Completely fucking lied about bringing SoloQ back

>Completely fucking lied about bringing SoloQ back
>Made up some pretentious "round table" bullshit to try to justify why they're saying fuck you to the community and doing whatever they want
>Pros quitting SoloQ because of how bad Dynamic Queue and Autofill are

>Now they're deleting comments on reddit to try to shut people up
Is this the beginning of the end for LoL?

Other urls found in this thread:


>it has been nearly 2 years since the announcement of Yorick's rework
>multiple other champions have gotten it before he has AFTER this announcement
>"b-but there's two teams! He's not being affected at all!"

He isn't being affected, though. By a rework for him, that is.

It'll remain alive as long as the gooks don't find another game to obsess over.

literally what the fuck is dynamic queue and who gives a shit

like nobody who hates it explains what or why it's bad

>STILL playing this trash

Serves you right idiots

Havent played in years. Is the soloq gone?
What do people play now a days?

Could you imagine how big a shitstorm there would be if a company like Capcom started deleting posts on /r/streetfighter or something?

Riot gets a pass though for some reason. No gaming journalist is talking about Riot lying and fucking up matchmaking and deleting posts that criticize them

What a nice industry

They are a small indie company pls understand uwu Kappa :^)

You can queue up with as many people as you want in ranked. 1 up to 5. All of these people are put into one "dynamic queue".

what's wrong with that

it's not fair when you play solo and you're put up against a 4 or 5 man premade.

also a rank doesn't mean anything anymore, it could have been your friends carried you up there.

League was always shit run by cancerous devs.

Now that your fanboyism died out you can finally see the truth.

Though I will say, this guy fucked WOW so fucking hard, he's probably shitting all over your game too

it balances mmr for both teams

but that doesn't mean anything if one team is coordinated and on voice chat and the other isn't

it doesn't even do that because 3 mans are always matched against 3 mans, 4 mans v 4 mans, etc

Lets not forget he made his favorite class OP as fuck they started nerfing it as soon as he left. Wouldn't be surprised if he did the same with his favorite champions in LoL.

He left league a while ago.

They try, but not always

Any sensible person who played League jumped ship long ago after Certainly T decided to create overloaded monstrosities like Thresh and Yasuo. It's not hard to see that Riot is of the mentality of "doing without thinking."

Admittedly, many newer characters are really interesting BECAUSE they're so overloaded. Thresh, Yasuo, Lucian, Ekko, Zed, etc. are all extremely fun to play because they have options for most any situation. Problem is, League isn't designed to harbor characters like these so they are inherently broken. Riot's terrified of making rock/paper/scissor matchups in the game like DotA does (which is honestly the better idea by leaps and bounds); but ends up making the game rock/paper/shotgun, with the shotgun trading hands every patch. There's no strategy in picking characters, even in draft. You ban the top 6 broken champions then proceed to pick the next 10 broken champions. Without characters that are designed to reign in others, the game will always be this way.

Tbh, Riot needs to sit down and reevaluate their game in its entirety and stop pumping out champions. The game's been an enormous joke since season 4 and has continually gone downhill at terminal velocity since then. Season 6 is just the more notable "last straw" because of all the dropped promises. Just look at the reddit and boards: fucking semi-pro and pro players are LEAVING THE MAIN SERVERS to play on the private tournament servers just so they can have a fair matchmaking experience.

Riot's been digging their grave for ages as its playerbase cheered them on and even help them dig. Only now, one toss of dirt from the shovel finally landed on enough people to stir the hive effectively.

Give it 2 years and League will either be in a massive state of decline or have been revamped in response to the justified criticism. I've got my popcorn ready to enjoy the ride until then.

they make new champions interactive and fun to play, moreso than old champions, then they give the old champions reworks (skillshots) frequently (never)

No they dont!
even if entry gen of players drop lol next gen of players will fill their place.
It too big to die now,

No he didnt

I wish the DOTA 2 fanbase had thrown a fit like this when Valve removed Soloqueue
It just kinda fizzled out and in the end the solo players didn't care enough.
Now I'm always the 5th player in the peruvian all-stars team.

Dota 2 players didnt play anything but dota2 .

Where's Ranked ARAM?
They need to start giving the core players what they want.

