Battleborn 2016-2016



>I-it's not our fault it flopped, it's because of that shitty writer! we fired him so we good now

>comedic stylings

Is that what they call it?

Tell him he's fired.


I remember him from the destructoid podcast from way back in the day and as far as I remember, he seemed like a cool dude.
Obviously not blessed with too much writing talent if we're to judge from the quality of battleborns writing.

>whose comedic stylings are a large part of the Battleborn single player experience
Did this pic make it to Gearbox offices somehow?

they're running out of writers



I feel bad for the guy.

His writing sucked, but nothing about that game is good, speaking in terms of visual aesthetic, mechanical depth, longlasting appeal, or, well, anything, really.

I don't know if he was in charge of all the world building and lore or if he only did the shitty one-liners and script "punch-up" that was so cringe-worthy, but whatever it might have been, it's clear he's being used as a scapegoat.

People were loudly expressing their disinterest with the game over a year ago. Gearbox was cocky and chose to ignore all of those very blatent shrugs and "mehs," and they probably lost millions in distribution alone as a result of not heeding the obvious warning signs. Sometimes you need to make the tough call and end a venture before you waste even more money on it than you already have. Gearbox thought it was above that, and their hubris bit them in the ass. Good.

Dominos begin to fall.

The fact that gearbox is still in business after colonial marines amazes me.

Menwhile this games writing is literally just some lore on the walls and 10 things characters say ingame.

Sells 7 million copies in a week.

Is... that Tracer with a nutsack?

I like it.

Fire all the writers in Gearbox, bring in entirely new ones, doesn't matter who, and make a new Borderlands.

That's all this studio has to do.

what is that fleshy mass between this female's legs?

This is the correct move for Gearbox, cutting the shit. With nothing holding them back, BattleBorn will see an influx of millions in the next few months.

>we will never see even a tenth of the lore that was going to go into Titan
The setting seems interesting, but we'll never truly get to explore it and find out what it's like to live in a post-Omnic-Crisis world.

Speaking of Overwatch lore, what's that thing Tracer hiding there?

What would you say to him if given the opportunity, Sup Forums?

R.I.P.erino Writeroony.

multiplayer game writer?

It's funny how when they lose money they start firing guys who had the least to do with why it did bad

As if writing matters when the gameplay is bad and characters look like ugly shit

"Who are you?"

Game might've done better if it didn't go head-to-head with Overwatch.

If they decided to fire the ones to blame there wouldn't be a gearbox left. not saying thats a bad thing though

good riddance

All this ironic (right?) Battleborn shilling reminds me of Hitler's frantic optimism in the last months of WW2.
It greatly amuses me.

I AM Anthony Burch!

battleborn has a singleplayer?!

This is all karma for colonial marines.

Holy shit that probably even is a real line too
10/10 got me good

We all make bad decisions sometimes, user.

Hitler invaded Russia in the winter.

Oh shit no wonder Battleborn is awful, like Burch, this guy is another dude who used to write for one of the worst websites on the internet, Destructoid.

How does this mean BB is kill? It's not like they need a writer now that the game is done.

Is that a real line or a fake line?

I honestly can't tell.

I cant imagine it was worse than borderlands 2. I had to stop playing when they tried to make me feel bad for that stupid bird.

Dance thread

found the redditor. try making it less obvious next time


Considering Blizzard writers are as dreadful as Gearbox's (although for entirely different reasons), you should be happy this is the result.

>Widowmaker will never kill for you

>Can't even start the game without connection to steam, And yes that includes the offline campain
>Oh did i say offline? Because the game needs to start a server and load even when playing in private and alone
>Enemies actually lag around in offline play
>If you for some reason take more than 120minutes on a level the game shuts down your server
>The game is a cluttery mess, With gliding animations and terrible effects, making it almost impossible to tell what's going on half the time if the enemy count even goes above 5
>Having to watch the 30 second flash animation and intro every time you try to play a mission
>Coop is worse than it has ever been in a gearbox game, It's astounding really how on my screen i've killed the boss
>Only for my friend to have the boss randomly die half a minute later than me
>Multiplayer tries to be a fucking first person moba, with minions and everything
>Again it's a cluttery mess
>Can't make out key targets because all of them are hidden behind power ups and effects
>The character design is cool as fuck, with huge variation between them
>Using abilites, While they LOOK cluttery, FEEL amazing and are very responsive.
>Surprisingly lovable characters aside from the constant "I'm swearing so its funny"
>Extra lives make dying an actual threat instead of an inconvenience
>Gear that mixes up playstyles every so slightly
The cons outweigh the pros, I've played it for a total of 8 hours so far but its very quickly getting stale, If i didnt have a buddy to play with i'd have stopped 5 hours ago.

>you will never be a edgy 12 year old teenager writing the plot and backstory for a multimillion dollar Blizzard title

it didnt even born user. it was still born

please post your latest masterpiece, oh great literary God

>You will never be a Blizzard writer that is literally being paid to copy paste a hentai plot

stop typing like a faggot
people like you should be banned, Sup Forums use to be semi self moderated where people would either conform and stop being little shits or got bullied to the point where they left
but for some reason recently shit like you refuses to leave
I blame shit like /r/Sup Forums and the increaseing amount of cringe/ylyl shit on YouTube

you are ruining my favorite website
I hate you

he used to be a cool guy. he answered all of my half-life questions in years. borderlands changed randy and gearbox.

