Who do you pick?

Who do you pick?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kevin is OP and isn't a dork. So Kevin.

>Kevin has more strength than Rolf

Kevin. Best stats and hates dorks.

>not picking Kevin.
>being a dork.

>Ed, Edd, N Eddy day on Sup Forums

Why is this the only topic Sup Forums makes fun

>Kevin having more strength than Rolf
>Kevin matching Edd's strength.

Fucked it up before it even started. Way to go fag OP.

>Edd takes his hat off if he wins

>Johnny, Naz, and Kevin are just better than everyone else
One of them because I'll just get fucked by playing anyone else

>they nerfed Rolf's strength AGAIN

fuck these devs

Kankers IRL from left to right


May is thick af

>there are characters that have objectively better stats than others (ex. ed and kevin)

u wot m8

Also Johnny. that dude's always my nigga

Left voices Kevin, too. It was weird seeing and hearing that.

> Eddy is EXACTLY the same as Rolf but WORSE in speed
Eddy better have some kick-ass specials to justify that

On a related note, what should I be doing as a noob to this game

I'm currently a level 6 Edd, haven't specced too heavily into any tree yet. Which should I go for? Is there a respec option, ever?

Double d fags get in here

mostly range but get speed and get retreat so you dont get rushed by eddy and johnnys

>Kevin as strong as Ed
>both stronger than Rolf

This game has some serious issues that it needs to address


I tend to maximize crits + reload on the labeling gun. The internal cooldown on DD's rapid fire proc is glitched to where if you crit a second time before the ability is on cooldown you gain a constant rapid fire. Use the reload speed to have a never-ending machine gun of labels and crits.

>Ralph, 3 str
>Kevin 4 str

Nazz just vastly outperforms Johnny wow

Why are Kevin and Nazz objectively the best characters in the game?

They aren't dorks. Duh.

perhaps their only merits are raw stats, whereas everyone else has a strong set of abilities to make up for it

Not exactly user, Nazz has some great crowd control and healing/support skills. You can duo with Kevin some high level content reletively easy

futa marie a best

>Kevin has 4 star strength
>Ed and Rolf only have 3

Kevin doesn't deserve a 4 there, Ed has retard strength, and Rolf is natural power.

Rolf's strength is reserved until he casts 3 shoe beatdown

Rolf is the only one.

That skill is bullshit. You are stunlocked forever. Where the fuck does he even get the third shoe?!

What is it about this show that unites boards together?

Its fun and doesn't try to shoehorn a plot in at the end of every episode to make itself seem like it has D E E P lore.

This is super unbalanced. Why would anyone play as Edd when Naz exists?

Someone needs to patch this bullshit.

Marie is cute. CUTE!

He is still the strongest character, his ultimate ability "Son of a Shepherd" can carry a group


This can't be real. Can it?

Because someone linked it in the other thread: reddit.com/r/megalinks/comments/3caw7r/tv_ed_edd_n_eddy_s1s6_19992009/

Oh yea, I remember this episode.

>Keving is as strong as Ed or stronger than Rolf
What the fuck?

>freckle tits


I pick Edd


Which kanker would you marry?


fuck dude thank you for sharing





anyone ever go on los 3 eds? that site was my shit when i was a youngster

Aren't there May and Lee versions of this?



>It's gone
This makes me really sad for some reason, I can remember downloading EEnE episodes from there that were like 100x100.

it's still up, known as the 3 eds now. pretty dead, though


Try going to the site, shit's dead.


The3Eds is now dead too, it's server has been shut down for weeks.


Why are all the good fansites dead?
Anyone here remember trsrockin?

Having been a long time user of that site for years, I can safely say around 2014 was when that shit died off completely. By then the site became a fucking ghost town, only now is it officially kill


We posting lewd kankers lads?

what the fuck, i remember checking it out like a week ago looking for the download links

fuck yeah, dude

>timed missions

>serious episode of MASH just ended
>see this
Well so much for being emotional.