Shall we play some Gwent Sup Forums?

Shall we play some Gwent Sup Forums?

You go first


Let me just get some extra cards first

>the only reason why Scoia'tael and Monster decks are not viable is because they have no spies
Man gwent would be even better if not for this broken piece of shit spy mechanic


Sucker, thats not even my lowest spy card


S-stop it

go fuck yourself

Gaunter, I choose you!

Dice poker > gwent

Asymetrical card games invented by jews are cancer.
>buy those powerful crads so you have the slightest chance to win my dear goy

pretty pathetic bait

>finish game
>quest log only filled with shitty gwent quests and broken horse races

Fuck card games, I want dice poker and proper fight clubs back.
I loved gambling like a mad man.


Its not bait. Go play hearthstone you drone

>Skellige deck
>play Cerys
>instant 48 points
>opponent passes
>next round
>play ranged berserkers
>lay down mushroom or Ermion
>opponent desperately tries to overtake my score
Even with the gwent difficulty slider to hard, no one can beat this except for spamming the shit out of smite cards which means fuck all when I can just play more zerg rush cards

>implying I don't have counter decoys and a hero spy

this is the best card in game
Followed by the 10-power Nilfgaardian hero medic

>Implying i dont have my own faction spies and ressurection cards ready


I dont think I ever lost a game of Gwent, once I got enough spie cards.

Cerys has the best card in the game
>10 power hero card with Horde
>summons 3 Tight Bond 4 power cards
In one move you get 46 power.

Yeah, I was talking about the main game, haven't played through any DLC yet

North is just too fun.

>Tight Bond
>Foltest aka "Fuck your weather cards"

>it's a you're forced to use the shitty new faction deck in a quest episode

They are not viable because their gimmicks are terrible.

Is it ever revealed who makes Gwent cards?

Uhh, guys, I'm about to get really deep here, but stick with me

>Gaunter O'Dimm

It all makes sense, truly my mind is blown. What a masterpiece. Bravo CDPR

But that makes no sense. Gods are good, Gaunter is evil.

>Gods are good

Commonly, yes.