CoD has bad graphics

>CoD has bad graphics

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Man, war looks like it's a blast

Only think I don't like about Cod games are the shitty particle effects

Thats because its a simulation of a simulation

Why did you post a picture of Halo?

This game looks amazing and runs at 1080p 60fps on consoles. I don't get why they shit on it. Activision is making a better work than 90% of the industry.

>He bought Advanced Warfare

thats blops 3 fucker

Is this battleborn?

Looks like a fun map.

It runs like utter shit though. The graphics themselves are also pretty bad on some maps. I remember that really small map with the bridge thing in the middle having bad textures on max settings.

Honestly it looks really good and I love the colors

Is AW fun? I enjoyed titanfall.

That looks nothing like Halo.

Between this and the "DOOM MP is just halo!!!1!" I feel like 90% of Sup Forums has never even seen footage of an actual halo game, and all they know about halo is shit they've read from somebody else on Sup Forums whining about halo, who has also never played halo themselves.


You must be borderline retarded to think that.

Advanced warfare looks fucking incredible.

He is talking about the PC version, which I admit it's shit. Though on consoles it runs really well.

More AW

DOOM mp is pretty halo like in gameplay. It's definitely different but it'll grab halo fans easily

Black Ops 3 was horrible. Also looked worse than Advanced Warfare and had awful optimization.

They also said fuck you to Physx and did it better without the absolute awful performance.

>i have a bad PC, so it runs bad for everyone
>console versions which constantly drop to 720p & have lower graphics are great

uh, i don't have a bad pc, I think the game has optimization issues. When I look at the FPS it goes over 60 but stutters on screen.

PC version leaks memory like your mom leaks me dick

Why does the gun take about ~20% of the screen?

Bunnyhopping with the laser was the most fun I had with FPSs in years. The one game in the series that did movement right.

this game and overwatch are noooo different at all

I remember that tank. Looks like a fucking beetleborg.

This sounds really strange. But would you rather hop like a gazelle or move like a cheetah? an fps?

What the fuck are you talking about

bunny hopping vs moving incredibly fast?

Bunny hopping can gain speed.

I kek'd

hop like a gazelle desu

having a skill based bhop system is much more satisfying and fun than just moving fast all the time. albeit probably more autistic

hopping is more fun

AW did have pretty good grafix and a decent campaign. I'd play it again if it werent like a 40 gig download just for campaign.


Wait for Titanfall 2

that looks awful

>they literally put a kiddie waterpark in cowaduty

Goes right along with all the guns that sound like a baseball card in bicycle spokes, I bet.

It looks good, but it just shows you Activision knows their audience. Rated M for Middle-schoolers.

>current year
>pre-baked global illumination is considered "good"
Mirror's Edge was 12 years ago, time to let go

it sure as shit does on the xbone. everything has a blur/softness to it that literally makes my eyes hurt after a couple minutes.

the game is physically unplayable. serves me right for buying it in the first place i guess, but now i know not to consider another cod unless i can play a beta of it.

shit, playing bo1 on my xbone is a better experience visually than bo3.


Except physx is multiples more and more advanced

>tfw my younger brother and his friends are in this video
>they're the only people who talk like normal human beings and aren't freaking out

I even remember the day I was watching him play ESEA and fuckin Lando Calrissian was just flying around wrecking everybody's shit. I was raging more than he was.


If that's contrasting AW vs. Blops3, AW has much better mobility.

Yeah physx has tons of useless features which most devs don't use when they include it that bog down the game and make it run like shit

Consoles still can't into MSAA or better and they resort to shitty FXAA lol. I'd rather play with jaggies and a sharpen filter but people bitch about that too.

>literal themepark shooter

>that drive-by shitposting

AW is nothing like Titanfall. Nothing is like Titanfall.

Well now that I think of it, Titanfall feels like the natural progression of Infinity Ward shooters, beginning with Allied Assault and escalating with their Call of Duty games, culminating with the Titanfall series. Not whatever the husk of Infinity Ward is trying to produce today, holy fuck were MW3 and Ghosts bad. Infinite Warfare will be the nail in the coffin.

