Amerifats will defend this

>amerifats will defend this

goddamn americans are ruining the western world

Right is better though.

Right looks better.

The Japan one is quite problematic, the USA is Islam-approved


I never played the game but I am assuming those are 2 different characters, both available in the US version

2 different characters. Not sure if OP was trying to joke around or fool people.

Those look like two different classes

If we could only combine the two. I like the top on the Left but like the bottom part on the right


In the game they come from, Dragon Quest 4, each character has a different class. These 2 are sisters. The one on the left is a mage and the one on the right is a priest.

best story section in Dragon Quest 4 to be real with you. Like how they end up from where they started.

>people WILL fall for this

Not bad OP

Getting real sick of your shit.


It's dancer and fortune-teller

That's their jobs. In terms of gameplay they are mage and priest.

Posting best DQ girl.

He makes this thread at least once a day. Still not sure if he is doing it just for (you)s or if he is taking a page out of the MH threads book and starting off the thread with bait to get people in the discuss the series.

that's not generic female warrior.

Not even the best in her own game.

Why do people make posts like these?
It's not like your post makes it more visible

Does anyone else have that issue where after they pee and they put their underwear back on they drip a little more into their underwear after they try to sit down, thus causing a wet stain?

You're both wrong. Here is best DQ4 girl.

i dont give a shit

Every DQ girl is best.

Kind of getting tired of female whore armour in vidya tbhwufam


>liking gipsy shitskins

I'm not, that shit's hot as fuck.

She's a dancer, that's her costume, not an armor.

but Debora is the best of the best

user, that character design is 26 years old

only lefties

right leaning american are anti censorship and pro freedom

>not liking the qt brown girls

>right leaning american are anti censorship and pro freedom

Nice bait OP. Those are two different characters, even if they do happen to be twins.

hence the getting tired part
kind of looks like shes getting ready to kill some mother fuckers. Doubt shes just a dancer the whole time

I want Maribel to insult me and boss me around!

Now post some of that best grill.

Maya is the older sister by 3 years.

>he doesn't understand basic politics

>people still fall for this shit

>Right has more attack
>Left is the magician

more likely they're just pretending to fall for it

Realistically proportioned Maribel is sexy! Sexy!

The Bible tells us that we should dress modestly, I don't see the problem with the outfit on the right.

Just an excuse to post some lewd DQgirls really.

Meena isn't all that great for physical attacking either. She is used more for support and healing.

They are moth magicians, but by tradition, the healer is physically stronger than the wizard.

The one on the right is better.

>people will still fall for this

>Nisa gets under spotlight for horrible practice
>nearly immediate shitposting with fake shit to make censor complaints "ridicules"
nice damage control, Nisa.

She's so fun in Heroes.

Too bad they ruined her design.

Akira Toriyama is very good at drawing semen demons

That's a fanart user, this is Toriyama.

Debora, Millie, Meena, Moonbrooke, Bianca
Alena, Ashlynn, that girl from Swords, Stella
Jessica, Maya, Neta
anyone not mentioned

fucking talibans

I'm aware. I was stating in general because that user said
>Every DQ girl is best.

I prefer classy gals.

Neither does anyone else

is there a reason she has to be naked?

This thread is shit, post more Maribel.

>none of the girls from III
>no Maribel
>no Sofia
>Jessica in shit tier

She's a dancer

She works as a dancer.

Bianca best.

Do it yourself.

And dancers have to be naked?

If you're into horse NTR.

>The newest one still isn't translated
Also Jessica is a shit. Awful hair.

She's not naked though.

when is DQ VIII coming to 3DS?

will it be censored up the ass as well?


it's more of a statement on where we are at right now that this is completely believable.

Sometime this year is all we know right now.

Neck yourself

>people on Sup Forums don't know shit about Dragon Quest

It took 2 years to translate the first (just like the games, kek).
But honestly these first two were pretty boring, I hope Shindol will show his true colors in the next.

I meant it more like really exposed


it's hard to know about a series THAT DOESN'T GET TRANSLATED

If even this wasn't bait, why would anyone defend it?

You can play all the main games but one in english already you lazy faggot.

He doesn't do a lot of it but when he does, ShindoL's vanilla stuff is pretty fucking good.

Since this is a DQ thread, is 8 a good place to start? I'm just starting it


8 is THE baby's first DQ.
Yes, it's a good place to start, but don't become a DQ8fag.

Its as good a place as any.

Sure, especially if you're not used to 16bit RPGs or first person battles.