If you hadnt noticed that Riot is a garbage company by now run by the mentally handicapped then the fault is on you.
All you can do now is play the game with the characters you like and the builds you like without paying a cent until they ruin it all with nerfs and reworks.


Because Dota fans know that it isn't some arbitrary matchmaking system that makes you lose, its the fact you're shit at the game.

We posting Riot's faggotory?

>Waah I wanted to profit from dota
>But I just run the fansite
>I guess i'll shut it down

>whiny NA/EU players that can only play one role and constantly pull of the "sry im tilted xd" card
>all of this while koreans literally play 3 times more and have 4 major tournaments instead of 2

Riot will suck the gook dick until NA/EU gits gud

literally WHAT does this have to do with the OP

>lol is just a shitty copy of dota, it will die
>lol is already dying, i swear
>fucking balance i swear lol is dead
You fuckers say the same shit everyday, the game is literally WoW and unless someone else creates something better it will still live

Riot doesn't care about what the shitty "pros" think as long as the gooks are happy

What do you mean they removed solo queue?

i want fucking solo queue back

i cant stand with all these 5 man teams

>like nobody who hates it explains what or why it's bad

you can have all solo queue players on your team and an organized 5 man enemy in ranked games. this is unbalanced as fuck similar to normal games. everyone is teaming in fives now and players that are playing solo are getting fucked in the ass

I'm honestly baffled as to how someone can justify playing league of legends in 2016. It's such a bizarre concept. It's been years now since the game sold out to the chinese and became a completely souless husks. What keeps you in?

>No replays.
>No voice comms.
>No sandbox mode.
>Tutorial still shit.
>Client still shit.

Not even nintendo is so lazy/outdated with their online features.

I started playing a few weeks ago and it's pretty fun to me.

You used to be able to select an option to make it so you joined a queue where all other players were guaranteed to not be in a party. Now it tries to balance party sizes, but you can't get all solos.

Not true. They say that but its not true.

t. 600 games this season and finally quit

Riot kept me playing for a few more months when they said that solo queue was coming back, but I'm done with that now. Played for 3 years basically.

my friends

I don't give a fuck about this game any more, but I was happy when they gave Zilean a rework.

>made his q an aoe
>passive is basically the same shit
>can't rewind ult anymore
basically the same shit

The Graves rework is a fucking abortion though. I'm sure there's an argument that he's stronger thematically now or some shit, but my favorite adc basically got removed from the game.

I feel like i had a pretty amazing story of sucess where i abandoned League and convinced my friends one by one to come to Dota with me. I mean, still not the best game in the universe but it's something to play together.

You joking? Graves is OP

I played DotA 2 a lot back then but have stopped completely. Valve is a shit company and the fanbase is retarded.

All Valve cares about are skins and milking the community. I mean where's Pit lord? When was the last time we got new heroes? They are so afriad of change it's funny.

The fanbase is just a bunch of whiny bitches. I mean they make a reddit thread everytime new skin comes and just to whine about a tiny color change. It's basically no fun allowed in there.

I know he's OP, but he's not the character I used to have fun playing as

I think I'm done with ASSFAGGOTS, a few of my friends are playing Overwatch but I'll hopefully always be playing Melee

Hes shit as an ADC. He is a fantastic jungler though.

>Riot keeps apologizing for being late on stuff, mistakes on champions, and being shit to their fanbase
>A lot
>Same goes for the amount of times they are like "Oh, we fucked up there our bad lol"

This has been going on for years. How does this company keep going on like this?

because they're so fucking dumb and unimportant in the grand scheme of things that who gives a fuck

who literally gives a fuck

league of legends is a universal joke and everyone knows that the entire riot staff is just a bunch of kids with badges

i qquit league about a year ago , wtf they removed solo holy shit, what about scripters are peeople still doing that ? had one almost every game

>enjoy playing graves as an ADC
>Riot: Graves is a jungler now, because fuck you. Also he's broken because fuck you
>the only adc I ever liked is gone

First they remove silence from almost everyone that can use it(Talon did nothing wrong), then they gut one of the most fun champions in the game. Riot can go to hell for this

Friends. That being said there's a million changes they could make that would significantly boost the game.
Vid related

nobody but you and a few other idiots like you care about this
the 12 years old pranksters who waste thousands of dollars worth of daddymoney on their accounts each month are what keeps f2p companies alive

This is how Riot has been for years. They completely shat on the Twisted Treeline and Dominion community, but no one really noticed since those game modes are unpopular. Now that it's actually happening to Summoner's Rift players now people can finally see Riot's true colors.

