DaS Lore bread?

DaS Lore bread?

Is Sulyvahn the biggest asshole in the series? Thoughts?

sulyvahn was EZ

>followers aren't DS related
Wasted potential

>was the reason best boipussi is ded

>turned his soldiers into Outridee beasts

>turned citizens of Irithyll into slaves

>fucked over the dancer

>made aldritch powerful

>caused the way of the White to become shit

He's definitely the worst of the series, evem Kaathe

>harder than the last boss


>DS2 ends with the player getting rid of the curse
>DS3 still brings back the undead and just calls them unkindled now

Can anyone explain why tf a marriage ceremony in the game consists of stabbing your wife with a stick?

>Whole premise of DS2 is to rid yourself of the curse
>DS3 protag can just throw souls at the firekeeper and get rid of it EZ PZ


Can anyone explain why tf a marriage ceremony in the game consists of stabbing your wife with a stick?

It's a ritual to obtain the power to take the fire.. or something, i dunno, i'm just taking what yuria and the pilgrim said at face value

>meet random stranger knight

>kill his/her berserker friend

>"el oh el ur gettin married xD!"

That and what just reeks of B team bullshit


The guys from Londor want to check how far you'll go if they keep calling you their Lord.

>he didnt link the flame

What are you a faggot?

He's somewhat difficult with just pure rolling but with blocking and parrying he is really east.

>he fell for the link the fire meme


For each of the souls games, how much time do you guys spend hallowed?
It seems that I'm only human a sliver of the time


Why would you make a statue cut it's head and bleed blood into a basin just to lower a staircase?

mah nigga Kaathe dindu nuffin


good goy

>he fell for the darkness is good meme

Whole game for that stupid 3rd ending. I dont know if it makes a difference gameplay wise to stay hollow

none gameplay wise. just affects physical appearance.

I don't think it does aside from your 5 extra levels and your dude looking ugly as shit like in DaS1.

Doesn't being hollow make Hollow weapons stronger?

Marriage does not refer to you and her living together in blissful harmony you moron, this is Dark Souls.

You know how you get dark sigils from Yoel of Londer and each sigil gives you a level? Well Anri was getting them too, and when you do the 'ceremony' you take her sigils and add them to your own.

Check how many sigils you have before and after, you end up with 8. This many sigils is what allows you to do one of the darker endings, which is what Yuria of Londor wanted all along.

She wants to end the age of fire and use the power of flame to make a hollow the king of the world because Londorians love being hollow.

spoilers lel

Niether ending is good or bad, both results are insignificant in the grand scheme of things given the cyclical nature of the universe

ds - never, unless I wanna kill an npc invader
ds2 - always because 50% without the cling ring is annoying
ds3 - most of the time for the 30% hp boost.

only with hollow infusion, and that only increases luck by 5 at 99 hollowing.

I think what he meant was, why on earth is that called marriage? I mean, we know that the normal concept exists in the series.

'only 5' - that's a pretty significant amount, imo, for something that is basically free. Means I can leave luck at 35 and get 5 more endurance or something.

Are you retarded? Player got rid by the curse by wearing the crown. It affects only the wearer, idiot.


>t. Havel GS babby

DS2: Never in the very first playthrough, then almost always so i could jolly cooperate and pvp.
DS: Only when i dropped humanity and/or needed to kindle a bonfire
DS3: Embered only after i jolly cooperate, invade or kill a boss. More than ever, cuz blue covenant actually works. Always hollowed, but took that shit off before ending.

I always like to be in human form both for multiplayer purposes (being summoned and invading) and for immersion (presumably being in the more hollowed state is hazardous to your health).

It was also easy for me.
I used light armor and small straight swords (Hybrid dex build). Grasscrest shield as always.
Beat him first try and didn't get a single hit until he was at 1/3 or 1/4.
Easy to dodge, easy to block, obvious moveset, decent NPC summons.
If you summon actual players it would be a breeze.
And when he clones, you can get SO MANY free hits. Also, that shitty clone dies easily.

Seriously, i think even Vordt of the Canine Valley is harder than him.

Therefore GIT GUD

>it was easy for me
>NPC summons

I just said they were decent.
You don't need them.
They aren't fucking Lucatiel

>tfw doing blind play through
>tfw never tried magic/sorc character so try it in 3
>tfw I do almost the same amount of damage to PS as a melee character
>tfw I have to wait for spells to cast and can't cancel them
>tfw he flies across the whole stage and shits on me
>tfw Aldrich is also incredibly magic resistant
>tfw everyone says magic got nerfed hard in this one compared to previous entries


Magic is useless in DS3 be it for PvP or PvE

Okay so how the heck are the snake people and the pilgrims connected?
>Same raggy collar thing
>Hunchbacked with skinny legs&arms
They are very clearly connected

>nigger memes

Consider to off yourself.

what's the deal with firekeepers and eyes?

On DS1 I didn't really care in the beginning, but soon enough I started being human everytime I could. Being invaded and killing NPC phantoms is fun.
lol DS2
On DS3, everytime I could as well, for the same reasons as DS1 and the HP bonus.

