2016 is shaping up to be the worst year in vidya history
What went wrong?
2016 is shaping up to be the worst year in vidya history
What went wrong?
You fags say that every year. There's been much worse years than this one. The very fact that I got to play Dark Souls 3 and overwatch, and will get to play Ace Attorney 6 and Persona 5 means that this year is already miles ahead of other recent years.
The fact you think that list of shit games is any better than last year is laughable.
>Hyper Lighy Drifter
>Will be bad
Are you fucking high, or just dumb?
There's plenty of good games for 2016
Planet Coaster
Yooka Laylee
Zelda (If Nintendo doesn't fuck this up)
Pokemon SM
I already have my GOTY for this year. So I'm not concerned about the rest of the year's lineup.
FFE is super comfycore and a ton of fun.
>2014 was the worst year in gaming
>2015 was the worst year in gaming
>2016 was the worst year in gaming
Oh shut the fuck up
You know, I actually enjoyed my time with FF Explorers. It had enough post-game challenge shit if you wanted to grind your brains out, but the main game was a fun and breezy 40 or so hours. I never felt the game was testing my patience.
Plus there's Zero Escape 3 this very month, and Yooka-Laylee is looking nice... But I think it'll drop next year.
2016 hasn't been all sunshine but it hasn't been all turds either.
>Pokemon SM
I'll never understand how people can still tolerate Pokemon.
The same way people tolerate Call of Duty. They need their fix of casual hallways and killstreaks and online gamer scores.
Explorers is easily he worst FF game
Because there are tones of super hardcore RPGs out there with far more in depth battle systems, right?
cdont questtion the addciction
Gonna kms
Play a tabletop
Zelda is a 2017 NX launch title, don't know why you put in 2016
Also Yooka Laylee looks good so far.
maybe for nintendo kiddos :^)
This has easily been one of the best years already. Much better than the last 5 years.
People will look back at 2016 as Year Zero of the new age. Not just in Vidya History, but all Human History. I know Sup Forums has embraced the 'vr is a flop' meme, but you're just plain wrong.
Tabletop is more about free form storytelling rather than deep mechanics
>he actually tell for the VR meme
Holy shit, what "games" do you play?
Why list Zelda? It's coming out in 2017 and we don't know enough to judge it yet. We don't know what the game will be like or even the system the definitive version will be on.
>Dark Souls 3
>Blood and Wine
>Ratchet & Clank
>Deus Ex Mankind Divided
>Dishonored 2
>Total War: Warhammer
Except it's fucking obvious that this game is beyond shit.
Nothing much exciting me right now.
Have not bought anything.
Want to buy Project Diva X when I can.
>Oh shut the fuck up
Yeah, they were all the worse because this is the worse gen in gaming
Really? Then why is everyone abandoning it already? New hardware is next year, these current consoles are basically dead. The original PS4 is going to end its life cycle with 1 (or a few, if generous) games. Xbone never had anything worthwhile, and wiiu isn't selling so what it has is moot. The only PC game anyone talks about that isn't related VR is Undertale.
I don't think this is the future anyone wanted.
>implying this year ian't shit.
Then just what the fuck is this year, huh? Do you honestly think this year was even marginally good?
>planet coaster
this anons got it
Le nice bait senpai xDDDD
>all this space just for Zelda
I'd like to believe we're gonna be surprised but you don't keep shit out of stock meetings
Vr is so unfun and inconvenient that it's not even funny.
Oh shit, I forgot I wanted to buy doom. I need hardware that can run it first and that may not happen anytime soon.
vee lets chill too drunk to goo n
factoryidle.com , best game of all years came out this year
They can be both
>just for Zelda
They already confirmed that they were going to talk about Sun/Moon
2016 is actually shaping up to be one of the best year in vidya history, certainly the best year in a decade
oh right they said they won't show any new games
the fuck are they gonna show? S/M, zelda, fedora force, bunch of indie shit
why take up all that space?
What the fuck? Mighty Number 9 looks fucking awesome.
2016 is the best year for vidya in nearly a decade.
If you actually believe otherwise, you have no taste and just use Sup Forums to shitpost because it's the le ebin thing to do
I could see it being a bad year for Nintencucks and PCucks, but it's decent enough on PS4 & Xbone
2016 is a golden year because of Last Guardian alone
2016 will be known as the year of the return of the jrpg and it's glorious
>Persona 5
>SMTIV Final
>Final Fantasy XV
>Dragon Quest XI
>Dragon Quest 7 in the west finally
>Etrian Odyssey V
>Tales of Berseria
>Dark Souls 3
>Star Ocean V
>Ni No Kuni 2
>Nier 2
>Kingom Hearts 2.8 Ground Zeroes Aqua Edition
>Paper Jam
>Valkyria Azure Revolution
>Fire Emblem Fates
>Project X Zone 2
>Pokemon Sun/Moon
>Bravely Second
That's not even all of them. This lineup is unprecedented. Plus shit like Civ 6, DOOM, and Robobot, this is one of the most historic years in gaming
brilliant provocation, gentlesir
What do you guys have?
>delay and overhyped Guardian
>shooter no. 2005999
>never coming to west 5
>shitty weeb game no. 19959
>Far cry with DINOS
It sucks for everyone
Consoles are dead boy.
Honestly it would be more worth it for Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft to build their own GPU line and develop for PC and mobile.
>Consoles are dead
>PS4 just shipped 40 million
It's already better than 2014 though
Paper Jam was this year?
It might have been only for US, I think it came out in December for Japan and Europe
Bloodstained was dated for March 2017 as the earliest, and it will very likely miss that date (it was proposed as a nostalgic date, not an actual target)
How the fuck did it even get on this picture?