Other urls found in this thread:
>Windows 10
>GTX 1080
Nice try, faggot.
Should we tell him?
OP is on the speccy
Speccy doesn't detect over 4 GB of VRAM yet. Even with a Titan 12GB.
Proof I own it.
Oh wow.
Don't bully me please
The idle temps look high on that GPU, but all around good
Does everything I need it to. Probably going to build a mini-ITX build for couch gaming soon.
Nice temps famalam :3
What temp do you get on your CPI when gaming? I have the same one and get to about 47 when running DSEmu with Apollo Justice
Wisconsin reporting in
dont crucify me , the pc is pre built but at 500$ it was a steal.
Just got a new GPU
Yes it does retard.
Download the 64 bit version
Fuck off shills
I'm willing to admit I did something dumb but I'm not that stupid man...
will most likely upgrade now that the cards are due to decrease in price
but this still gets me by perfectly fine
R9 280X + HD7970 Crossfire soon.
That should last me another 3 years
Dude what????
>1080 GTX
>1080p 60Hz monitor
>shows 64 bit version
>still 4095mb
Come on don't call someone a retard then act dumb. It may be a problem with Nvidia cards I noticed you have AMD?
it's not a monitor
it's a TV
The fuck is wrong with you
Yes yes, I know.
But putting that aside, I really need to upgrade my CPU and probably add more ram, but I hate the fact that the socket my motherboard uses, 1155, is no longer supported. What would be the best CPU to get to go alongside the 970? What would would be a good motherboard to replace mine with?
Core i5 3570 - 3.4 g
8 gig ddr3 ram
GTX 660
Upgrade? Might buy the 480. Also my cpu temp sits at 80 and gets up to 100 Celsius for some reason. Probably should check it out lol
do you have the stock fan in?
I play everything on my TV. My consoles and my PC. Haven't got a monitor yet because I've been using my money to upgrade my PC to the fullest. The monitor is going to come later.
In before
>Windows 10
Im not near my computer at the moment, but im pretty sure ive got a coolermaster one. I didnt build it myself and i cleaned it for the first time in about 5 years a week ago. My performance pretty much tripled. Didnt touch the motherboard though. I didnt even checked if they put any thermal paste.
Fucking nvidia garbage reeeeeeeee
same spec as some other people, but my performance seems worse. sad
Standing on the edge of the crater
That heat...
do you keep your pc in an oven?
To be honest i've never tested it, i've got a full tower so cooling is never really an issue.
Screen is actually at 110hz.
>People with optical drives
You are fucking scum
my old HD7870 broke down so I had to upgrade the whole system
Why is somebody scum for having a cd drive? What the hell?
Mate do I have a fucking floppy drive in my computer? No, get that fucking shit out of there.
Nearly time to upgrade.
That's a fucking terrible analogy because games are still sold as CDs but not floppys. Thanks for revealing that you are in fact the scum and not everybody else.
What else am I going to use for a drink holder?
Anyway I've been thinking about getting a 1070 but I would have to upgrade my monitor to make it worth while, so I think I'll hold off for a bit since my 970, especially with the overclock I have, handles everything well at 1080p
why are people so easy to manipulate?
so fucking weak
i dont even know what board this is
Video card gets up to 50-60 C when actually playing vidya
Nah, you're fine with sandy bridge
yeah im not doin to bad
Thats pretty warm
yeah its pretty nice for winter i guess
plz no bully
Has there been a big leap in CPU power since the i5 2500k?
Depends on the game and other use cases
Sandybridge is still great as long as it's overclocked
keks... probably going to upgrade video card soon, and I'm probably going to upgrade to Skylake and give my dad this hardware, even though I just bought this motherboard and processor like 3 months ago.
>All that nice shit and still can't afford decent monitors to use it
Unless you're using surround?
There's nothing wrong with those monitors. The VH236H is a 2ms display which is fucking fantastic. Not everyone needs 144 Hz displays.
I don't think I'll ever find a reason to replace this CPU
I'm saying your gpu is way overkill for those monitors unless they're in surround which it sounds like they're not
Enjoy your wasted money
i dont get what the red color on my external hdd means, im guessing the temp sensor is fucked?
It's a Seagate, it's going to explode any minute
I'm not . Explain why you need better monitors to get the most of out a 980 Ti? And who's to say he won't eventually upgrade and buy better displays? I just don't understand you people who think you need 144 Hz displays and if they aren't 144 Hz then they're shit. Unless you are talking about 1080p displays instead of 1440p or 2160p.
it has hold up for years, but yes, i suspect all my porn will die soon
I'm not just talking higher refresh rates (even though they're really nice and people who say they can't tell the difference are lying)
If your gpu is sitting at 50% usage, or pushing 120fps to a 60hz lower resolution monitor, it's wasting all that power you paid for, and if you want to stay at 1080p60 you could have gotten a less powerful but still perfectly good gpu and saved that cash.
It's like buying a Ferrari to go to the grocery store and back
You'll at least get higher fidelity with higher resolutions like 1440p
But whatever, it's your money and I don't really give a shit what you do with it
Hell if it runs everything you throw at it why not. I think most people upgrade just to have better specs on speccy screenshots. I have an i7 only because I completely skipped the Ivy and Sandybridge era. I was an AMD pleb and just 3 months ago bought my first Intel chip since 2007. I had another LGA 775 chip that a friend passed down to me, but this is my first Core i-era chip. I think if I had an older generation Core-7 I'd still be using it myself because this CPU is so overkill for anything I've thrown at it.
4 year old laptop. I'm surprised at how much life I got out of it.
Bro, wrong guy with the "wasting your money" argument because I'm running a 670 FTW at 1080p60. and plan on buying a 1080 video card and 2160p displays later this year. I'm not the dude running 1080p60 monitors on a 980 Ti, I was just responding because I was genuinely interested in why those displays were shit to you. I understand where you are coming from with the higher resolution argument. If I had a 980 Ti I would have a 1440p display at minimum, but I don't think I'd dive into 2160p until I got a 1080.
And people who say they can't tell a different may not necessarily be liars, but they just may not actually be able to tell the difference. You know everyone is different... did you know a lot of people don't realize that sports in the US are broadcast at 60 FPS where other shows are broadcast at a 29.97 FPS? I'd have to use a 144 Hz monitor to really determine if there really is a difference to me personally.
Going to upgrade to the 1080 perhaps when non-reference cards come out
Is the porn pretty hot?
it varies.
i should just resort to cataloging artists, actresses and sort it all by what they usually do and what they might look like.
what are some good harddrives for archiving H?
also what the next big gpu?
your laptop is on fire
See if you can get a decently priced 2500k or 2600k and overclock it to 4GHz+ it'll be much cheaper than buying a whole new socket and it won't be a bottleneck for a few more years at the very least.
Going to be building a new rig soon to replace this.
You should probably remove the cooler, clean it up, and put some new thermal paste on it. Chances are they didn't seat the cooler correctly or maybe didnt even use paste.
>top of the line i7
>64 GB of system memory
>GAYMING motherboard
>three 1080p monitors
>GTX 1080
>one TB SSD
>one 4 TB HDD
>two 2 TB HDDs
>only to play console ports