Tell me games besides Vampire the Masquerade and Legacy of Kain where I can be a vampire...

Tell me games besides Vampire the Masquerade and Legacy of Kain where I can be a vampire. Surely there must be more right?

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Morrowind has some amazing mods based off vtm....

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Lords of Shadow

Warhammer Total War.


Wait for Vampyr from Life is Strange devs

Gonna be better than what Paradox shits out

From what I understand Nights of Azure lets you play as a titty lesbian vampire. According to my estimations, roughly 1/3rd of that concoction is "vampire", so technically that's a game. Probably not what you're looking for, though.


I'm very interested in that game, it sounds like a truly good vampire story but I don't trust the Life is Tumblr devs and Paradox in general.

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
Killer Instinct
Mortal Kombat Deception (or DA, I forget)

Morrowind had a bunch of cool vampire content where you could be one of three clans that all had different quest lines.

I'd rather trust Tumblr than Tencent

But the main point is that I hate Obsidian.




Forget shitty videogames; hit the books nerd
Bram Stoker's Dracula is fucking top tier as fuck

Spike McFang

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 with the classic costume.
any Vania where you can play as Alucard.
Plenty of roguelikes.
Elder Scrolls 3 and 4.
technically Bloodborne, there's not really any change but you can be a Vileblood.

Vampires are overused, there need to be more games where I can be a skeleton.


Vampires are overused enemies sure but there's very very few actual horror games (at least GOOD ones) with an old fashioned 'kill the vampire' story

Go shit yourself. Vampyr is gonna be cinematic bullshit with atrocious dialogue and acting.

this fucking movie
it's so frustrating

it's so fucking close to being the best gothic horror movie and best vampire movie

but dear god, Dracula himself looks absolutely fucktarded and I laugh every time I see his hair
and they cast Keanu Reeves

>like 15 chapters building up Dracula's ridiculous powers, powerful army and insane cunning/omnipresence
>He goes to London alone
>Van Helsing's crew spends like 2 days putting Waifers in boxes and he packs up to go back home

Are you serious?

Gary gave 110% of himself but every other actor dragged him down so badly, he's still the best Dracula even with his grandma chic

Should have taken Dio with him. That would be a neat posse. Imagine Dio and a cackling old fuck Dracula.
"It is me, Dio and I will rule this world!"
"Shut yer trap and drink your virgin, youngster. What the fuck is wrong with your generation?"

Can't be worse than Paradox - Obsidian - Tencent combo (with special DLC kickpatreon Chris Avellone appearance).


>mfw Keanu Reeves or Winona Ryder try to act in this movie

Tencent is fucking trouble, but I'd wage this one will be slightly below average to slightly above average. I don't really get all the Paradox-Obsidian hate tho, so, who cares about my opinion.

There's a behind the scenes footage where Keanu fucked up, and Coppola got pissed at Gary instead as he was trying to explain it was Keanu's mistake

Why the FUCK would you cast Keanu as a 19th century ENGLISHMAN??

U wat? I spy a new meme. The joke was admittedly shit, but this is some new form of garbageposting.

you sound like you come from Sup Forumsmblr or DA

Well I value you giving a honest opinion, personally I think Obsidian are just slightly less hacky than Paradox. And most of Troika members did some awful games after VtmB, plus main writer's wife is uber tumblrina.

Oh wow. You couldn't be more wrong, but whatever. This shithole loves shitty mashups no less than any of those.

Dracula is bound by rules, they destroyed all his places of refuge and made sure he couldn't get any more, so he decided to just go home and rest until all the people bothering him died of old age and he could try again

>Vampyr is gonna be cinematic bullshit with atrocious dialogue and acting.

So... exactly like VtM:B then?

No, little shill, you see, we VtM:B was actually a game.

you are a skeletons in every game with a humanoid protagonist.

>not mentioning this

Why are you shitting on the game before seeing any gameplay?

Sounds like Pathologic in a sense.

>fun as all fuck
>no sequel


Stylish single player FPS games are pretty much dead.

