Is it a bad idea to buy a GTX 1070 before Polaris comes out?
Is it a bad idea to buy a GTX 1070 before Polaris comes out?
GTX 1070
RX 480
You mean like a 490/x?
I'm looking forward as the AMD side may have more of an edge with DX 12 but the GTX 1070 seems to be a case of certainly paying to get what you pay for as far as power shows.
I was super excited by 480 at first, but I think I'm going to wait for their $275-$300 card reveal they hinted at with their price ranges.
But yeah, I'd wait a while, even if you really need an upgrade. You can wait a month.
I also want to see if there's any sort of Scorpio/PS4.5 announcements at E3 so I can know which specs to be slightly above so as to retain my smug superiority to console peasants.
>GTX 1070 for 1440p
Nah. It's a 1080p card, Nvidia advertised the 970 as a 1440p card in the beginning and it's no doubt a 1080p card now, just look at games' requirements.
RX 480 is the bare minimum spec for VR, it's also a 1080p card.
The true 1440p card is the GTX 1080.
I doubt the 1080 Ti would be able to do 4K reasonably, maybe low/medium settings.
Waiting a month you bring up a good point I've still not seen when the 490's will be released.
The PS4.5 will pretty much be in line with this. The new xbone is going to be 1070 tier and will be out after Vega.
shill thread
Depends on your situation, if you're a poorfag who's only gonna be playing 1080p or lower just get the RX 480, if you plan on doing more then that, get the 1070.
Before the 490 comes out? Yes
The 490 is rumored to come out by october and waiting a few months is worth it if you're gonna be using this card for 3-4 years
>both these cards still use gddr
>when intel and samgsung have new memory designs rolling out
i dont buy refreshes.
>tfw gonna buy 2 1080s in sli, a gsync 144hz 1440p monitor, an m.2 ssd, quad channel 32gb ddr4, and a six core i7, liquid cooling and overclock the shit out of everything
>tfw I get a ton of neetbux for having debilitating mental illnesses that impair my ability to work
This to be literally honest.
Should I say my GTX 770 (2gb) goodbye and get an RX 480? 1080pfag here.
>tech illiteracy: the post
Medium settings 4k can be had on a 390x or 980.
A 390 or 970/980 will max out most games at 2560x1440 or get at least high settings in more graphically intense games.
1080p is for poorfags
wait for actual benchmarks and actual retail prices.
My man
Those fools who buy the fucking 1080 when it has GDDR5 and spend hundreds on it while they reserve HBM2 to their titan has me laughing
Even the 1080ti is rumored at GDDR5
Meanwhile AMD will offer HBM2 on cards that don't cost 1k+
HBM2 or fucking bust
Of course.
You should at least see what the 480x can do and if it's not sufficient for your needs.
How can you say that without any benchmarks yet?
>1080p is for poorfags
You tell that my 3,5GB card that shat itself during Far Cry 4 and GTA V with annoying microstuttering.
>1080p is for poorfags
Still better than consoles.
>there's no benchmarks yet! pls go!
>yeah! look at these amd optimized games!
jesus the corporation dick sucking is real