Bethesda E3 2016 Leaks

Pete Hines takes the stage
>Opening with Dishonoured 2
>Battlecry Studios presentation
>DooM DLC plan
>New Tango works IP tease

Todd Howard takes the stage
>Fallout 4 DLC plan
>Machine games Fallout Spin off
>Skyrim Remastered with expanded DLC plan

Pete Hines resumes the stage
>Mobile Games section (TES Legends, New FO City management game)
> now offering Pip-Boy merchandise

Other urls found in this thread:




Where's the Prey 2 aka totally not Prey 2 the spiritual successor

Arkane Austin is def working on something

why not es6!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not to mention that shit TES MMO

>implying they won't announce Prey 2 being done by Arkane
>implying they would start making DLC for a 5 year old game when they're already busy with Fallout 4 DLC and TES VI

>with expanded DLC plan

what the fuck does that even mean

Ho bad would they fuck up a Quake reboot?

>>Machine games Fallout Spin off
Now ask yourself when you come up with this worthless trash, ask yourself what the fuck am I thinking and then don't post anything.

The only thing that would be good in this year's E3 is if Todd Howard walked on stage and stuck a gun in his mouth before a live audience

By being a bland military shooter "BECAUSE THE FOCUS TESTING SAID IT WOULD WORK"

Careful with that edge

what did you say about me?

Dishonored 2 is all I care about.

I hope Bethesda didn't meddle in it, Dishonored was great.

>Tease from Tango on their new game

I hope we actually see the game in-depth instead of how TEW only showed THE FIRST TEN MINUTES in every trade show for two years.

I think the MP would be really important and the only way they could make a good MP for Quake 5 is if they basically don't design it for consoles at all. PC has to be the number one focus. And that won't happen unless Quake 5 is going to be Bethesda's attempt to finally get into the mainstream PC eSports scene. Look at DOOM, the main focus was on consoles and the MP clearly suffered from that. They will do the same thing for Quake 5 unless Quake 5 is specifically designed for PC eSports.

>Machine games Fallout Spin off

Honestly I'd be okay with this.
Fallout is no longer a rpg anyway why not make a good fps out of it.

That was a 4/10 attempt at best. Do your homework user, try next year.


Wasn't Wolfenstolfo TNO 2 hinted at very strongly, months ago? I'd imagine that'd make an appearance this year

Fallout was never an RPG

The only thing Bethesda needs to do is bring that tall handsome stud muffin Todd Howard on stage and they WIN

go to bed todd

Anotehr thing is the SP, the reason why it could is not only do some people thinkg Quake is just DOOM in 3d but also because the new DOOM had Quake elements into it.

It also happens that the theme of the original game may be hard to be worked on, so they might pull another Strogg stuff into it.

>Machine games Fallout Spin off
>Skyrim Remastered with expanded DLC plan
>New FO City management game
Too early for a Fallout anything aside from dlc part 2
Skyrim remastered never ever because they will support TESO that's a huge investment for them
Doesn't mention "Prey" rummors

Get out

how many times you gonna post the same picture retard


>Skyrim remastered never ever because they will support TESO that's a huge investment for them

What does one have to do with the other?

Skyrim remastered is 100% bullshit and won't happen but not because that shitty mmo exists. It's because porting it to current gen consoles would require a LOT of work, work they'll most likely put into TES6.

Imho, this board has deluded itself, bethesda are streamlining their games and targeting the mass appeal casual market, Prey is a game many of these people have never even heard of, and even then, the game would be casual trash

>Battlecry Studios
literally who

Why does this thread not have more replies? Are you not excited for the Fallout 4 DLCs?

> Nothing about ESO
> Nothing about The Elder Council
Fake and gay

TF2 Clone, much like Overwatch and Battleborn, but they gave it no promotion

>implying anyone gives a shit about failthesda when there's stuff like The Witcher 3

>Skyrim Remastered
Call me when the porn mods stop sucking

>tfw huge fallout fan
>tfw hundreds of hours in F3 and New Vegas
>70 + hours in fallout 4
>barely done any sidequests
>barely explored
>not even touched latest DLCs
perhaps i will do it soon. But i just have no desire to play the game, it feels like they didn't give a shit.

