Final Fantasy XIV

Behold, the WoW Killer.

Why aren't you playing already?

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>WoW Killer

>le wow killer

This time it'll finally happen guys, i'm sure of it.

>Static died right before 3.3

Well I guess I'm not doing Nidhogg

WoW is already dead though.

>WoW Killer

played this for a while. it looks nice but it's boring as fuck
the only good mmo is runescape

That third armor better be available for Dragoons


>tfw red scrips

It looks good, so of course it is, my nin armor make me want to barf.

where do you get those armor sets?

MNK is best DPS job

Did you at least clear A6S?

>palace of the dead

so she's back?

>a single player game with multiplayer capabilities
>WoW killer

You mean the first one?
It's a reference to the Conqueror from The Last Remnant.

I think it looks cool bar the skirt.

Oh wow, caster armor that actually looks somewhat unique.

These are pics of the new patch.

>themepark mmo
>boring uninspired wow-clone classes
>hotbar spam combat
i can go on, the game has potential, like, if they just stop doing everything they are doing right now, and do something different, but , they keep just digging their own grave, catering to stupid tryhards for like the better part of 2 years, when literally only like .003% of the players actually completed those tryhard dungeons

they need to start being creative, start making the combat fun and enjoyable, start making the classes more enjoyable to play, because its just so shit.

That's monk, nin is the catboy.

Why does ever armor set in HW have a fucking skirt.

I like these, hope they're the dungeon armors. Monk/nin set looks like it's absed off that bad guy from Last Remnant.

I really like the tank/drg set and the mage/healer mask.

That's the Void Ark gear.
The pic I posted is the new dungeon gear.

Only 4 for all roles?

because even though it's better than wow, it's still mediocre

Gay cowboy is BRD/MCH
Valkyrie wannabe is Tank/DRG
Tribal goonie is Healer/Caster
Roman visionary is NIN/MNK

That's how it always is isn't it? Healing one will be the Casting one but a white version. Tanks share with dragoons, except tanks get an extra tabard/skirt. Monks share design with ninjas, bards share with machinists.

I think first one is NIN/MNK,
Second one is Casters/Healers,
Third one is Tanks/DRG,
Fourth one is Ranged DPS

how did FFXIV go from this...

Lazy shit again. At least ironwork had different set for monk, drg and nin.

Anyone know what that "New Placeholders have been added" thing is all about?

Will we eventually be able to see Monster HP values?

to this?


Played it a lot, probably done until the next expansion though. Don't feel like playing catch up without a guild.

Hurr durr le WoW killer
>Guild Wars 2
Hurr durr le WoW killer
Hurr durr le WoW killer

Ironwork was tome gear, this is just gear from the expert dungeons

They didn't release it in an alpha state, thinking they could just patch it later.

Expert is not different.


by removing unique inspiring concepts and game design and resorting to copying world of warcraft

Ironworks MNK and DRG were similar
Ironworks NIN was similar to BRD

Make the game ugly for consolefags.

resubbed recently
>tfw no static to raid with
>tfw log in and don't want to do anything, get beasties done and then maybe do a roulette
>tfw fc is just a core group of people who all know each other really well and don't really engage with me because I'm not part of the cult of personality and they've been around since before I even started playing over a year ago
>tfw haven't even done a5-8 because just hit i200 and don't really want to play BLM anymore
>tfw leveling other jobs is boring as shit but I did it anyway
>tfw don't really know what job I even want to play
>tfw 3.3 is coming soon anyway so I might have something to do but not for long
>tfw not even really good at the game in the first place, fuck up any job I really try to get into and can't even pull great dps on my main job
>tfw don't really feel like playing anything else

please kill me it hurts to live

To be fair, anet didn't expect GW2 kill WoW, they expected it to be an alternative. Which it would have been if it were like FUCKING GW1 INSTEAD OF WOW ON ICE

What kind of gameplay do you like?
Try to repeat your rotation on a dummy until it sinks in and you can do it with your eyes closed. Don't hesitate to train with Stone, Sky, Sea.

So what race do you people play as? I wish there was a way to permanently change the idle stance, had to role with a Roe because thats literraly the only role without a diva stance, how can square make something as good as highlander and then give them the most uninspired, lady like stance?

>static kicked out their own leader
>he sit's in PF for 3 weeks looking for new one

I wonder how did he come to the point of being kicked out from own static

I play female Highlander and I love the idle stance. They're fit without being too bulky like the femroes and their stance make them look like they don't take shit from anyone.

You can change stance, I'm a female cat with I'M CIA stance.

as soon as the game started adding dumb new races, and when collecting mounts and pets were considered 'content' i knew it was time to stop playing

What server you on?

I enjoyed the big numbers of BLM, but I stopped loving it when I had to become a turret or lose 50% of my DPS for a huge amount of time.
I've got MCH to 55, but I'm not really sure how good I am with it because there's no real reliable way of knowing how I'm doing until I hit 60 and can compare my parses to others. Same for DRG, which I got to 50 for no fucking reason.

I managed to level ACN to 60, but SMN isn't my speed and I'm not too keen on having to manage pet stuff for SCH (but maybe that's just because I'm bad).

Currently trying to get WAR up, but I'm not a good tank. I end up either DPSing too much or running out of TP.


Also, MCH has a turret mode anyway, so I'm not even sure about that anymore. Half of what kept me going was the sweet draw animation of the Ironworks gun.