Eyes allow them to see the world for what it really is, and the eyes you find belong to a firekeeper that watched humans and gods abuse them, treat them as slaves, rape, torture and kill them (that's why our firekeeper ends up wanting to see the whole world burn).

Look how serious this stupid faggot takes this fake marriage shit in a fucking convoluted video game. This game is what it is- a boss delivery system. Everything in any of these games is just an excuse to get you to the next epic boss fight, which is fine by me, it's a fun system. Stop taking this shit so seriously, it's why you'll never get married in real life.

Actually you just suck shit at timing.

>decent NPC summons

I summoned both Anri and Gotthard and they were both utter retards. Anri died real fast every time I summoned her and Gotthard just sat back with his shit bow doing negative damage.

The only good summon in this game is the Pale Shade at Abyss Watchers. The rest have garbage AI like Eygon (lol lemme spam my useless weapon art) and Orbeck (lol lemme do a useless DoT and spam flashsword against a boss who is almost magic immune)

What actually are firekeepers?

I still beat it but it wasn't easy.

Okay, now this is strange.
I cooped a bit in Sully and always Anri at least tanked pretty well. And damaged decently.
Gotthard was a fucking beast. I DIDNT EVEN KNOW HE HAD A BOW
Pale Shade did quite some damage, but he seems to run out of estus and die.

Maybe you had shit luck? I don't know.
They worked well for me.
But anyways, you can always summon a person and breeze through.

Now the other npcs were decent i think? I don't remember them all that well tho.
Orbeck vs magic immune boss reminds me of Agdayne and Veldstad.
Ayygon is a shit character to start with. Just buy a dark miracle from nun waifu and kill him.

I just beat DaS, and im going to start DaS2.

What am i in for

Better PVP but less cohesion in story and world design. And good dual-wielding.

>implying you can't get rid of the curse solely because BotC and/or Aldia figured out a solution

>good dual wielding

You best not be lying to me nigger. I spent most of my early playthrough of DaS with rapier and claymore

Why the fuck do people find hard Sully?

Just use a shield, goddamn this isn't Bloodborne.

DaS2 never gets Lost Izalith bad but it shines less than DaS1

The quality is overall more consistent. Don't expect huge ups like Ornstein and Smough. But just like DaS1 the DLCs are the best part.

Are we going to have to deal with "is sullyvahn the tru villain of dark souls??" threads forever just because he killed some people's shitty gayfu?

Meanwhile i just finished DaS2.

But i don't feel like doing DaS3 before the DLC is released.

Maybe i should see if i start Demon Souls or Bloodborne.

>he dual wields in DaS

Honestly I hate blighttown 10x more than Lost Izalith anyday

Mind to tell why?

I actually like Blighttown for the whole atmosphere and the way you get through the entire area.

I can see why people hated it in 10 FPS mode though.

I did until around Sen's Fortress when shields or 2H are mandatory

Blowdart cocksuckers is a big part of it. flying unhittable cock suckers, and poison water everywhere. fuck that place

Its actually a proper game mechanic in DaS2 unlike in DaS so you should have a good time.

Blunt damage (called Strike damage in DaS2) is retardedly overpowered in DaS 2 PVE. An upgraded Mace will outDPS basically anything

Your autism is showing user

The area is pretty annoying but i like the variety.

> flying unhittable cock suckers
I had that problem as well till i started using the bow.
They are easy to hit with arrows but them respawning after every second 7 times is still pretty lame.

THis might be stupid, but here's my theory.

Both of the Primordial Serpents want to bring back the Age of the ancients. There are some short of degeneration from true dragons (same as wyverns, but more intelligent). They have however, different ideas how to do it.

Kaathe started very straightforward: Bring the age of darkness by convincing the chosen undead not to link the fire (Dark Lord ending). However, that did not work out, for as we see in DS3, if the fire dies out naturally, it will eventually be reborn again after an age of dark (End of Fire ending). So later on, he allies (or controls) himself with the hollows of Londor ( Yuria mentions him in her dying quote). He wants to create Dark Lord v2: A hollow unkindled powerful enough to absorb and control the first flame (Usurp the fire Ending). THus both the hollows get their lord, and Kaathe gets to end the first flame.

Frampt on the other hand, plays the long game. He knows that when the Age of fire get artificially extended through linking the fire, the First flame becomes weaker (To link the fire ending, linking the flame has a minuscule result compared to the first linking of the flame). His aim is to keep the cycle of linkings going until the flame dies out completely, probably permamently, unlike the fire "naturally" dying out like in the End of Fire ending.

just ignore the flying fags tbqh

A shitty game. Don't waste your time with it. DaS1 and 3 are the only ones that matter.

The only area i really dislike in DaS2 is the Shrine of Amana because it feels like ranged battle is forced.

>can't go into the water because it slows you down, is filled with hiding enemies or it just outright kills you by letting you fall through it with the holes being barely visible unless you use a torch
>mages spread all over the place with gayass bodyguards that can kill you in a few hits


>questing that long only to become firewood
Are all you age of fire niggers retarded?

