I set one monster and end my turn

I set one monster and end my turn.

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Bring me your best deck Yugi!


>not put in defence positions

Okay I play Kaiju Slumber
You get this shitty turtle I get this kick ass half robo kaiju

>not giving them a robo-godzilla with 0 attack

I summon pic related. GG faggot

Lets see how you beat this!

But we don't have that yet.

Can you feel the cards Yugioh?

Someone post the forbidden one, I'm on my phone.


Then what is this?

Anyone know what pot of greed does?


what program do people use to make decks?

Lets turn this up a notch! My next card will win this!


is that shit even legal?

shit that's the most powerful monster card in the game!

Wait it's out?

Are all the cards free or do you have to unlock/buy them?

You came all the way to Nepal to play a child's game? Heh, if you insist.

It's a fanmande project, so all cards are free.
Play the NDS games if you want to collect cards.

this FUCKING guy


I synchro summon Trish ;)

looks like a fucking stand

this thing looks more like a stand


Ygo pro


YGOPro has an AI mode

You can play against the AI


*dink dink*


WCS 2011 has a pretty good story mode.


World Championship 2006 was the best game on the gba
World Championship 2011 was the best game on the DS
Legacy of the Duelist is very solid too, and the YGOPro AI is quite competent and can use decks you've made for it

I summon Tin Goldfish which allows me to special summon Kagetokage and Satellarknight Vega! Which allows me to special summon Satellarknight Altair which allows me to special summon Satellarknight Deneb from the graveyard which allows me to add Satellarknight Alsahm to my hand, which i special summon with the effect of the trap card Stellarnova Wave! I'll now build the overlay network with Vega, Altair and Deneb! XYZ SUMMON! Stellarknight Delteros! I'll detach one overlay unit which allows me to destroy any card on the field, i'll destroy your set monster!

>Kagetokage and Tin Goldfish in Stellarknights
>not even running Goblinberg which is searchable by ROTA


Would this effect work on pendulum monster since they dont get sent to the grave?

What a fancy box for a bunch of shit cards.

How do card players know the other player's cards are not fabricated with his own fake powers/rules to help him?

Why pegasus never just made a card that says pegasus wins is beyond me.

Well mister, how about you point me to a good tellarknight deck huh?
Please do, i just built this one on top of the shitty one you start in Tag Force Special, my spellcards are still filed with shit that destroy monsters



Do people even realize that dbz abridged is more or less an offshoot of yugioh abridged?

DBZ Abridged got better over time while Yugioh got worse Yugioh's highest point is still better than anythin in DBZ though

If YGOPro is any indication that actually doesnt count as a Kaiju.

Yes but what's it really matter?

its dead without ROTA dont even bother

wow what a le ebin psychicpebbles/oney ripoff
le funnie face

What, it got banned?

skipping this shit like racist mario and zelda rap, no thanks

I forgot what he does but I vividly remember getting fucking walled in I want to say 2009 with a guy who had a bug beatdown deck and another guy who used a jar mill deck.


Nah, it's just using some vaguely related OCG rulings because they always prefer to use them.

I'm evil?



its shit anyway so who cares

>They lose their soul.

is that actually on the card?

Cards are connected to the spirit world or something so he could only print these cards

Those two are both shit-tier animations, it's an insult to compare Yu-Gi-Noh to them. You can tell when an artist actually puts skill and effort into their flash movies.

Yu-Gi-Oh the Power of Chaos is the best one

2010 and 2011 WCS for the DS.


>skill and effort
yeah, if only they'd had any skill at writing

post your cardfu

>those hips and breasts
Oh baby.

at 00:26 yugi is saying something I barely understand
is that a reference to some meme?

Now that's a valid argument. Honestly I appreciated how excellent the flash animation was more than the jokes, some of which admittedly fell a bit flat (but the "I dueled ISIS into submission" joke was top-tier.)

>If a player loses the Duel, they lose their soul.

Silent Magician was a girl?

>search for Hangar with Terraforming
>Add A-assault to hand
>Summon Red Resonator, Gold Gadget, and the Crush
>Attach B-buster to it with Hangar
>Use Transmodify to summon out Galaxy soldier, triggering his eff along with the b-buster first to search c-crush
>send a-assault to grave with new galaxy soldier and summon the 2nd
>overlay into Cyber Infinity
>Synchro the Red Resonator and Gold Gadget into Coral Dragon
>Summon out ABC Dragon Buster with the unions in the grave, while having the card in hand to banish your face down
>Attack for 3000 + 2400 + 2700, which means GG


are you just realizing that after all these years?

>Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by Tributing 1 Spellcaster-Type monster, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card gains 500 ATK for each card in your hand. Once per turn, during either player's turn, when a Spell Card is activated: You can negate the activation. If this card is destroyed by battle, or if this card in its owner's control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "Silent Magician" monster from your hand or Deck, except "Silent Magician", ignoring its Summoning conditions.

Am I a pleb if I still prefer Dark magician girl?

this, plus he is a fair player after all
except when Kaiba fights Yugi to the death

because Silent waifu BTFO Mahad and Mana at the same time

no just gay


Didn't he use cards not released to the public in a duel against yugi and Kaiba?

well he has to have a unique deck, he did create the game after all

>Needing to read a novel just to see what the card does

Jesus christ

Its okay user, not all of use are illiterate

I'm surprised no one has called Pot of Greed yet

This is literally why MTG is better in every single way.


>cards in mtg are so simplistic they can be broken down into 3 words

yea real fun lmbo

I agree with you but your use of the word "literally" was frivolous. If I could wish one word to be erased from the English language, it'd be "literally".

You're not the only one who can manipulate time

Wait the gods got a new set? I know they've been making old anime cards and shit but not about this.

Every thread

But can you get two coin flips correctly?

uh oh...

No, it's that they've taken effects that would normally be explained in a sentence or two in Yu-Gi-Oh and assigned a key word to them. So, for example, the common "When this monster attacks a monster in defense position, inflict damage equal to the difference between the attacking monster's attack points and the defending monster's defense points to your opponent's life points" would be called "Piercing"

Funny, because that's a fake card you're complaining about.