I can get more gameplay out of paint.net than any GS game.
I just wish Victoria 2 had a combat system as deep as hearts of iron.
Join Axis as Turkey.
Spread Islam across Europe.