Liara is the best romance option in Mass Effect

>Liara is the best romance option in Mass Effect

Prove me wrong, fags

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>romancing in video games


Samara makes my dick almost unbelievably hard.

She is blue.

>best story integration
>romanceable in all three games
>doesn't betray you at any point
You're right, OP.

She's the canon love interest right?

For a romance that lasts through all three games, it surely lacks substance.
>ME1: "I'm a shy bookworm and I'm happy a badass like you noticed me, let's bang!"
>ME2: "Remember we were a thing? Let's bang!"
>ME3: "Remember we were a thing? Let's do nothing he whole game and bang in the end!"

When the writers have a hard on for her can you really expect anything else.


Alien waifus are heresy.

I feel like replaying these games. is Origin really so bad that I shouldn't get them through it?

da ba dee, da ba daa

I would. I bought a physical copy of the trilogy for my PC, but I have to use origin to play the games anyway, which is bullshit. However, you can only get ME 1 and 2 on steam.

It's fine to just play the ME games. There are some nice mods too before you play.

Not as bad as valve shills would have you think.

It's improved greatly since release, origins fine now

ME1 Tali was the perfect girl.

I swear, if they ever make a mass effect movie based around the original trilogy, the trailer theme better be "Don't Fear the Reaper"

Thanks anons, I'll go pick them up

>liking mentally ill women

Its like you want tour life to be extra shit.

Damn straight. And pic related happened, I was hoping for the Deadpool scene. You know the one.

>Vanilla ME2 has only 1 (one) Asari romance and that one ended with you dead.
It's a sin how Samara is not a LI.

More like
>ME2: "Remember we were a thing? Well, forget it. Buy my DLC?"

Predatore sexualle

Yeah, but the sex!


>Can't romance Garrus as male Shepard
And you people can't stop talking about how ridiculously diverse Bioware's romance options are.
What's the point of even playing?

Fucking this

If you don't want to go Gay for Garrus, you're a fucking faggot

Tali was the character that showed me my love of HIPS

Turians don't have homosexuality, you degenerate.

It's not gay if it's another species though.


Dude, there are only 2 fucking turian females throughout the entire franchise. It's such a fucking sausage-fest

The only one I could ever choose

Bioware missed a trick there. Asari are monogendered, Salarian females are 10% of the species and stay on the homeworlds, Krogan females are rare and fought over, there are like 10 Drell left in the galaxy and how would you even tell the gender of the Hanar, Elcor or Volus? But Turians have females in their military for christs sake.

>mfw I'll never get to be able to fuck sexy ayy's

Feels bad man

>Not Garrus

What are you, a fucking faggot?

Slightly off topic question

Thermal Clips vs Overheating?

C'mon, son, what are you so afraid of? Didn't you ever learn to pacify a bitch?


>ammo vs proper weapon control

Overheating. The fact that the writers found a way to go backwards with tech in the sequel is astounding.

Reminder Mass Effect 3 retroactively ruined the series.

Why retroactively?

>Only 6 squadmates at launch, when the previous game had 11 at launch.
>Heavily plot related character and storyarc hidden behind dlc
>EMS used to force you to play the multi-player in a SINGLE-PLAYER RPG
>Horrible ending, especially after the fucking incredible ending of Mass Effect 2

Mass Effect 3 was a fucking betrayal

Thermal clips are fucking shit.

Overheating rarely happens in ME1 if you have a pretty good weapon and upgrades, and good weapon control.

And what good was that EMS again? Oh, right. If it's high enough you get a glimpse of a hand rising from the rubble. That's it.

>EMS used to force you to play the multi-player in a SINGLE-PLAYER RPG
It never forced you, unless you were a retard that couldn't make right choices.

tyhe multiplayer impact on single player was "Well you're dumb as shit but you want more than one ending so here you can do this"

Robowaifu is best waifu, meatbags need not apply.


Correction. You get the hand rising from the rubble if you pick the destroy ending and have a high EMS. So only one ending gets any significant benefit from EMS

I treat ME3 with the same attitude as the star was prequels. I pretend they never existed.

