Shitty stealth

>shitty stealth
>spent an entire chapter limping until the monster was gone at which point I could sprint no problem
>endless fucking cutscenes
>plot already involves most of the city collapsing and an anime character teleporting around and stabbing people

I'm some way into chapter 2 and I can't remember the last time I've taken such an instant dislike to a game. I remember this being hyped as a return to classic survival horror and that's what I'm holding out hope for.

Is this just a really shitty start or is there stuff to look forward to?

Other urls found in this thread:

it's fucking shit.
all of it.

Fuck it, I'm gonna play Condemned.

do that. that games a million times better.

At least play until chapter 6!

>it's another "tew is bad because I suck at video games" thread

Try Amnesia or any of those spooky games where you can't die


I'm really glad i'm one of those that "got" The Evil Within.

There's so many people that just couldn't into the game and it's a shame because it really is better than most Resident Evil games.

This is one of the most love/hate games I've played in a while. The game is like half and half on good parts vs. shit parts. The beginning makes a pretty bad first impression since its like thirty minutes of AAA walking with some light stealth thrown in before a Michael Bay cutscene, then the game just kinda throws you into another area because it gets bored. I'd stick with it for a bit longer.

The only thing that fucking pisses me off in this game is the low ammo they give you. In RE4 this shit never happened.

Elaborate for me friend, now that it's been 30 minutes I've cooled down a bit. I know that if I loved a game I'd be annoyed if some user was slating it after playing it for an hour or so.

Because that's before it goes full Resident Evil.

so manage your ammo you drooling retard.

>there's too much!
>there's too little!

no pleasing you people.

But the beginning was the best part.

Is this a fucking bait ?

it's better than re5 and 6, at least.

Yeah, its so easy to manage 3 bullets for 10 enemies rushing towards you.

>In RE4 this shit never happened.

In RE4 you had the knife and roundhouse kick to conserve ammo. The punch and makeshift melee weapons in TEW are about as effective as whacking someone with a piss soaked sock. You HAVE to sneak around because the only reliable way to kill enemies without losing health is the backstab.

That's exactly why RE4 is a worse game than TEW.

Yeah, this right here. But there're those moments when enemies just spot you and there are tons of them, shooting the flash bolt works sometimes but I never upgraded the time limit of the duration of the flash to kill them all with a sneak kill.

Shoot them in the knee and toss a match on their heads. If you're good you can time it to kill 3+ enemies with 1 bullet and 1 match.

I have come to the conclusion that Sup Forums hates this game because they're fucking terrible at this

THe game feels like they hhad the game mapped out level by level on notecards and then somebody bumped it and they all got jumbled up. You go from hospital to woods to hopital to city to woods to mansion to city to more city to hospital to city and then it ends.
The thing that really stuck out to me is when you explore the MAIN VILLAINs house, learn his backstory, prevent his evil plan, then the game just... keeps going. Theres no sense of progression and the plot is just a garbled mess and the player has absolutely no involvement because they have no idea what the fuck is going on.

>confused that a game set in a dreamworld feels like a dreamworld

No, its a very easy game. A shittier version of TLOU and RE4 fused together. And both of them were just action games, not survival horror games.

It doesnt matter if it fits with the plot or not, it matters that it hurts the game as a whole. It makes the game into an unfocused mess where you're never feel like you're getting anywhere, and not in a cool mindfucky way, in a way that just makes the player apathetic about the whole game. Why bother trying and finishing the game if I have no idea whats going on, where I'm gong, where I am in the game, or what the point of it is?

Jesus, just go watch a movie you shitter.

I liked it other than that one area where you had to hide from the teleporting kid in the mansion. Fuck that.

It's not RE4, it's The Evil Within.

You're meant to use the Crossbow for 90% of the game. Stun bolts are your best friend. Matches are your second best friend. Guns are only there to knockdown enemies so you can burn them with matches.

This is the absolute truth.

People nowadays are so accustomed to this kind of shitty walking sim fpv survival crap, with a boo in every each corner, that they can't appreciate a true Survival Horror when they see it.

the game was in like development limbo for a bit. mikami didn't even want to make it, he got handed a like half made game and went to work. So that's a big reason why it seems like it's all over the place. The DLC tries to clear it up the best it can and make sense of everything though.

