Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube.
Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube
Gimme Young Link tips
Who's a good Y. Link player?
Is a shit game
Actually did something happen on /vg/? Sorry if you counted this as an insult?
Naw senpai the tr4sh kiddies there get triggered when you talk about actually playing the game.
Axe is probably the best Y.Link player.
Y.Link sucks but his projectile game is pretty good.
He has tons of kill setups off of bombs and his nair is godlike.
Why not make a Melee general then?
oh hey i play that game
There are literally zero good YL mains. Axe has a decent (and extremely flashy) YL secondary so you might as well watch that. Armada's young link was specifically optimized for camping out jigglypuff but there's probably still a bit to be learned from him.
Where are you located and do you have netplay?
love you guys, llove melee
Hugs Talking About Why Combo Breaker Was An Epic Failure
We Tried, didn't last 6 hours lol
>Cold fingers doesn't let me play
>Cold fingers doesn't let me pull the trigger
Who /hatecoldseason/ here?
Convenience stores literally sell hand warmers. Buy them to keep your hands toasty.
>cold season
eurofags it's time to go to bed
>Pokeballs very high
>Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Mewtwo, Pichu
Kill Your Fucking Sefl
I'm sorry Brawl had shitty Pokeball Pokemon
Every single day this thread gets posted. Move to the right board already
Nope, unless this thread is happening 24 hours then it has every right to be on Sup Forums
Yeah i'm sure 1 Melee thread a day is a bigger problem than 40 OW threads a day
Who here /fox/?
It'll take years of 40 OW threads a day to beat 1 Melee thread a day over the course of a decade and a half.
I liked how hype the announcer got about everything in 64 and melee. The next games seemed really tepid in comparison.
Best trophy coming through
Smash4/Brawl babies cant handle melee, its to much for them, it makes them cry when they get beat
Peach is my favorite Nintendo girl but Zelda is the absolute prettiest girl in the game. This is fact.
>smash 64 netplay
you should seriously be patrolling overwatch threads more so than this you faggot
Reddit Is gettign BEtter than ever
Please hop in
>Brawl and PM getting cucked
Dont have a good connection, nor an an adaptor but believe me i love smash 64.
will he ever come back
Yeah, I'm South American for starters, so that's a problem. Also I can't play 64 with a GC controller which is also kind of a big deal for netplay.
weedlord? he's active as fuck