This company honestly deserves every negative thing that happens to them.


>fucks over solo players in muptiple ways
>since lower MMR premade teams face against higher MMR solo teams if the solo player win they get less rank points while they lose tons of it
>premade groups get a ton of IP, drop and other bonuses
>in lower brackets premade teams have 20-30% higher win chance than solo player
>in higher brackets the number 'diminishes' to about 60% winrate if you go in with a premade
>unless you use outside websites like lolking you have no chance of knowing if you play against premades, putting you at a disadvantage
>with the new autofill feature the game assigns a automatically a role to you, no matter what role you picked before signing up
>that basically means you'll play support if games take more than 10 minutes to find
>all in all it makes no sense to play solo anymore, the odds are always stacked against you and your rewards are always smaller than those of premades
>since they killed 5vs5 Q, high level pro players have it a lot harder to get ad hoc pratcise games

>high diamond and master waiting times are a bit shorter
>MMR booster have it a lot easier

Funny thing is: Blizzard had exactly the same queue with Overwatch, inclusing all the fucking bonuses for premades. If that goes live with their 'competetive' mode the game is fucked beyond repair.

I feel ya, I don't like playing Shen anymore after the rework anymore.

Riot has no loyalty at all to their playerbase. They have zero issues cutting the hands that helped them get where they are today, in return they go out of their way to bring in new players.

They're no better than companies such as Outspark with how they do business.

I honestly thought the malz rework was removing his silence on q

I compulsively masturbate to Tristana's voice.

The balance is actually pretty good right now, and only literal bronze or maybe silver shitters complain about Yasuo. You can find a lot of things to complain about in this game, like Riot, DynQ, lack of voice chat and sandbox mode, but champion balance is not really a valid complaint.

How do I tryndamere? I got my ass handed to me by a Trundle in lane. Lost an early trade and got zoned off like 20 cs, and more thereafter. Can I even fight that?

Zilean was my favorite character, and while I quit before the rework, my friends managed to rope me back in for one game afterwards. I don't know how they did it, but they made a bad character worse AND less enjoyable

Just play SMITE. It's as casual as LoL, but the third person perspective makes it more fun and so do the funny skins and animations. the VGS voice system hi-rez uses is also entertaining.

If you want to keep the top-down perspective, just move to Dota.

Who gives a fuck,LoL playerbase is migrating to Overwatch anyway

>friends get me into league again
>try ranked
>Primary: Top
>Secondary: Support
>get support 56 times (yes I counted)
>decide to go with Top/Adc instead
>15 mins queue
The game is dead, I gave up on it after S2 ended
I only come back once every year to grind an acc to Diamond I then sell it for some fast cash

>Nome leaves Heroes of Newerth since heroes are getting fucktarded
>Joins LoL
>Heroes get fucktarded and so do the devs
Poor bloke, can't catch a break

Unless they've fixed the problem with people continuously leaving the game (often at the beginning as well) it's the same shit m8.

I haven't played since season 3. What did I miss?Can anyone fill me in with their fuck ups in 3 years?

someone explain this to me
why would you play a video game if it wasn't for fun?

It's called autism.

Everything reworked for either minigames or STRATEGIC DIVERSITY (massively reduced ability to function outside the "intended way")

>Nothing about how Tenzen, parent company of Rito made billions off this shitty game

Billions damnit. They paid peanuts for it. They hardly invested into the game and have an incompetent managing team. They probably just let the idiot founders do whatever they wanted, and that's the problem. They couldn't transition to a billion dollar company, it wasn't in their vision and the Chinks know nothing either. Take a look at their Riot Merchandise store. it took them years before they even launched it. Meanwhile other companies were banking on LoLs popularity and giving the. virtually no royalties. That's a goddamn money printer right there and they waited until last year to actually get it going.

