>The new animated Mega Man series will follow Aki Light – a normal, upbeat, and above all optimistic young school-aged robot living in Silicon City. He soon learns that deep within his programming are secret protocols that allow him to transform – giving him nanocore armor, a Mega Buster, and the iconic helmet to turn him into a superhero – Mega Man!
Sup Forums is excited, but what about Sup Forums? This sounds promising
Isaac Ramirez
>Sup Forums is excited
Why am I not fuckin surprised?
Brody Hughes
That character design is absolutely hideous. What were they thinking?
James Cox
>please don't use autism as a generic word for bad Jesus christ Sup Forums really is tumblr 2.0
William Jenkins
it's pretty much classic megaman he's also got a new partner, mega-mini
Jose Foster
I still can't believe that Mega Mini shit. That's an actual thing somebody thought would add something to the cartoon
Ayden Morgan
Jaxon Bell
>Aki Light Stopped reading there. There is literally no reason to not to call him Rock, and it's just an indicator of more pointless and retarded decisions that they are going to make.
Brayden Hill
Aki Light is fine, the name doesn't matter because everyone knows him as Megaman anyways "rockman" is just the non-canon japanese dub
Hudson James
What the fuck purpose is mega-mini even going to serve?
Julian Moore
>mega mini
Was rush not enough? Why add such a pointless and shitty looking character?
I am well aware this show will bomb but as a megaman fan i'll atleast watch the first episode
Also does anyone know if this show will be full on CG?
Levi Wood
Looks terrible.
Jose Ortiz
Jack Morales
The only interesting twist about this series is that >there are no robot masters >there is no dr wily >there is no dr light >there is no roll >there is no protoman
Noah Lewis
>my life as a teenage robot but shit
just what I always wanted
Jordan Flores
I like his new suit i can tolerate his weird face and the fact that his name is now Aki
but what the fuck is Mega Mini? what the fuck is that suppose to do and what purpose does it serve?
Kevin Price
It feels like a really shitty fanfiction where the author tries to self-insert as the main hero.
Grayson Long
I'm genuinely excited. I want to see what comes out of it. If it is bad I don't mind because Megaman is already in a bad situation anyway.
Chase Wright
What is the problem with the name change? Every new Megaman had a different true name, but they are all Megaman in the end. Actually, calling him Rock is what doesn't make sense considering he isn't really Classic Megaman.
Jeremiah Wilson
He will probably be another one of Megaman helper robots like Rush and Eddie, but with an advantage of being able to speak with him. I think they decided Megaman should have some partner to have intimate conversations with, he will alread have regular conversations with kids at a school.
Owen King
I'm fairly certain Protoman and at least some variant of Dr.Light will be in it. The robot masters are a given, and with them a Dr.Wily or a replacement, at least. Roll is anyone's guess, though. With the addition of Mega Mini and the name change from Rock to Aki her existence feels kinda pointless, unless there is another similar pun with the name Aki I'm not aware of.
David Wood
>I like his new suit
It reminds me of Over-0 a bit.
Henry Reyes
This is dogshit.
Easton Rodriguez
It's guaranteed to be better than Battle Network
Nathaniel Howard
I should probably post this in every Mega Man thread.
Kayden Harris
Sorry for using Autism in a negative light...
Didn't want to hurt your feelings....
Christian Miller
>I like his new suit >i can tolerate his weird face and the fact that his name is now Aki Same here. I think the biggest problem Aki faces right now is that whoever drew that picture of him clearly had no fingers. They just need to get a better artist.