character designs that you hate deeply
imo battleborn is the ugliest game i have ever seen with the shittiest design and execution possible
but this guy takes the cake in being utter trash
character designs that you hate deeply
imo battleborn is the ugliest game i have ever seen with the shittiest design and execution possible
but this guy takes the cake in being utter trash
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is his head so small
Even rob liefield would shudder at that.
its a mech suit ,dont you dare tell me that hekm isnt cool as fuck
>it's another anti-battleborn thread
That's because battleborn is bad
You can't tell me Reinhardt looks as bad as Big McLargeHuge up there
It really isn't. I don't have it, but I played a lot of it on my friend's PS4. It's a really good game, I don't see why hipster Sup Forums hates it.
>Implying Reinhardt is the same as that ridiculous joke in the OP
I fucking love the Bloodhardt skin
>ridiculous joke
Literally what it is though.
i'm glad character designers have finally gotten out of their overdesigned garbage phase
other than square-enix
>someone thought this was a good design
no wonder the game is flopping
the guy would be perfectly fine if not for that head
I guess it just looks too comical or people are tired of that kind of humor.
His head is so small he could use it as ammunition for that big gun hes carrying, it looks like his head would be a smaller caliber actually.
The skeletal analysis on that character has to be mad lulz. I envision huge fucking ribcage and fat dinosaur arm & leg bones, but a tiny tiny skull with a thickness and a tiny tiny brain in there
Looking at the sales and concurrent players, you'd have to be a hipster to enjoy it
Fuck off
If the peabrain in the OP also was in a mechsuit, you'd have a point, but as it stands you're just pretending to be retarded.
This isn't even dragon's crown, where all characters have exaggerated body types, he just has a small head and a big gun, he was purposefully designed to be a walking joke.
The characters standing beside him having relatively proportioned head/body sizes compared to him only adds to the realization that this is a really shitty character design.
>They took this picture of heavy and made a character out of it
>average human being
>roughly three heads across, from shoulder to shoulder
>your pic
>4-5 heads across
>in a mech suit, which appears to be making his shoulders much broader
>faggot in the op
>about eight heads across, maybe even nine
>no mech suit
There's no comparison. OP looks like some kind of shrunken head cheat mode.
Unless it's changed from the beta, his proportions aren't as exaggerated in the game.
It's ok user, calm down. Overwatch already sold enough copies.
I dont have problems with battleborn characters aside from the insane ammount of flying and hot colors making it looks like chromatic diarrhea
holy shit
>tfw you can't see what's on the ground right in front of you because your head is too fucking tiny to see past your collar bones
>tfw you need a mirror in order to see your dick
>other than square enix
Nomura outgrew his beltanzippers phase years ago and lots of Amano's older designs are clusterfucks in comparison to most of SE's more recent games.
"little girl with big weapon lol that's so random" is my most hated character design trope ever. it makes me fucking sick.
Because he's so big and can live with a normal head. What would be the point of making him easier to headshot?
I hate it because I don't like a single one of the character designs.
Artistic appeal goes a long way for getting people to play a game.
>throw a grenade near his feet
>he'd never be able to see it
>natural selection occurs
almost as bad as the "omg so relatable gamer girl!"
I really hate that I have to play this game with fucking Lagann fags.
Something tells me TTGL will be to Overwatch what ponies was to TF2.
i still find it funny, i like it. but i would never play as him.
I know he's an obvious jab at the big, buff military MC's with beards, but I think this could have been executed better.
Cless Alvein syndrome.
you know, that one swordsman in every game that looks like pic related.
so basically every Final Fantasy.
Funny thing is that if he had a normal sized head, this jab would be the only design in the game that's neither so busy that the design just melts together nor looks like it belongs to a generic mook.
What does it say that say about their character design?
He's actually really fun to play as, especially if you spec into more damaging fire bullets
>hating on one of the best Chinese cartoons of last decade
fuck yourself, space cowboy
Yeah they really comprised their game just to shove modern liberal ideas such as "masculinity is dum" down our throats.
Are you implying Ex-Death looks bad?
Because fuck you buddy if there was ever a time over-design was done right it was with that badass motherfucker.
I'm cringing at the fact I have to share this board with retards like you.
Do you even know what you're talking about?
Cless is a perfect example of a character that's NOT overdesigned. His looks are distinctive but not ridiculous. And his armor is actually practical.
He's the exact opposite of the most JRPGs characters.
Seriously, post ten characters that look like Cless. Including some from FFs.
It's a fucking happy face with nub limbs, no idea why you fags like the character and the piss easy games so much
Darksiders was a good game, thanks for bringing back good memories, user.
