ITT: Creepy shit in vidya

ITT: Creepy shit in vidya

Other urls found in this thread: headroom/type/op/page/2/


Stop. We won't ever get a thread like the first two again.

Not witth that attitude

fuck, wtf did I miss?

this is what I get for becoming a normalfag and getting a gf this past few weeks

no u

>Mad Headroom hijack
Why are white people such fucking pansies.

whats creepy to you then, user?

>tfw I made the third and got banned for "off topic"
I even said "video games" in the first post.

We don't love prison.

I never understood the controversy surrounding this.

Is dangit ron paul even good?

If you don't mind over-the-top silliness and the occasional incredibly-obvious bullshit that only worked when the game was in Japanese, then yes.

at the game ending, the character wakes up and realizes they live a shit life with no girl friend, no job and only Sup Forums to talk to

Are these threads still mostly dumps for wiki articles of disappearances/tragedies?

Also that hijack never seemed spooky to me, more like bored stoners being high as fuck.

It was around 3 weeks ago. Thread felt like old /x/.




>first two
>3 weeks headroom/type/op/page/2/

I'm talking about the recent flux.

I'd imagine it was more terrifying than creepy.

Imagine if a normally completely safe area in a game suddenly became a battlefield and you would lose all your items if you died.

and you could do nothing to stop it.

I still think about to this day


it was a hoax you faggots

Anyone legit finds Max Headroom hijack creepy? it might be because i'm from that era and i knew the character beforehand, i find creepier the fact that i missed the last episode of Moonlightning.

Not really a hoax either. Just some sort of avant garde prank.



Yeah I'm sure WGN is okay with letting people hack in their channel and giving kids nightmares

It's not exactly scary, but both Metroid Prime 1 and 2 have pretty spooky introductions. They felt like the beginning of a horror game, though the horror elements mostly disappeared as you got more powerful.

The jumpscare plants in the Void. Fuck them so much. The tree sucking scorpions too