worth $15?
Worth $15?
yes, it's definitely worth it for 15
Easily. Great game, don't know why it isn't more popular
> includes all maps, operators etc
nice they wont split the community
> you start with 2 random operators and enough coins to buy another 2
alright thats fine i guess
> it costs 12,500 in game money to buy another operator when it normally costed 500-2500
theres the bombshell, no point playing when you unlock new operators at a super snails pace. what a joke.
Is it only 15 on PC? I could use a new mp game to play with some friends.
Do you like CS:GO and BF3/BC? And does mixing the two sound enticing to you?
If it does, might be worth getting it.
Only the ops from the updates cost that much.
Its worth it.
You're damn right it is!
Hell fucking no
Between it STILL having network issues and the rampant hacking its a totally frustrating and shitty affair
Also, they only released this pack to appease hackers in the first place. Valve perfected selling the same game to banned hackers and ubisoft is following suit.
Is this still being made by Ubisoft?
>implying renown is hard to get
Do your daily tasks and play a few rounds of competitive. Boom, like 3000 renown.
Pay the full price or grind it out. Stop expecting everything for free, or for the same as the people who shelled out more.
I can see this being a good "demo" of sorts. Nubs can play with the four ops they get and if they like it, pay the discounted price for full game, or just keep grinding out for the rest of the ops.
The fucking shills are real holy shit
All ops on the starter edition cost this much after your first 4.
Too many cheaters
>lets gate content for no reason
Haha. Youre funny shill.
>le meme bait
>Waaah stop liking games I don't like!
Please go climb a wall of dicks.
This is Ubisofts only legitimately good game right now. People are excited about that.
Go tip your fedora elsewhere.
Entirely taken over by cheaters. Doesnt have a working anticheat system, they just use reports from people which doesnt work either.
Regards, an active cheater.
Ooo samefagging and memespouting shills. Never seen that before, not.
End yourself Ubishill. No one gives a fuck about this creatively bankrupt casual hacker infested shitpile of a game.
>for no reason
How about buying the game at 30% of its normal price?
No, it's a shit game and now you have to grind far longer.
>different IP
I know you are anally flustered right now, but holy shit, stop being so retarded.
How about just having a regular 30% off sale instead of this shit where people end up having to grind for 15 hours for a single operator.
>say game is good
tbqh not sure if retarded or bait
Full of hackers, there's absolutely no anti-cheat system, lag, latency.
You're pathetic
Have you even played siege?
it's fun and the gameplay is great but network issues and cheaters are rampant
also you'll have to grind out your fucking ass to get all the operators
>15 hours to unlock a single operator.
Only if you like suffering.
It's quite hard to find matches without hackers.
Ubisoft didn't even try.
How important are the different operators? Is it conceivable to just main one or two?
>guy asks if the game is worth it
>we give out our opinions
>calls us memes
The pay off is you start with more operators. And renown is eady to get
It's in official FAQ. Starter needs 15 hours. Regular 0.5-2 hours to unlock one operator.
Because it doesn't have an interesting premise, and by the time people realized it's nice it was completely invaded with hackers?
if you want to cheat this is a really great investment. the way fairfight works you can even get free hacks and not get banned. only thing you really have to care about is not having your aimbot constantly on and set to headshot people. but if you go with a nice wallhack, ESP and triggerbot combo you are fine.
Put in the work or pay for the full game.
Seriously, why is this such a wild concept for you to understand?
Oh yeah. Neet.
I know your chores only net you so much of mommy's hard earned retirement cheque, but please try to understand that the rest of the world aren't as retarded as you.
bought the game at $40. I really hope you like grinding because the cost for the other operators are ridiculous. just wait for a sale
Thermite is pretty much a must
Rook is highly recommended
Other than that you can switch around
>Put in the work or pay for the full game.
Are you fucking retarded or simply just working for Ubisoft?
Is the concept of any other developer putting their games on sale lost on you?
What I get from this is that they are important? So the starter edition is shit because it takes longer to get them?
It's nice to have options, but if you can't get more than 4 you can just get Rook and Mute for defense, Rook is 100% absolutely necessary every round and mute is always good to have. For attack you could take thermine who is also pretty much necessary like Rook and someone like Sledge or Thatcher who plays with Thermite well.
You should be fine as long as someone else doesn't take both your options, but Rooks are always open in my experience
Only one operator per person per match, so if your team picks your fave before you do, shit outta luck.
