S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or fallout,which is better and why?

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or fallout,which is better and why?

modern Fallout VS STALKER ?
STALKER wins. Better visuals, better atmosphere, better AI, no Bethesda bullshit, more satisfying gameplay, no porn mods.

original Fallout games vs STALKER?
A bit tougher question. FO1-2 were much better CRPG experiences, while STALKER is obviously the better shooter.

the last 3 FO games vs the stalker ones

it was made by "real" eastern europeans and you can feel the soul, like a mexican restaurant run by ethnic mexicans

then STALKER, no doubt.

STALKER is literally what the 3D FO games have tried to achieve, all while constantly shitting on the old FO-fans with severe streamlining and butchering.

well,bethesda is an american company making games set in USA,isnt it the same thing?

stalker's settings are heavily inspired by reality (gsc game world went on photo safaris into pripyat) and the language/culture is foreign but delivered authentically which is more interesting. Also the abnormal and paranormal elements are fairly subtle

fallout's setting is way way farther from reality. Fallout 3 gets points because DC is literally in bethesda's backyard. In fact that's my daily commute.

Fallout 3, New Vegas and 4 are all games. The STALKER series is much more of an experience


New Vegas, 3/4 are total garbage and 1/2 can't be compared.

>Atmosphere and Gameplay

Stalker by far.


STALKER if you have "autism" -- Fallout if you're a "normie"

They have barely anything in common.

Shit thread

They aren't even comparable.

Next time you render a webm lower the resolution

What mods?

STALKER always looked like a more "hardcore" version of Fallout to me. I haven't tried it yet though so I don't know for sure.

CoC Warframe with AO3

It's nothing like fallout though.
There is nothing similar between them except that they both have guns and radiation.
I still don't understand why people keep comparing them.


why does Sup Forums pretend STALKER is good?
Is it because its not popular or mainstream?

why do you pretend that it's bad?

I'm pretty sure that FO games tried to achieve being good RPGs and looting games.
Stalker is more of a atmospheric shooter

>I'm pretty sure that FO games tried to achieve being good RPGs and looting games.
in the 1990s, sure.
The 3D ones have been mere shooters with RPG elements. With more and more focus on shooting with each game, unfortunately. Heck, NV even tried to be STALKER-like with its fancy survival mode, but it barely makes a difference in its general design.

why do you pretend to be funny and idiotic?

>because it's not popular and mainstream
say that to eastern Europeans.
Over yonder, STALKER was (and still is) a phenomenon.

They're not even remotely the same, idiots need to stop comparing them simply because they're both in post apocalyptic setting

Stalker is far more atmospheric and eerie, the combat is more realistic, there's a ton of mods to improve it further. It's aged very well.

Fallout is a pretty cool game too but it feels more like it's based on a comic to me and a lot more lighthearted in respect to stalker.

Both good games in their own right but personally I prefer Stalker.

>eastern europe
waiting for the krokodil to kick in, Ivan?

>mind control


Without a doubt. It's really not even a debate.

I've got a feeling that it's mostly Fallout 3 fags who hasn't played STALKER (or can't survive in the zone) and who puts in on some weird pedestal only too seem as if they know their shit.

considering they've made some of the best games (especially PC ones) in the past decade... yeah, they're pretty fucking relevant.

Not to mention STALKER literally inspired a whole new "genre" into existence, the sandbox survival games.

comparing the two is near impossible. Or at least kinda stupid.

They're both in first-person, and involve radiation. Wow, so similar!

You could get a decent summary of what STALKER is and how it plays by looking at the Starting Guide posted at .
Personally, I used to describe STALKER (the first one) as this hybrid of Far Cry (1), System Shock 2 and Oblivion, with hint of Fallout as flavor. Both the survival and RPG elements in it are surprisingly light though.

Or you could say far cry 2 is baby's first stalker.

>no porm mods
yeah fuck that

That zombie legit made me jump. I gotta check this game out.

Shit like that happens all the time; especially with mods that randomize enemy spawns.

fucking stalker mods man
>individual bullets you need to load into magazines
I love em

One of the great things about STALKER is the ironical fact, that it's not exactly a "horror game", but boy can it do horror better than most "real" horror titles released in the past few years. And best part of it's "horror" is the fact that most of it is all dynamic, non-scripted events, that you may just waltz into.

even when nothing's hunting your ass, the haunting atmosphere of the Zone can be enough to give you chills. The place's also beautiful in its own, crumbling way.

THESE games, user. STALKER is a trilogy.

Anyway, for the smoothest landing to the series, Consult this Starting Guide pic at: ,
Then see the /vg/'s huge Stalker General for more tips and links: Play in the release order. Start with no mods - only latest patch, OR get the full "Starter Pack" first; these contain bug-fixers and light visual mods that can help performance as well.
Leave big overhauls for later playthrougs. Avoid the "Complete" -mods. Always play on MASTER difficulty for best realism and atmosphere, and disable crosshair.

Don't give up in the beginning! The starting gear sucks ass and first area can be a bit boring.

>no porn mods
How does that make it better

Shoving porn mods into a game, especially a game built on Bethesda's Down Syndrome variant of Gamebryo, is literally gayer than being anally penetrated by the phallus of another man and enjoying it.

>comparing the two
that's retarded

does not attract horny pre-pub kids to jack off to it, and ultimately make shit like Brony mods for it.