>haha silly todd
Fuck off.

They have already ported it to the X1 in house.

I like fallout, but TES is far superior.

TES6 when

Who is Todd? And this is the fallout thread, not off topic.

D44M's multiplayer sucked ass and everyone hated it which is great since those focus group cunts now realize it was the singleplayer's old school charm that sold it, so pandering to the Halo/COD fans would totally bomb the Quake reboot. Like said the investment in Quake would be to create an esports contender for Bethesda so a faithful multiplayer would be priority #1, its good that D44M got all the casual shit out of id's system.

If they wanted to go all the way they should get Trent to do the music (even though Gordon was pretty good).

>Machine games Fallout Spin off
OP is obviously a faggot but I hope this is true


>It's because porting it to current gen consoles would require a LOT of work

What? They already have it ported dumb ass that's the first thing they did before starting FO4 full development.
>What does one have to do with the other?

You can't be serious

When you have expansions to announce at this E3 for TESO you want people to pay full attention to that and the TES Legends open beta.

Like I said TESO was a huge investment for Bethesda they are not going to take any chances. They need it to continue being a cashcow on consoles for them.

Skyrim remastered will never happen it wouldn't not only be a waste of dev time but also would interfere with TESO plans.

>no scrollstone

i dont believe it. did todd make this post?

For the singleplayer campaign, right?

>Skyrim Remastered with expanded DLC plan
So fake

I would want this

ignore this post


That's not very nice. If he actually did that you would feel terrible.

Do people honestly still care about Bethesda?

Horse armor

allright then



This guy looks horrifying

Holy shit. That was hot as fuck.

source now

what are they doing behind her

They are doing NICE things.

just like D44M huh

No, but here's the funny thing about ti, for me. I never even heard of these people or their games. My brother-in-law got Fallout 3 for his PS3 and hated it, but I played it and loved it (attack me!) and I went back and played all the originals and loved them. Then I played New Vegas and loved that. And then Skyrim came along and I figured, okay, let's see how this goes. It was trash. Fallout 4 is trash. I don't even know, reasonably, if I ever liked Bethesda. I liked one of their games and even that game isn't fantastic. I can't believe they've done this.

Found source

Not sure if there's a part 3. Audio lag issues though. Can't find a better source.

>Machine Games Fallout spin off

Now I actually want this, but that makes no sense.

thanks slut.

Why? Todd was unhappy with how Obsidian (read: Sawyer) showed him up, but he still wants more good spin offs, so he's switching over to another Zenimax company that's known for bad games with good stories.
Also I wouldn't be surprised if they asked Obsidian to return to the west coast of Fallout, and were told to fuck right off because of how Bethesda treated them the first time.

One of the WW is a merchant from the Pitt.
It adds
Military themed settlement items Barricades,sandbags,ammo cans,watchtowers etc.
A new ammo crafting workbench.
It adds new weapons made in the Pitt and brings back some from the Capitol Wasteland.
A short questline involving the Forged and the reward will be Tribal Power armor pieces.

You will learn more about Maxson's takeover of the BoS.Kodiak survived the purge and fled back to the Pitt.

>Machine games Fallout Spin off

So we get a SW:Republic Commando but with the BoS?
I cn roll with it

I don't give a shit if this is fake. Literally all I care about is Dishonored 2 footage. Give me a gameplay trailer.

>MFW remembering the first ever Dishonored gameplay trailer

Never played the 1st one, am I missing something?

The leak im waiting to hear about from Bethesda is a fucking gas leak in their corporate office.


You're missing on an excellent game. Sucks to be you.


Lmao follow a real company like CDPR. Praise Gelrado