With that said renown is easy as fuck to earn.
>The "cs:go killer" having to whore out already
Tom Clancy on suicide watch
He's already dead
Damn you're a huge faggot
15 hours to unlock a single one past 4 operators that randomly given to you from the pool of starter operators.
15 fucking hours.
>With that said renown is easy as fuck to earn.
not 12,500
Ubisoft can eat all of the dicks. This is literally their only good game right now.
Also it isn't 30% off, its 30% of the entire price. Please learn to maths.
>past 4 operators that randomly given to you from the pool of starter operators.
I thought 2 were random, 2 you could select.
But yes, it takes a long while to get the others, which is what I implied. Can you answer the question though?
>Also it isn't 30% off, its 30% of the entire price. Please learn to maths.
Are you retarded? I used a random sales number you fucknut, it could be 90% and I still wouldn't buy it since I have to grind 100+ hours to get every single Operator.
>having to pay for a game to do a f2p grind
no thank you
Okay, cool opinion. Are you able to answer the question or not?
what question, im not that guy
You can get the standard edition for about 30 bucks now if you wanna avoid all the grind
Operators aren't that important to make the the game unbalanced if your/their team doesn't have a certain operator.
Could earn 12500 in 4 hours easily.
Do tasks and play competitive mode.
I've been sitting on over 100,000 renown since a week after launch.
Anybody who bought the season pass is literally retarded. Renown is so easy to get it makes me wonder why they lock anything in the firsr place.
See Why respond to a question if you don't intend to answer it? That seems rude.
They're just usefull.
Rook gives everyone armor.
Thermite gives you more options.
No, they're not a must. But this game is pretty bleak and borin without variety, coz matches end quickly. 30 hours to unlock 2 more operators that you want - insane.
you stated or "implied" that it takes a long while to get the operators
i simply pointed out the ridiculousness of having to pay to do a f2p grind
What a special snowflake you are. Yet let's look in FAQ - 15 hours.
I restated that because the other person seemed to didn't get that I already stated that. The first time I stated that was because it was already mentioned in the thread. I'd say it's better to reply to something that isn't a line of questions if you want to have your hot opinions, or even better just reply to the thread.
I still think it's rude.
>Could earn 12500 in 4 hours easily.
shouldn't you be busy grinding out some more heroes right now?
No because I haven't bought it (yet?). I was asking in this thread to judge if I should or not. Seems like it's not a good idea at this moment though.
Stupid question by the way.
Renown is not that hard to get. Plus there are only like 6 total original operators worth a fuck anyways.
Thermite , Fuze, Ash, castle,rook, mute. The rest are decent to bad
>Renown is not that hard to get.
So they overestimated the time you need for better sales or what? Maybe they don't know their game?
>Should I believe a faq probably written by incompetent retards or someone with experience who actually plays the game
yeah but what if I want a Rainbow Six game?
everything I've seen from youtube makes it look like a multiplayer only CS:GO style game
What happened to the original Rainbow Six feel and polish?
Maybe they guessed. 80% of the players are shit like any mp game. If you're decent it won't take that long
>or someone with experience who actually plays the game
Or a shill.
So based on 80% it's still 15 hours.
No, because it'll be F2P in two months.
> Hackers
> Co-op is shite
> hackers
> Competitive isn't that fun
> hackers
At least wait so you can make thousands of Ubishit accounts to play hackers vs hackers with.
>completely disagreeing with what their company has said
daily missions are 150 renown
the max you can get from a WON ranked is 400 renown, and that's only if you absolutely rape 15:0 or so
rounds are 4 minutes long with a 1 minute preparation time in between them and you need 4 rounds at the minimum to win the game
HOW does this translate to 3100 renown an hour to you?
Does it use uplay?
You try to butter it up. No, goy, no 15 hours, barely 4. Buy it.
>Making a wierd mix of f2p and b2p model to sell the game
how desperate are they
>Stop expecting everything for free
Sorry I expect being able to buy a complete game with all the content available to me, preferably additional content for free. Use the revenue to make more complete games rather than milk each one for everything. No wonder people hate games now.
>At least 300+ hours to unlock everything yet.
What a deal. And it's not even f2p.
I played 80 hours of this game and will never look at it again in my life. It's not worth the time that I put into it.
> Shill
I can't make greentext statements, too! How about instead of making flippant comments to me, you actually make an anti-cheat system, Ubishill?