Terrible plot and inconsistent tone aside I think the worst thing about the game is how you just miss shots sometimes because RNG. In RE4 if you had a gun sighted on an enemy's head that was a guaranteed shot, but not here! Why???????????

The game is slow and you can tell what's going to happen next. The tweeeests aren't great but it's an enjoyable game. It's not a real survival horror but it's a nice attempt at a return to what it used to be.

>I'm really glad i'm one of those that "got" The Evil Within.
So not liking a shitty RE4 retread means I don't "get it"?

Disliked that game a lot too

The fucking DLC was retarded.

>stupid sexy spotlight bird follows you around
>you don't shoot anything or do anything or learn anything or get scared by anything

I made it okay with stealth, a decent shotty, decent crossbow, and a super accurate pistol to headshot MFs. No matches required.

The plot is really fucking easy to follow though:

>Rich family got kids burned by locals because DEY TUK ER JERBS
>Little boy survives as burn victim, becomes sadist
>Starts experiments to explore inner workings of peoples minds, how they experience fear, pain, love etc
>Donates to local hospital, doctor is interested in his breakthrough research: a machine that can use a person's mind to host a dreamworld for other people connected to it.
>Doctor is working for Umbrella and uses the kid's research to save his ass from being discarded. Eventually usurps kids experiment and uses his brain as the catalyst to make STEM work
>Early journeys into STEM go well. Patients in the psychiatric ward can enjoy therapy sessions that lets them recreate their memories for the doctor to see.
>This doesn't last as Ruvik haunts the STEM world, starts killing anybody that enters because he's fucking pissed.
>STEM is now utterly fucked thanks to Ruvik and all the accumulated bad experiences suffered by Beacon's patients.
>Only one person ever made it out after Ruvik assumed control
>Ruvik now wants that person's body so he can escape back into the real world
>Doctor is getting roasted by Umbrella because of this, launches an unauthorized STEM wave that pulls everybody in a city block into STEM.
>Umbrella got wind of this in time to send Kidman, with Joseph and Sebastian ass her backup
>Sebastian has to journey through all the different minds inside STEM in order to rescue Leslie and use him to escape before Ruvik does
>You journey through the City (dwhere Seb worked), Leslie's old clinic, Kidman's childhood town, Beacon Hospital where Jimeniz worked, Ruvik's Mansion and finally back to the City since it holds the exit STEM system.
>Ruvik wins. He takes Leslie and leaves. Since STEM runs on whoever is connected to it, Seb enacts this huge dumb action fight with an imaginary Ruvik until the awakened Kidman pulls him out of STEM.


don't waste your time, user. This game gets shit on by RE faggots despite the fact that it's better than any of the RE games post 4.

It's basically brand recognition at this point, it's fucking embarassing.

Why did the DLC make the ending even more confusing.
>The original game showed Leslie walking out of Beacon.
>The DLC has Leslie waking up from those plasma tubs.

There is a difference between minfucking and not making any sense.

Yeah, this was bad. Fuck him for not making Vanquish 2 instead.

Did Ruvik get powers in the real world after escaping STEM? I think I remember him teleporting but I forget.

Game will never get a sequel anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.

>shittier survival horror than Dead Space and Dead Space 2
>Sup Forums will have a hard on for it because it is a shit game and got shit reviews

like fucking clockwork. typical Sup Forumseddit. kill yourselves

what are you talking about? nobody in here has even mentioned dead space.

And Sup Forums generally praises dead space in most threads. Not 3 though, fuck ds3.

It's better than 4 by a huge margin as well.

re4 hasn't aged well, but you cant say that here without faggots getting triggered.

Because he woke up from the plasma tubs and then walked out of Beacon.

Basically it went like this:

Leslie ceased to exist the moment he walked up to Ruvik and melted. Ruvik at that point woke up outside of stem in Leslie's body and walked out of Beacon. Because Ruvik was no longer in control of stem, that meant both Kidman and Sebastian were able to influence their stem experiences.

Kidman fought her her own internal boogeyman in the form of that Slenderman executive guy. She beat him and thus allowed herself to wake up from stem.