>shitty game

>100s of weapons, many of them unique
>over 100 full armour sets, with many different single unique pieces
>A 4th type of magic, and a rebalance of pyromancies to make it scale but keep the ability to use it with low investment
>Power stances, adding 100s of new moves to old item classes
>New item classes, and more fleshed out old item classes like fist weapons and whips
>Many more viable builds in both pve and pvp
>Some of the best and hardest bosses in souls, Dark Lurker, Sinh the Slumbering Dragon, Smelter Demon, Fume Knight, Sir Alonne, Ivory King
>Many different types of PVP that seamlessly intergrate into the main game
>Covenants that seamlessly integrate with the gameplay of the main game
>Actual metroidvania type level choices early game (Undead copse or No-mans Wharf? Or maybe I'll try pursuer again)
>Functioning stat system (stamina isnt OP, nothing like resistance)
>NG+ having many changes from the base difficulty, there are changes up to NG+3
>A vastly improved UI, for example using a grid to display items
>Numerous QoL improvements (using multiple souls at once, 10 items on the quick bar, respeccing, pressing X/A to reveal hidden walls)
>A more interesting weight system
>A far better designed messaging system (creating messages within the menu, removal of orange soapstone, compound messages)
>Small mechanics improvements that greatly influence how the game feels (Running while locked on, aiming with crossbows, sprinting on ladders)
>Many more NPC invasions which are also unmissable because you can be invaded while hollow
>An extreme improvement over the AI of NPC invaders, some of the ones in the dlc are especially impressive
>Functioning pvp arena
>Infusing has huge QoL improvements, you can also infuse shields, bows and staffs
>Every boss drops a boss soul, and every boss soul has multiple weapon/spell posibilities

It's a shitty game.

>Magic run in das 3.

I'm sorry user, I'm so sorry.

Try it in DES were it's mega powerful For justifiable lore reasons or DAS 1 were it is more balanced.

No clue on how magic is in DAS 2 though.

>100s of weapons, many of them unique

straight sword #24568 with one slightly different attack animation wow so unique!!!!!!

Just spam chaos vestiges on ng+ and above and he curls up and accepts his fate.

I can't imagine how bad it was pre-patch. I despise that fucking area and I always bring like 300 poison arrows because of it.

It improved on many things but it lost out in the most important parts.
It was just tedious to complete.
I've played both vanilla and scholar and all the DLC just wish all of those improements couldve made it to Das3 would have made it too good though.

>Overpowered in Demon Souls
>Overpowered for PvE only in Dark Souls
>Good in PvE and PvP in Dark Souls 2
>Useless for PvE and PvP in Dark Souls 3

R.I.P Magic

I hate Sen's Funhouse more than those anyday, anytime, with any build or soul level.

I liked Lost Izalith because i love puzzle bosses, even if they are easy or stupid.
And i didn't hate blighttown as much as Sen's because if you prepare, overlevel or rush through, it's done.
Try rushing Sen's and you're gonna be pushed off a ledge and die. And fuck your Havel's or whatever.

But well, Smouldering Lake also got a special place for annoying. I'm still mad about that overkill shit.

weehh its not all completely different. it must be shit


Str build no shield and pyro no shield. Ez pz.

And the unkindled aren't branded with the dark-sign. They aren't "undead" in the same sense.
Til they get the dark-sign.

Didn't say it was shit m8

The darksign is literally a starting item in DS3 though

Everyone should take a step back and look at the serpents in a more thematic light. They're two entities manipulating man for purposes we will never know.

The point is to think about how man in DAS is being manipulated by them.

They may not even be "manipulating" us they could be two genuine sincere "shepards" who have differing views on how to help humanity.

But we should think about thematic of their power struggles. What's the message from their struggles and interaction with man in DAS?

Dark Souls 2's best accomplishment is that you can get a build started early on and that pretty much everything can carry you through the game.

It's not like Dark Souls 1 where poise and Stamina are insanely overpowered compared to everything else or Dark Souls 3 where poise barely exists and everyone just goes for hitbox range.

Dark Souls 2 also gave players decent bows while Dark Souls only good bow is a stationary weapon which makes it useless in most situations.

The only problem with the DS2 system is that the way AGI get handled is kinda weird and people like to complain about their invincibility frames not being consistent.

>Never raged once at DAS 1. Got mad but not majorly
>DAS 2 start screaming at the tv that shrine turned the game into COVER SOULS

You sir seem like a scholar

I want to make "dark build". Any tips

Dark Souls 2 has plenty of hex spells with the most interesting ones behind huge faith and int requirements.

But like i said: Everything is possible.
You can go full magic and cast big dark spells or infuse your greatsword or bow with Dark and destroy everything with the support of some hexes.

Nice, thanks user.

Get to Huntsman's Copse ASAP to chat with the hex guy. I think you need 20faith and 20int to get his special staff that scales well for hexes. Also you can get the Hexers Hood from FEEBLE CURSED ONE if I remember right that boosts hexes.

The basic Dark Orb is going to be your bread and butter for a lot of encounters.

>firelink shrine and archives are bad
jesus man, did you just hate fun?