Yeah love the way they look, im a guy though, so I im only talking about the male classes, all female classes look great imho, besife the lizard one, which looks kawwai desu.

You can change the pose, butthe stance is always the same, poses only kick in after 5 seca anyway, I meant the default idle stance and animation.

Has getting gear moved beyond doing roulettes for tomes? That shit was annoying a year ago, and I can't imagine it would be any better while trying to play catch up.

>Caster armor is semon demon tier
>not gay long robes

Finally we're making the transition from stuffy aristrocat ishgard shit to slim ala mhigan clothing.

Are you on leviathan? I'll play with you!

Damn, I'm on Exodus.
But it's normal for a WAR to bleed TP while leveling. Especially at earlier levels. You should avoid spamming Overpower and throw in some Flash from GLA if you have trouble managing AoE threat.
But tanking in non-savage content is pretty easy and as WAR you're basically a 3rd DPS role anyway

SCH pet mechanics are pretty bare bones.

99% of your interaction with the fairy is just positioning and recalling Selene before and after a pull. Eos doesn't come out that often, and even then she's just clicking a few abilities sometimes.

I'm on Ultros and always play with new people, if you're in ZR I'll play with you when I resub, in 4.0.

where is that armor from?

Hello fellow ZRian

>same chest on female
They could have edited it a little.

well.. most male characters feel the same way about 80% of the armor sets

I always forget to do Gathering and Crafting Red Scrips.

But then again, my HQ Crafting gear doesn't have materia in in yet so that sucks. What's the best profession to get red scrips from anyway?

FFXIV needs more of these kinds of references.

My biggest concern with trying to heal as SCH (Mid 40s right now) is that I have trouble trusting a pet to do the right thing.

How closely do you watch HP meters as you help DPS?

Clerical clothing are always dresses, it's not like they were designed for females.

I'll play if they do a 7-day trial thingy for returning people again. Mainly interested in seeing how dead the game/server is before I spend any shekels.

If you know the fight, not very.

Just don't account for fuck ups on their behalf and you're good. As much as people like to talk shit, people generally don't stand in orange circles so with a little bit of experience you can predict exactly when people are going to take unavoidable damage.

Hope the chest is braless.

Yeah, my biggest concern was triage.

I know most fights pretty well from the tanking perspective: got all three to 60 but never really worked on healers or DPS all that much. Finally got a few above 50.

So I always heard about the lolDRG meme but I never really paid it any mind until I started playing healer. Then it became glaringly obvious that it was always the DRG I was having to heal because he simply refused to dodge shit. I even wound up taking DRG to 50 myself later just to see if there was some reason why these shitters were having trouble dodging and I think I can count on one hand the number of AoEs I ate during the entire process.

What is it about that job that transforms people into drooling retards?

If the healer isn't DPSing I'll just stand in shit. The healer can handle it and it keeps my damage up. No reason to move out of anything that isn't instantly fatal.

I'll dodge shit if the healer actually goes into cleric most of the time, though.

considering WoW's popularity for the last 12 years, how much money has Blizz made from it?

but wow already killed itself

>Also, MCH has a turret mode anyway
that's not even close to turret mode, most of your skills instant when you actually need them instant

You can't move for a good 10 seconds when using jump, spineshatter and dragondive.

Currently holding onto 1340 Lore.

Buy the Tank weapon, or get the rest of the Aiming stuff, keeping in mind that the belt, Neck and Head suck ass entirely.

Generally, is it a good idea to just stick the fairy as close to the general party center as possible? What about during bosses? Should I just stick Selene in the center and pretend mechanics don't matter?

ZR is pretty ded right now, yeah.
It's sad seeing the login totals now compared to 3.0.

They had one a couple months ago. Probably not going to have another for a while.

I think what really got lolDRG going was the jump animation lock getting a lot of people trapped in AoEs.

Dragoons has several off GCD abilities that lock them in place for some time and make them vulnerable to AoEs.

that was pre 2.1, now its only 5 seconds

Just get a Nidhogg weapon next week.

So.. Tank armor? Alright.

Are there any good players on Balmung here? I just recently came back and would like to do Nidhogg EX next week.

>Same fucking hat from Neverreap and Fractal for MCH/BRD


>same hat
>Baldur was a Cowboy hat.

No, no it wasn't.


The Neverreap thing is like a domed cap. This is a cowboy hat. The fuck are you smoking.

I know that hat was in before because it looked like Skullface's hat from MGSV. It might have been Pharos/Saints.

Fairy placement sometimes depends on the fight, but I usually just stick it between the ranged and the melee.

Just make sure it's within range to give the melee it's haste buff.

Wrong dungeon.

Nope. Completely brand new hat. Lost Thief set doesn't look like that.

My bad then.


>Heavenshills still trying to get people to play their fashion catgirl simulator

You manually use Embrace to tell your pet who to cure. While the pet's natural AI is passable, you can be more efficient and effective if you place your pet's Embraces. It's a good habit to develop early.

Hard to play fashion when nothing look good.

>WoW Killer
Stop this meme jesus fucking christ. 10 years and it's not been funny once.
I actually really like that MCH one. Might look good on my c@. Of course i'd have to level MCH...

>that one faggot who comes into a rare instance of Sup Forums actually discussing a video game and shitposts strawmen