You couldn't get the Highest EMS rating at launch unless you played the multi-player. Either that or I'm remembering it wrong.

You could just ask for Tali pictures, you know.

>nobody ever mentions the chola eyebrows
I still broke up with Tali to romance Liara again in ME3.

You're remembering wrong, because I didn't touch the multiplayer until after I started third impact.

am a patrician

>tmw you realise their was no synthetic romance option for Commander Shepard

Wait, What the fuck? How did I not notice this before?

>Daily Reminder that the Citadel Council were actual Retards

>Heavily plot related character and storyarc hidden behind dlc
This right here is why I never bothered. That and the other thing.

We know

>remember that someone still hasn't made a Vega version of "We put our faith in Blast Hardcheese"

What is the point of life?

>not banging all of them

Yeah same. I liked Tali the best initially but then we got her and I wanted Samara instead.

my nigga

You really think mentally ill women are like your animu tsundere? It doesnt go away, they will always stay as psychos and will make your life miserable in ways you cant even imagine.

I am imagining a stripper covered in white tracking balls... and by stripper i mean one of the programmers taking one for the team doing the moves to make this happen

>playan ME2
>do everyone's optional friend quest sans Jacob
>Miranda and Jack get into an argument
>moralfag so I lean in favor of Jack
>Miranda hates my guts and tells me to fuck off all game
>tali starts to leave bread crumbs
>I pursue her advances
>after some words her autism kicks in and got friend zoned

Out of nowhere Jacob starts trying to get me BLACKED.

>Getting BLACKED by Jacob
>Turns down my advances

If I can't have Kasumi,WHY EVEN LIVE anons?

Happy women's appreciation day!

You can lead a mule to water but you can't make it drink.

>that neck

Holy mother of God.

yup she is all spinal cord... so hawt

Depends on the weapon.
High cap weapons should use overheating tech. Low cap weapons should use thermal clips. E.g. sniper rifles/shotguns should use thermal clips and LMG's, pistols, smg and AR's should use overheating.

>Holy mother of God

Indeed user

>tali romance

you tried at least

Best romance is no romance.
I'm out trying to save the fucking galaxy, not get my dick wet.

I take it you were fairly balanced Paragon/Renegade? Mass Effect 2 is awful for this, Neutral Shepards or Shepards that balance Paragon and Renegade tend to get locked out of later game choices because bioware got infected by EA.


Who? Also why does some chink slut have an Inuit marriage tattoo?

>Came here to make sure best girl was posted
>First post in the thread

>Who? Also why does some chink slut have an Inuit marriage tattoo?
>Not knowing Kasumi

Babies first Mass Effect aka Mass Effect 3 huh user?

At least you can imagine that's what happened, user.

Well, She was a DLC character. If you didn't play the DLCs you'd have no idea who she was.


Kasumi was used goods


Mass Effect 3 wasnt nearly as bad as I thought it would be after the shitstorm.
Honestly all the Tuchanka/Rannoch parts are pretty good. The plot doesnt really start going off the rails until Thessia when the Catalyst shit comes out of fucking nowhere but at least the levels still have fun fights.
The ending was probably worse than I expected though, jesus christ its so bad
The tacts on Multiplayer isway better than it had any right to be its actually pretty great

>can't do both
Even with Mass Relays and FTL travel the games are set over weeks

Why is she so perfect

because you will never get her...

>Wanting a robot
>Has no human female scent or aroma
>Room smells like burning tires/rubber after sex with Edi

No thanks user

Tali was/is ALWAYS the perfect girl

Both simultaneously would be ideal. I think I remember that 2 originally planned to do it this way to ease shooter babbies into ME but then decided to just drop it and go full on with clips.

>>Room smells like burning tires/rubber after sex with Edi
uh... what

You guys do know its possible to romance Samara right? All you need is the citadel dlc.




people still play this processed turd?

what the fuck is wrong with you idiots?

Why did i let you die on Virmire!