Sebastian meanwhile played out the ending of the original game. In his stem experience, Ruvik didn't escape, instead he turned into a big dumb monster that Sebastian could fight using his manlyness. In Seb's delusions, he rode a mounted turret in the sky against a huge monster, survived being thrown 1000 feet and impaled on rebar with enough strength left to wield a rocket launcher. Then he dreamt that he woke up from stem and smashed that meany Ruvik's brain and saved that day. Eventually Kidman woke him up because the idiot was never going to let himself be free.

Not long after Seb woke up, he saw Ruvik/Leslie leaving Beacon. Possibly with his stem powers.

I actually think it was a great ending, if only because the final boss was just a power fantasy being acted out in a dream world by a delusional idiot too stupid to realize it's all a fantasy.

I have this game but haven't played much of it. Is it canonically related to RE?

>game forces you to use stealth all time
>all upgrades combat based

>plenty of upgrade options
>have to upgrade sprint ammo and damage and ignore rest

>small weapon selection
>they still overlap in use

>traps everywhere on the ground
>cant see shit in front of you due to black bars

>huge story focus
>the plot makes 0 sense and lacks any real resolution

What did the devs mean by this?

>shittier survival horror than Dead Space and Dead Space 2
Nice bait.

naw, it's like a spirtual successor, and it'd be like a side story. The company the doctor works for is basically umbrella, and the main character is just a small town cop.

>re4 hasn't aged well
The fuck? It plays just fine.

But Mobius was there. Why would they let Leslie go?

>>cant see shit in front of you due to black bars

Patched out in all versions, senpai

hell naw dude. The game feels like shit by the time you reach the mini gun enemies, theyre all bullet sponges, even with upgraded weapons.

There's only about two or three good sections in this game.

The part where you siege the castle with the other cop who has an axe is the fucking GOAT.

The other part near the end of the game where you have to fight two Safehead guys is also awesome, because you get to blow your load that you've stockpiled all game in that area.

The worst parts are instant deaths that are the result of garbage camera angles, ESPECIALLY the section where you have to run towards the screen and avoid landmines that you CAN'T EVEN FUCKING SEE. You just have to rote memorize the path and do it over and over until you get it. It's the only part of the game where the camera swings around and shows you from the front, rather than over your shoulder (where you'd be able to see the mines just fine).

It was fucking obnoxious.

>patch the game months after everybody played and forgot it
all sins forgiven

Oh, good.
I wanted it to be a new IP, because I'm tired of sequels and rehashes. I had beaten the chainsaw boss right before I dropped it to play Bloodborne.
Need to get back on it.

>The part where you siege the castle with the other cop who has an axe is the fucking GOAT.
But this was the worst part. You might as well just play Resident Evil.

>The other part near the end of the game where you have to fight two Safehead guys is also awesome, because you get to blow your load that you've stockpiled all game in that area.
You might as well play Silent Hill 2.

More than likely he still had his powers. Like how he slipped by those police outside the gate.

Why he has those powers is anyone's guess though. That shit's retarded.

the game was whatever

i played it on the hardest difficulty they give you when you first start and it wasn't exactly challenging. Game had more scripted gameplay than re6 so i really didn't like it.

Also I thought the game overstayed its welcome around chapter 11

Oh yes, one annoying enemy ruins the whole game.

If it was just titled Resident Evil: PsychoBreak, no one would've batted an eyelash.

got motion sick and couldnt play it feelsbad

>Why he has those powers is anyone's guess though.
cause they are still in a dream, not the dream but a dream
they went one level up, its like inception its layered
in the sequel they will go even deeper

Friendly advice :

- Upgrade matches (later in the game, enemies keep getting up after you kill them unless you burn them, and also, if you set fire to an enemy that you kill who is near a group of enemies, they'll ALL set on fire and die, even if you haven't shot them at all)
- Upgrade your handgun (it holds a shitload of ammo, ammo that the game gives you the most of, and headshots are still very relevant)
- Upgrade your crossbow. The crossbow is the most broken shit in the game and you get tons of parts to make a wide assortment of arrows (ice arrows, bomb arrows, whatever)

I did the whole game without upgrading my HP or my Sprinting - the game will always give you a way to get through a section without getting hurt (although it might be obnoxious), and you'll always have enough stamina to run through speed-related sections.