>A game needs to be hard to be fun
You're a special kind of retarded
All they had to do was make him look like the guys from Gears of War. They're already at a perfect comical size.
user, that's just standard Joe Mad
at least we are not Sup Forums
Please go back to your walking simulators and movie games
Don't you dare talk shit about Battle Chasers. Respect the deceased
Rein is actually normally proportioned
His mech suit greatly increases his stature much like 40k space marines
literally heavy but larger and gay
I want darksiders 3 so bad
>he was purposefully designed to be a walking joke
I'm not disrespecting Battle Chasers user It still hurts ;_;. I was just saying that was how Joe drawed in that period and still love it
what did they do to you..
little girl with dark powers is worse.
Agree. The hair needs to be down
>he was purposefully designed to be a walking joke.
like the rest of the game
lmao what the fuck it's wrong with his head
It's like the ending scene in Beetlejuice
>that character
that's a joke thing that somebody made that's not a real character
>how to ripff jojo's but mangle it
Thank god I didn't buy an Xbone after the tragedy that was Halo 4, this shit repulses me just by looking.
I didn't mean to say he looks bad, I was just using him as an example of Amano's crazy designs.
That's 100% real.
40k space marines are actually proportioned the same way their suits are
the more you know
Blizzard are marketing "geniuses", you think viral marketing just happens by itself? It's shilling and astroturf, they've been doing it for years. Battleborn got an above normal amount of negative astroturf because it was the biggest competitor to their new game, they don't give two fucks about anything except profit.
As for OP, you're a fucking retard if you can't see he has a NORMAL sized head, same size as every other head in the game. It's his body that's oversized, do you really expect them to give him a giant fucking head to keep him in proportion?
This garbage, generic space murine with a fuckin biker helmet on it, the worst are the retards that think that character was worth a shit ever when it's just a generic as fuck avatar.
I hate all the Warhammer and mid 90's comicbook inspired designs of "sat down, started drawing and adding details, never fucking stopped".
>Battleborn got an above normal amount of negative astroturf because it was the biggest competitor to their new game,
and Battleborn was made by a bad company so the negative reputation of Gearbox hurt Stillborn.
Overwatch's beta being released on the same day as Battleborn being released didn't help Battleborn at all
The hair is the least of my concerns 2bh, the outfit is just too gaudy and busy for me. I really liked some of the concept art. A little bland on paper, but refine it a little bit and throw Juri's trademark personality into the mix and I think it would've worked well.
Yeah, one of the big things that fucked over Battleborn was Gearbox's historical inability to make non-garbage games that are not Borderlands and Randy Pitchford's general scumbagginess.
How do you propose he increases the size of his head with mad gainz?
Literally any blizzard game
HAHA,the astoturf is fine, no problem, because gearbox is a bad company. Meme!
Overwatch announced their open beta to be on Battleborn's release day so it would hurt Battleborn, just like they announced a surprise beta wave on Battleborns open beta when they'd already said they weren't doing anymore beta invites, and anounced a beta wave on Battleborns CTT. It's standard practice for blizz, they've been doing it for years with any MMO that threatened to take players and therefore profit from WoW. Of course it hurts the competition, just look what it did to battleborn.
>because gearbox is a bad company. Meme!
how is it a meme when Gearbox has been shit in the past few years?
>presents superior alternative to potential customers
>this is somehow evil
I rented it and I think you are full of shit
i think he was joking dude
Stillborn is the meme and they've been repeating other variations of the 'gaem is ded' meme since well before battleborn was released.
>battleporn dosen't have a chance, will be dead as soon as overwatch comes out because blizzard and marketing and hype. are you hype for overwatch beta liek me?
To be fair, on Sup Forums it's hard to tell the difference between sarcasm and someone actually being that retarded.
(But yes was me and I was joking)
it's hard to tell with Gearbox games.
What's wrong with being hyped for a good game like Overwatch over a bad game like Battleborn?
>dat stupid little head
There is a point where it just looks stupid. And they overflew it.
That is way too perfect an example of video game writing right there.
I have to admit. The tiny head really bothers me
Anyone who though an Aliens game was ever going to be good needs their head examined.
sega, really?
Aliens has been shit since the original avp and avp2 on pc.
the payroll is getting to your head mate, you need to be more subtle when falseflagging as a gearbox shill
I get paid by Wal-mart so I have no interest in Battleborn or Overwatch.
I am just stating facts.
but i like my little girl to have a big weapon
Can we post some GOOD character design now?
Starting off with this rad motherfucker,
if you were a wal-mart employee you would have been shilling for fans of both games to get along, together with Mirage:Arcane Warfare(TM)
nice try