I want to play through all of classic doom games (Doom 1, 2, Final doom). Should I play through them using brutal doom?
I want to play through all of classic doom games (Doom 1, 2, Final doom). Should I play through them using brutal doom?
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Play them through Smooth Doom with SSG gibs turned on.
You should play them fucking classic with no mods first.
I've already played doom 1 and 2 with brutal doom. I think I'm going to do that. What source port should I play?
I heard chocolate doom was pretty good.
Play them as vanilla as possible first.
Use the Chocolate Doom for that.
Are the SSG gibs anything like the ones in brutal doom? Because the death animations in brutal doom have spoiled me. Easily the most entertaining part of the mod is seeing how monsters come apart with different shots to different hitboxes.
Stock death animations are just kinda eh for me now.
anything BD-like is just literally eye-cancer ruining the game's visual design and overall aestetics.
So you've already played through them with brutal doom, now you're asking if you should play through them again with brutal doom?
Brutal Doom is what you do when want to play the game but want to make it feel new.
Since you sound like you never played them, no.
I dunno dude, you sound like a fag
What? What's the point of this thread then?
>Brutal Doom is what you do when want to play the game but want to make it feel new.
No. BD is what you do when you want to turn Doom into edgy CoD-wannabe
GZDoom, Smooth Doom, and the higher quality sound mod is all you need.
just use Crisp Doom
It's an updated ChocolateDoom Engine, which keeps it really really vanilla, but it has higher res (40x480), and you have some good options like it shows when you entered a secret, it shows secret count on map and i also really like that you can colour your hud so you can see from the corner of your eye how much heatlh/ammo/armor you have
I'd recommend GZDoom with mouselook and autoaim and jump disabled, using Smooth Doom.
Try not to use filters, also there's an option to stretch/resize status bar to a decent size.
>classic Doom
>Brutal Doom
Pick one and only one.
If you want to play classic doom then play it.
just grab Chocolate Doom, and start playing.
You can turn off filtering, if you didn't know.
Here's the sound mod: perkristian.net
You can use GZDoom without filters.
It always bugs me that the hand in that emoji is backwards.
Autism does that to you
I've been wondering for some time so I might as well just ask here in this random doom thread.
Is nightmare/pistol-start a thing?
It could be if you really want to go through hell.
Levels with lots of gunners/shotgunners (so like every level) will be really frustrating, and it would turn the gameplay into really really slow cover shooting, but then again you would have to be kinda quick to reduce the amount of enemies that respawn, especially since you don't have enough ammo for that shit. If you're into that then sure go for it.
>You can turn off filtering, if you didn't know.
you gonna have to toggle and change quite a bit of settings to get the "authentic" Doom experience with GZDoom.
Maybe I'll start with something like nightmare/pistol-start with respawning weapons/ammo/hp, no powerups.
>Thy flesh consumed
If you want the authentic experience, you play Chocolate Doom.
Play the game first.
Then play the .wads you want.
Best keyboard and mouse settings for chocolate doom?
I tend to map forward/backward/strafe to WASD and use the mouse for turning.
Thank you, also, is there any option to remove mouse acceleration?
I think you set acceleration to 1 and threshold to 0. I could be wrong.
Can I use Smooth Doom and Brutal Doom at the same time?