I wouldn't be surprised if Ruvik dropped Leslie and went into Sebastian instead.

What the fuck Joseph

Was silky smooth 15 fps too little for you?
Human eye cant see above 10 fps anyway so dunno whats your problem.

Never played RE, but I loved this game. My 2014 GOTY.

How would ya'll have done to fix the game?

I saw very little wrong with the game. It was actually a very fun game.

You'd probably really like Resident Evil 4. Ignore the other ones. RE4 is super similar to this, except there's way less instant death traps, a much better camera, and more boss fights.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind.
I already was using the crossbow a lot at that point. I kind cheesed the chainsaw boss, iirc. I shot bolts at him from the top level of the barn for the first half of the top.

You misread what I said, all the enemies become bullet sponges beyond that point.

Game is really good except for the awful city chapter.

Also, a sequel is absolutely in the works, it sold pretty fucking good for a new IP.

Ruvik invading you in the mansion is the GOAT moment.

Fix the camera angle/let the player adjust it to avoid problems like Make it so you could save right at the mirror instead of having to fucking warp into the stupid alternate hospital every time, save, then jump back through the mirror (just from the loading times alone)

Make the plot slightly less retarded (they totally dropped the kidnapped/"murdererd" daughter subplot which made his wife go crazy)

>Also, a sequel is absolutely in the works

Yeah i'd say so, considering this is Bethesda's official teaser image for this years E3

>(they totally dropped the kidnapped/"murdererd" daughter subplot which made his wife go crazy
But without it, Sebastian wouldn't have a backstory.

His wife could very much be a playable character in a sequel, daughter is fucking dead though.

your loguic makes no sense
they clearly wont show fallout skyrim or doom sequels, they just came out, so those are just their recent mascots rather than any indication of upcoming titles

Absolute fucking drones. Jesus christ.
This game isn't scary. It isn't tense. It's difficult, sure, they only give you about 6 bullets total the whole game. TEW wants to be """scary""" RE4 2 so bad but it forgets that RE4 had gameplay that wasn't fucking trash.


GOD I hate TEW and anybody that thinks it isn't fucking garbage.

I bought it first month it was out. Ran out of ammo around this one part where your in this red room and there are two "zombies" chasing you. Melee attack doesnt work too well, and I cant stealth. First time ive gotten stuck in a video game in a while. Really sucks because I was towards the ending too

Either FINISH it or don't include it. It's retarded that you keep finding all of these notes and evidence and the game makes you think he's going to learn something about what happens and then they just never bring it up again.

I thought they implied she died as well as a result of her investigating it.

>It's retarded that you keep finding all of these notes and evidence and the game makes you think he's going to learn something about what happens and then they just never bring it up again.
But all that is suppose to be for the sequel.

>6 bullets the whole game

You've clearly never played the fucking game. I was BRISTLING with ammo, nearly at all times.

>they totally dropped the kidnapped/"murdererd" daughter subplot which made his wife go crazy

I didn't mind the explanation we got in The Keeper. Daughter died, Wife went into Detective mode, discovered Mobius, tracked them down, ended up being totally cool with what they're doing and joined them. She was even present when they were waking everyone up at the end of the game.

>comes into thread about a game he doesn't like and triggers himself.


I really hated this about the game
level design is what ruined moment to moment enjoyment of the game for me even if i liked the clunky oldschool combat

>Start up Evil Within
>Forced Letterbox & Film Grain
>Butcher guy in the beginning is so cliche and uninspired.
>He is on this ridiculously short patrol route
>Immersion broken
>Horror felt forced and once again uninspired.

The only reason this game had any sort of success is because console plebs bought when they were starving for games in the begging of the gen.

The game made headshots the most satisfying thing all of all time.

I didn't play the keeper, was she the secretary?

The one that is a nurse in your dream?

That fucking sound effect, jesus christ.

She probably wants to use STEM for the same reason Ruvik. To create a dream world dor themselves where the ones they've lost never died.

naw, the nurse is a missing girl, but youre not sure if it's a real person that sebastian was working on a case to find, or if she's a hallucination, we never see his wife.

I love this game but I like it even more when I think how it's the best pleb filter.

She wasn't the secretary, no. If you played the 2 Kidman DLCs, she's the woman from the end of the Consequence.