In contrast you have Blizzard, which is owned by Activision, a billion dollar big league publisher that doesn't shit out crapware as their main source of income. SOMEONE over at Activision one day, probably in 2012 or something, came over and demand that they change course or they're shutting down blizzard. Someone who knew the new tide of video games and how the old traditional methods didn't work. This person probably took a hard look at LoL, and Valve, and quickly figured out the industry shift. That, with years of experience lead them to create Overwatch, while milking WoW and abandoning Starcraft. We're seeing comics, cinematics being churned out in a short time. This is a company that knows what the fuck they're doing.

Over at Riot, we saw maybe 1 cinematic a year, or less. Lazy lore, virtually no content, no comics, nothing. They still act like a startup. THEY MADE 1 BILLION IN A SINGLE YEAR. Upkeep for their pathetic company was practically nothing. They could've invested just a little more but they didn't. This is probably why that faggot Riot Lyte left. He seemed ambitious and probably had a ton of plans the dumbass owners probably were too scared to carry out. He at some point got frustrated and left. Very common when people of that rank leave companies

>Blizzard, which is owned by Activision
Blizzard and Activision are both owned by Activision Blizzard

Did they hire Tumblr artists? The new champions have that Tumblr art style to them.

Wouldn't surprise me if they did, considering the higher-ups seems to be going insane and/or SJW from success

They merged lol. But the reality is Activision bought Blizzard, Activision just used a shitton of credit and dealing to get it, while most of Blizzard went through major restructuring. They needed each other and the owners of Blizzard wanted the publishing and administrative expertise in Activision. Activision got the talent and content from Blizzard.

Activision merged with Vivendi, not Blizzard. Both companies are officially and physically subsidiaries of Activision Blizzard

post the guy thqt got banned with 50k rp
my favorite meme

>All Valve cares about are skins and milking the community. I mean where's Pit lord? When was the last time we got new heroes? They are so afriad of change it's funny.

They changed pretty much everything about the game besides adding new heroes. Do you have any idea how many items they added? A fucking lot. You're an idiot.

The fanbase is awful for many reasons, but the best criticism you have of them is that they complain about bad-looking skins?! What's wrong with that? Again, you are a fucking idiot. Don't ever play Dota again.

>Do you have any idea how many items they added? A fucking lot
Not really

Play ranked and at worst there'll be a party of 3

>Someone went this hard just to shill Overwatch

We get it, you like Blizzard cock. That's neither here nor now.

Completely ignoring that his q requires some semblance of skill now and has a stun along with his bombs being able to zone

I'd be really frustrated if I played against a good Singed too desu senpai.

>assassins should have silences
You lost any and all credibility sorry your opinion is shit

Too bad Hi-rez are worse at balancing characters or items then Riot or Blizzard.

Amusing regardless

>what about scripters are peeople still doing that
only happens in higher elo obviously. cassio got reworked tho so scripting is a mainly xerath kalista and draven thing now as far as i know.

you cant. trundle is literally the best duelist on top lane. just farm under your turret and afk push after he starts to roam

How could that possibly be necessary? I thought league of assfaggots had so many players that they would never need to do shit like that, because the only possible reason I can see for doing that is waiting too long for matches as a 5-man team otherwise.

Dynamic Queue doesn't affect most people, and all it's been doing since release is distract players from the shitiness of Riot's balancing. Season after season they add little bandaids to problems they caused in the previous season. If it weren't for the few champions I still find fun, I'd just quit entirely because Riot's fucked their game beyond belief (and it was pretty fucked in Beta to begin with).

There's always time to join the truly fun experience, and believe me when i say this, in all my time playing Dota, i've never got mad over someone/something, while LoL on the other hand does a great job at it.

I dunno man, trying to do the quests of the winter compendium got me pretty fucking miffed that i haven't played Dota since

>the balance is actually pretty good right now

>as soon as you pick one of the not-top-25-champs you decrease the winrate for your whole team by at least 10%

>No replays.
Inexcusable, as in they literally haven't even provided an excuse. Terriblness is staggering.
>No voice comms.
No one wants to hop into a room with 4 random nasal voiced social retards raging at each other.
>No sandbox mode.
Also terrible on riots part
>Tutorial still shit.
If you know enough about about the game to make this list you have no reason to care about the tutorial.
>Client still shit.