It's a fuckin flop and they know it

>it is believed
>continues to give extremely specific details

>>The character design is cool as fuck, with huge variation between them

The character design is terrible.

BattleBorn has literally sold 8 million in its first month. There is nothing Sup Forums can do to stop this game because this place is so irrelevant.

The writing was the least of the problems with Battleborn.

The visual style, bad designs, crappy UI, gameplay, marketing all failed.

>le female abuse is acceptable
Fuck off goobergators. You lost.

>mindbreaking her into a soul-less blueberry who dresses in slutty clothing



It's just some retarded 8gagger being unfunny

>You will never ripoff Taimanin Asagi and sell it as your own character

>The character design is cool as fuck, with huge variation between them
>The character design is cool as fuck

It's really not, A tad bit over-designed yes, But there's character types i've never seen before in a game.
Also this is just some copypasta i took from some user
.And if you cant point out anything beside the tiny head on the minigunner you're retarded

40 KEKs have been deposited to your YLYL account.


ikr Gearbox would never do this with their heroes. *sighs* another reason the drooling Sup Forums manchildren will never touch this masterpiece


>BattleBorn has literally sold 8 million in its first month

gr8 b8 m8

Battleborn was tracking ahead of Borderlands when it was originally released. That means Battleborn outsold Borderlands at first...but Borderlands sold 2 million copies worldwide during it's first 2 months.

So we had an initial spike of sales, followed by an immediate nosedive in which Battleborn wasn't tracking ahead of anything. There's about 120,000 copies sold on Steam, and I highly doubt that the Xbox and Playstation communities have more than 300,000 between the both of them.

>character design is cool as fuck

>.And if you cant point out anything beside the tiny head on the minigunner you're retarded

tiny little toothpick legs

Looks like it wouldn't be out of place in Overwatch, what's the problem?

why did you post a perfectly proportioned video game character?

What if we take the squids from Splatoon and make them utterly awful

literally mileena, goofy kid version.

Maybe he just left because his job was over.

I mean, think about it. What the fuck is a writer going to do after a multiplayer-centric game has been released? He must have finished writing the script well before the game even launched. It's not like he needs to "patch" it or make significant changes NOW.

And yes, I know you can add details and "lore" like TF2 did and how Overwatch is probably going to do, but not every game has to do it by mandate.

And yes, I think Gearbox is trash, their writing is insufferable and I couldn't be paid to give a fuck about Battleborn.

>we have ashley burch on speed dial, what can we do with that
>just have her voice some new lines for tiny tina

Deserves absolutely no pity. He is one of those fucking writers who spends way too muhc time on social media virtue signalling to his fellow writer butt-buddies. And worse than this he is the type that doesn't want to write fun and engaging stuff, ne it has to be a fucking message and agenda that gets pushed. Why is it so hard for western developers to simply wirte something enjoyable for a game that will not change the world.

Fuck this hack and his whole ilk.

REALLY puffy vulva


I'm genuinely surprised at the guy's appearance. I would have thought it was a malnourished 28 year old lanklet.

The girls are cute, it's a shame we'll get so little porn of them.


>Playing OW
>On King's Row
>Widow starts talking about how alive the kill she got there made her feel
I really didn't expect that character to make me cringe.

>promotional image of character
>character's finger joint mesh is collapsing like she's filled with air
>character's wrist mesh is twisting like a pretzel due to abysmal rigging

holy shit this is unbearable

I get that we hate his shitty writing, but he hasn't been fired guys. Maybe his contract was over, or he resigned.


If they chose to not renew his contract, it's basically the same as being fired.

Agreed. I'm glad that I washed my hands of the company before I got suckered into buying A:CM.

fuck off goobergator

There's only 1 cute gril in the whole game and honestly she's the only salvageable thing from this mess. Blizzard probably has enough money to buy her character and slam her into the better class based shooter.

mileena rip off,get that out of here

oh god, yore right. i mean weight painting the wrist properly isnt the easiest thing in the world, but thats just shit.

You ok, user?
Doesn't seem like it.

I like this low poly design they've gone for with Battleborn


What Aaron Linde?
Wasn't he an editor for Destructiod too? So who is next, Jim Sterling?

>her character being good
sure shes cute but its not even as good as blizz waifus.

She looks like a character from Wildstar

Stylistic choice, seeing that her hands are made out of void magic. Please, at least play the game before you shit talk it's artistic descissions.

this would actually be kinda funny if the execution wasn't so fucking bad

Battleborn must be the ugliest game I've seen in a good decade. I don't know how you can make a AAA game be this fucking hideous. I know they hire """journalists""" for their writers, but you'd imagine they'd have the common sense to hire a half-decent artist

Jesus that's awful

Thankfully, we might not have to suffer them for much longer.

He's completely right. Saying that women shouldn't receive special treatment just because of their gender can ruin your Indie career.

>Battleborn's Writer
There was something more than shitty "world is ending and this guy is responsible" plot?