AW is the best CoD game but it's dead as fuck on the only platform that matters.

blops 3 and advanced warfare were both amazing though

Is Titanfall 2 like Titanfall?

Why are the maps small as fuck?
If you throw a grenade it lands in the enemy spawn.

>blops 3
Multiplayer? It has absolutely awful map design based on a lane setup that has no business or reason to exist in its context (which are too small for reasonable gameplay). The perk design is absurd..

You could say it's never been so much fun

>lane system
go away autist

I am tentatively looking forward to Infinite Warfare. nu-IW made MW3 and Ghosts which were terrible, but this game is doing enough new things to pique my interest. Hoping I don't have to refund it.

It's shittery.

COD is basically Halo now though minus aliens.

Do not buy it for pc. It runs like shit and it's dead. Shame because it's the first and currently last cod to make things interesting

It ran well for me but it's dead Jim.

graphics=/=art style

You do realize all cods with the exception to AW has lane systems right.?

Is that supposed to look good?

>current year

Who cares besides kids and third workers?

>not wanting to play the same map over and over again with a different skin every time is autism

Thats strafe jumping ala Quake 3.

None were nearly as boxed in as BO3's. And stop acting like AW didn't have lanes, that would be like saying arena shooter CTF maps didn't have lanes. They were just more open because your character could jump high without running into invisible walls.

>What you're seeing is Advanced Warfare

Bunny hopping was coined in Quake 1's time. Strafe jumping is a form of bunny hopping.

Depends on some of the maps but will agree some are boxed and limited
They also have multi leveled lanes and areas like underwater areas, ground level, and ranger spots

yep,you're right,case closed

3A cods maybe. CoD4 has fantastic maps.

It's not about "having lanes". Of course a map is going to have routes, but this 3 lane design has no bearing on interesting gameplay. See for why.

BO3 looks awful though, especially when you consider how poorly it runs.
Shit, BO3 can barely maintain 60 FPS at my native res while AW looks better and runs at a silky smooth 1440p60.
Shame AW has no mod tools, at least BO3 has that going for it.

Oh, those actually got released?

They're in alpha/beta/whatever right now.
So far, not much has been made aside from like 2 or 3 custom maps.

Does that seriously say R9 280x? And you're complaining about getting 72 fps at max settings on a brand new game? Nigga the fuck is wrong with you.

Must resist the get...cod4 remastered -cries internally-

I kind of think BO3 is fun with the whole sliding mechanic. Makes the game faster paced.
But like other anons said it's poorly optimized.I'll get random stutters despite having a good setup (R9 390)

What are you, 12? You shouldn't even be struggling to "resist the urge" after all the shit Activision's pulled.

shoulda bought the 390x :^)


It's just sluggish compared to AW's slides and boosts. And no laser with perfect accuracy from the hip.

Is it double cryptokey weekend right now? Or is it the empty one?

Mmmm true but you have to admit it looks good
Black ops 3 is my ending point off of gaping my ass open for Activision(luckily I skipped dog simulator and bunny hopping shooter)
Gonna love to see how they put supply drops into cod4

The game looks like shit m8, AW runs much better even at 1440p.

I meant that I didn't have a 6 year old GPU in my tower.
>he fell for the 970 meme
oops! uh oh! sorry! ;^)

>he doesn't have a 980+

So, Modern Warfare 2 was the last CoD I played.

I really enjoyed CoD's single player campaign, specially MW which is still one of the best I've ever played (including non-CoD games).

Which one of the post-MW2 CoDs are worth pirating for their campaigns?

World at War, Black Ops, Advanced Warfare

all of them
the entire blops series is amazing

>Black Ops for maximum "It ain't me" comfiness
>Black Ops 2 for choices in the campaign
>Advance Warfare for Kevin Spacey

Gotta hate what's popular, otherwise how will people know about your highly-developed hipster taste in video games?

black ops 3 for mind fuckery

What about Modern Warfare 3 and Ghosts?

I'm guessing they are shit

>1080p 60
Neither of those are true sadly.

ghost singleplayer is pretty fun
mw3 i can't remember really
but honestly all the cods have a fun campaign
helps if you like sci-fi stuff too

>Using a screenshot on the worst map

What the fuck is this shit?

The blurriness is from upscaling.