Quick Sup Forums, someone is shooting up your workplace or school. The last weapon yo used...

Quick Sup Forums, someone is shooting up your workplace or school. The last weapon yo used, from the last vidya you have played is all you have to defend yourself and the people around you.

How fucked are you?

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they get mauled by Starly

what actually happens

I last played XBC. The Muhnadough gives me visions of the guy shooting me, I dodge them preemptively, slash him in half and I'm a schoolwide hero.


>The crossbow from Hexen 2
>The Monado from xenoblade chronicles

psshhh nothen personnel

Does Devil fruit powers count?
I forget, Is Luffy affected by bullets at all?

I'm a hiki NEET and don't leave my room for months at a time so I do nothing because i have no workplace or school.

Just got done playing russian overkill. Will he die from the bullets, or me from the recoil?

They dun Goof'd.


>ragna's big ass sword
probably can't even lift it, so I'm screwed

>WHEN DID HE ... ??

Mastercrafted Feline Silver Sword

Unless he's a monster it won't do shit


playing some p1999 I'm fucked

Minirocket tube from Ratchet and Clank 2?

well that was effective.

Looks like a shitty deviantart OC

>Megaman III
>Shadow Blade


that's actually official art from some MMO or ds game iirc

If I load cans into the grenade launcher instead of actual explosives maybe there's a chance that not everybody dies. I have no clue if that would actually work but it would probably still end better than me trying to use actual grenades in the middle of a supermarket.

> balls

I've got 76's gun so I'm pretty much groovy

Negev from CSGO. I'm fucked and will kill my entire school myself before I hit the guy even once. RIP.

>Azure Ashtray
If I get my mobile suit, those intruders won't know what the fuck hit them. My custom build is swords for days, plus dual cannons.

Nigga I can't swing this big ass bullshit.


well shit, I dont have to worry about anything. As far as im concerned its a regular work day for me

200,000 Dutch redcoats. Fucker'll need a lot of bullets.

>extremely broken run on Risk of rain

It's like you want the place to explode beyond repair. I can deal with that.


I should be fine

The BR-85HB rifle, things are going to be ok.

I died half a minute ago in Nuclear Throne with a wave gun and a minigun.

This should be interesting.

What happens if you shoot someone besides yourself with that?

>Mazandyne skill in Digital Devil Saga
Get fucked bitches.

>sv98, battlefield 3

Niggas dead before he even gets to the front gate

Hoooy hoy I'm the boy! Packin 80 pounds of heavenly joy!

>gib the school shooter
>become the school bomber

Well ive got a 2 handed sword thats longer then i am, maybe if it falls on to him Im not fucked

>using regios GS
>not using black fatty GS

Implying you'll have the strength to swing it fast enough before he shoots you

>mfw the last weapon I used was a BFG

I think I'll be fine

>a mobile suit

I'll probably end up destroying the place just by figuring out how to walk in the thing.

>Played as Hol Horse in JJBA HD
>get an invisible, soundless, homing gun

Holy fuck I could take over the world with such a "weak" stand. Nobody would see it or hear it and I could stay far away from victims.

I wouldn't kill people but control the bullets to fuck their shit up or disarm people.

I'd probably become a hell raiser and spook people by shooting and breaking windows and objects and just stand there like it can't affect me.

Probably couldnt even move it, but if it spawns vertically and falls on to him it might do some damage

>Venus Djinn and starting sword

I hope he's ready to get cleaved like stone.


I should be good.

>tfw fighting someone with tears
I shouldn't have played the binding of Isaac

>last played BN6
>folder is built around multi-hit chips, Colorpnt, Attack+, and WhiteCapsule bonus chips
>killed BlastmanSP in four seconds

>mobile suit

Mobile suits aren't weapons, they're devices that can USE weapons, but they themselves are not a weapon. Just like a tank isn't a weapon, the giant fucking cannon and turrets on it are weapons. You wouldn't call a soldier a weapon, you'd call the gun he uses one.

>not one tapping w/ a Negev for maximum salt from the other team

I shiggy diggy

He didn't had a chance.


Kill yourself

It doesnt actually shoot anything and honestly the fact that they can use it multiple times is dumb to me. They use them to be scared so their persona will summon but once you do it you know its not a real gun.

