So whats up with modern day fps, how can people enjoy doing the same shit over and over again?

So whats up with modern day fps, how can people enjoy doing the same shit over and over again?

i think Counter strike is a prime example of it. How can a game be fun if all you're doing is the same things you were doing in the last round?

RPGs and strategy games atleast keep the player interested with new dynamics/mechanics and story telling.
pic semi related

Because developers have lost ingenuity in there games design, and its more recycled shit because there is no creative people left to put in the games industry.

Though to be honest, doom is an exception.

How is your pic related at all? It's just a shit click-bait

cause my dick was hard while posting.

Just about every game ever created is more or less about repetition of simple mechanisms, coated with some fancy visual and/or storytelling icing.

As much as it shocked me few years ago, my University's elder language teacher put it quite well, asking "What makes this game so special? Don't you usually kill or collect stuff in video games anyway?"
The presentation was about Kula World.

wasn't the concept called gamification? the process of just making something that keeps the user interested for example a reward system, if you progress to a certain point you're given a reward.

doesn't anyone else think that these concepts are getting outdated?

>How can a game be fun if all you're doing is the same things you were doing in the last round?
How can shitposting on Sup Forums be fun if all you're doing is things you were doing in the last thread?

>defending that fun is still a concept currently in the gaming industry.

games are just a cesspool of competitivity now, a circle jerk of masculinity thats probably birthed feminism at the same time.

u people need to wake up

Sounds like you just play shit games user.

And there is nothing wrong with competing.

Maybe this will help.

What game?


>wasn't the concept called gamification?
Nope. That's the Skinnerbox theory.

Gamification refers to turning (mostly IRL) mundane tasks, jobs, even life styles into more "game-like" experiences, where your status and progress is monitored and displayed in clear and simple ways.

What comes to OP's post and questions, he seems to be focused on MP shooters, totally ignoring SP experiences. However, same could be asked of any other game or genre ever, with MMOs being one of the best / worst examples of simple skinnerbox effect, that can result pure addiction.

>how can you enjoy playing basketball? It's the same game over and over again every match?

>how can you enjoy playing poker? It's the same game over and over again every match?


So whats up with modern day sports? How can people enjoy doing the same shit over and over again?

i think Football is a prime example of it. How can a sport be fun if all you're doing is the same things you were doing in the last down?

Music and Cooking at least keep you interested with new dynamics and techniques

OP is retarded

I'm going to need a sauce user

This is why I don't really play Team Fortress 2 anymore, it's stale as fuck and I'm tired of playing the same maps over and over again. Plus there's so many shitty players, both with how they play and how they act. I tried playing rock paper scissors with a person once and they started cussing me out. Fucking really?

i think the same.

>itt: people too autistic to realize that you're playing vs other people and they don't habitually do the same exact thing over and over again so it's actually different for them each game

unless you're going against a co-ordinated team who stick to strategies while playing competitively its pretty much a splurg of randomly positioned sprites on a enclosed map that will sometimes be behind (your dead) and sometimes be infront of you(their dead). its pretty much systematic

Wheres the fun in mindlessly playing with RNG?

>Wheres the fun in mindlessly playing with RNG?
Just because you don't understand what's happening doesn't mean it's random.

You can continue to trivialize it or you could actually learn a new genre. But you just wanna shitpost so you're gonna do the former huh?

sounds like you're just trying to rationalize your own genre. instead you should probably look at it in a logical way and realize that you're playing a video game that is just a bunch of 1s and 0s. and then move onto Superior genres

Tournaments and "mlg players" only analyse the bare basic behaviors of people and their simplistic strategies. wheres the merit in learning such basic things and just doing it over and over again?

>sounds like...
stopped reading there.

Respond to my post's content, not what it "sounds like" to you.

Oh wait, you're shitposting forgot