Sacred with the expansion

nu doom and nu shadow warrior disagree. also hard reset and serious sam.
though we must see if nu doom will get a good singleplayer expansion or sequel

Why didn't he open the boxes of earth? He pretty much streamlined his defeat by leaving it in all in neat boxes where one tiny waifer can invalidate the whole thing.

I think the craziest thing is when Konami actually made the novel canon with Casltevania

It's like could you even justify the huge discrepancy between Dracula summoning huge armies of monsters and shooting fire out of his cape and transforming into huge abominations to living in a big empty castle where he terrorizes peasants and gets killed with a knife to the heart?

Look, I don't believe in the dev. That's all. It's mostly just silly shitposting, don't bother. Remember Me was mediocre to shitty. And I don't believe in "every important character can die". It seems fishy.

He has to sleep in there, he can't have it strewn around

Also the wafer purified it, I think they did other exorcism type blessings and so on that made it impossible for him to make use of


Hard Reset had atrocious pacing, I hate when enemies are spongy, that's the worst type of design a FPS can have.

nuDoom was chock full of forced arena combat and QTE finishers. Its 'map design' was so sprawled that it negated itself.

Well if they're marketing it that way then it's probably true.

Why can't good things be left alone? Not everything needs a fucking sequel you AAA gobbling whore.

Yeah, but i remember that thanks to that book i wanted games where you can be a vampire, so it doesn't solve the problem

because the game was short and sets itself up for a sequel, and was fucking awesome and I wanted more?

Not everything needs to be one and done.

>Not everything needs to be one and done.

Name one popular game from the last decade that was one and done. Companies are only fishing for the next series they can milk dry, not interested in making fun one shots.

if you're so great then answer me this!

How the hell did the Harkers not recall the symptoms they read Lucy had gone thrpugh when Mina got bit? Shit was exactly the same.

both fall under "stylish fps" not wholesome old school, but stylish nonetheless. Hard reset get a remastered and nu doom was well received. The genre aint dead. Just nobody was brave enough to make them and when they were, modern baggage isnt avoidable. Darkwatch is a console shooter and far from a shining example of old school design.

where there's NOSGOTH....oh wait they canned it. ABSOLUTLY BEST VAMP GAME I EVER PLAYED WITH PVP!
fuck you square.

This might count, D is a half vampire

>yfw Coppola probably knew damn well that Keanu was a fuckup, but he kept yelling at Gary Oldman anyways, because keanu was probably a crybaby, and gary oldman is a fucking professional and he can take it

I found it

Skip to around 2:30



I fucking love the Chinese cartoon version. I had no idea they had made a video game.

Oh Christ this game. The first time I played it, I immediately accidentally jumped into the net, freaked out and never played again

Dungeons and Dragons.

Pretty much any Elder Scrolls game after the original (not counting spinoffs like Redguard).

Well at least Book Drac had that really cool humongous mist form

I kind of preferred being a werewolf though tbqhwy.

I remember this game. It was a rancid turd.

>fps console

alucard is a dhampir

Despite this flaw it was actually a pretty nice game.

What are some good gothic movies?

Okay, nerd. Hey everyone look at this nerd.

Sup Forums here and this movie is officially regarded as fucking based

>he corrected me
>I'd better make fun of him

How are they?

pretty good faction

i remember when i was a kid i was playing some vampire-rpg game, can't find it for shit
you as a group of 4 started in a cage in prison and some duke-like dude with weird hands told something to my vampire group
then the 4 talked with themselves a little before the game began
those 4 were one witch-like lady, black hair
some big guy hairy and swole
man in full plate armor
don't remember the 4th one

I read the book recently and I think it was more like eight or nine chapters, and only five of those took place in Transylvania.

Also, the book goes to exacting details on how Van Helsing, Seward, Morris, Holmwood/Godalming, and Harker found all of the safe houses then swept through every last one of them in a single day. Seriously, that was "Fight Smarter, Not Harder: The Book." The way to beat a vampire is to never have to outright fight a vampire.

holy fuck i found it
vampire the masquerade redemption
i already knew the franchise but i didn't think it was it

Presumably it wasn't 1:1. I mean, Morris had to have survived for Bloodlines to even exist, considering that he died in the book. The dude hadn't ever been married and didn't have any bastard children either.