>Samuel's sword from MGR

Nah, I prefer to have fun with this mobileshit.

Well debatebly a pen is a weapon, a rock a weapon, even a woman's highheel shoe.

A 'weapon' is more about intent imo.

>DaS3 uchi

Folded over a gorillion times!

A weapon is anything you intentionally use to harm someone, and you can most certainly step on someone with a Gundam.

Maybe I can convince him to not kill me if I play good music? Other than that I can still shoot him with it.

The viper SMG from stalker and only 15 rounds. Fuck

>Sora's keyblade
I would look autistic as i do it but a nice hit to the head would probably knock him out

>Gatling Slugger from Nuclear Throne
Blast holes in the shooter, and also all the walls because why not

>not just forcefully knocking the guy into a wall or from somewhere up high

The impact from the wall would be more than enough to disarm the shitter. Sending him down a flight of stairs would be even more effective.

That's not true at all or else literally everything is a weapon - and arguing that is not only fucking stupid, but arguing semantics in a situation where the context is clearly referring to actual things created purely for the act of harming something or someone. A mech, including Gundams specifically, is not that device - it's a device created with the intent of manipulating large weapons which ARE created for that purpose. The gundam itself is a mechanism to make using them possible, it is not a weapon.

>A weapon, arm, or armament is any device used with intent to inflict damage or harm

Intent son. That's the important word.

>Medicine Stick from New Vegas
45-70 stronk!

I'll be fine.

>Kingdom Hearts
Time to go full autist

>Cities Skylines
Welp. I guess I'll reroute traffic or destroy the building. Maybe I need a new police station?

>That's not true at all or else literally everything is a weapon
Almost anything CAN be a weapon. It's just not one unless the intent is there.
>A mech, including Gundams specifically, is not that device - it's a device created with the intent of manipulating large weapons which ARE created for that purpose. The gundam itself is a mechanism to make using them possible, it is not a weapon.
RX-78-2 has vulcan guns built into its head, and you're still saying it's not meant to be a weapon. Literally the equivalent of a gun handle on a fully assembled firearm. Some are even referred to as mobile weapons.

>arguing semantics in a situation where the context is clearly referring to actual things created purely for the act of harming something or someone.

In a legal situation, as in in court, yes, absolutely anything used with intent to harm someone is a weapon. However, we're not speaking as lawyers and you're using a legal definition of the word. At that point you'd have to argue that picking "the gundam" as the weapon is inaccurate then because, in fact, the PILOT of the gundam you were playing as is the real weapon because if he were to get out he could walk into someone and push them down by mistake, thus making him a weapon - and if we're talking about the last weapon you used in a game...well your CHARACTER would be the last 'weapon' not the vehicle he used or weapon he used, but himself because by your obsessively legal definition he would in fact be the last weapon USED by the player.

Keep saying that when a mobile suit crushes you with its 10 ton dick

push them down as long as it's not by mistake*


Last game I played was 消滅都市 so my scooter & Yuki's powers.
No way am I losing to anyone.



Still relatively new to MH. Mind translating that for me?

What's the best way to learn weeb

I think I can hold em off

Silver short sword from Morrowind.
Uhh maybe I'd try to get the jump on him, douse him with a fire extinguisher, and hack and slash violently until I am pulled of the mangled corpse covered in blood screaming like a mad man.
More likely everyone dies.

Well, it's better than having unprotected sex with ghosts.

I was playing KSP with weapon mods, throw a nuclear missile at him

Actually the Doom 4 BFG only works on entities that have argent in their system. It's in the codex.

You're cooked son

>loud noises and bakery goods
fuck why did I play toontown today

Well the shooter is definitely going to die, but so will I and everyone else.

How am I supposed to lift this.

Plasma beam from Metroid Prime 3. I'm good.


Step 1, no buzzwords.


Wow thanks, that didn't help at all!

>Winston's tesla cannon
They'll probably shoot me in the head before it kills then.

8 Ball gun from Unreal.

I got this.

>tfw you become the shooter

heh heh... nothin personnel kid

>Magic the Gathering Duel of the Planeswalker
>premade faerie deck
B-back off motherfucker! I read wikiHow!

>Fire Flower
Well it's either everyone gets shots to death or everyone burns to death, pick your fuckin' poison.