What is your honest opinion of this game?

What is your honest opinion of this game?

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I like it quite a lot

better than TW2.
inferior than TW1

My honest opinion? I think it's overrated as fuck.
Story is mediocre and the gameplay is shit. Graphics are decent I guess. The combat system is literally the worst thing about it.

I haven't played it :)


You know, it's pretty overrated, but in spite of all of that, I still had and am having a great fuckin time of it. It has it's flaws and all, but goddamn is it fun. Plus the story and characters are pretty neat. Decent worldbuilding too.

Very immersive, it's the kind of game that hurts when it ends, the kind that makes you not want to play anything else for days.

best game i played in the last years.
but i don't like heart of stone.

Pretty great. Felt sad when I finished it.

Dunno why, but it created a strong feeling of having been on an adventure with a particular character that I hadn't really felt since I played Deus Ex for the first time

I love it, my personal game of the year for both 2015, and after the expansion it just received, 2016.

Genuinely love it.
Feels like the most well produced AAA game out there.

Do not regret pre-ordering the CE for a second. But I was seriously scared after all the delays and the downgrade was confirmed.

Hate it. Mostly because it's so vastly overrated.


Not much of a game. It has a total of 4 gameplay elements if you don't count managing menus which is all Alchemy is, and 3/4 of those elements are done incredibly poorly.

In terms of the story, it's not an awful concept in terms of Ciri and The Wild Hunt, but the pacing is so wonky and the exposition is all done in flashback monologues. The climax is done 10 hours before the story ends and attempts to shoehorn another climax that is both introduced and fulfilled in the final, tacked on act.

The experience brought 3 positively notable aspects; Atmosphere, Dialogue and Lighting.

If this is the future of "RPGs", I'm truly afraid.

Nothing because I haven't played it

It's an artistic vision, within a great and well developed universe with some of the best and most inventive story lines in games. It's an excellent game imo.

Kill yourself faggot

would 8.5/10 if it didn't have shitty combat

It's a crowning achievement in games

havent finished it because im sick of my computer running it like shit

Only real complaint is that doing the main quest is like hitting a red light every 10 times on a 2 minute drive

combat is like zelda, very simple and boring, 80% of the game involves you running around larping everywhere and talking to everyone because muh rpg elements in this fantasy world. I almost finished the game but it was too much, it's like doing every quest in WoW, no one does that shit

>still spouting around the shitty combat meme

this except i have played

>Only real complaint is that doing the main quest is like hitting a red light every 10 times on a 2 minute drive
What do you mean?

masterpiece desu. single player masterpiece


There's your first problem.

>80% of the game involves you running around larping everywhere and talking to everyone because muh rpg elements in this fantasy world
>Complaining about roleplaying in a role playing game

I haven't played it and it's shit with shitty combat. Just play a souls game if you want fantasy.

pretty cool story and card game
too bad the "game" part of the game is pretty garbage

Bad gameplay/10.

The way the story is structured I felt like I couldn't make one step of progress without being 'sidetracked' to do pointless shit

Sort of like Darksiders 2's go-do-3-things syndrome or One Small Favour

One of the best games i've played in my life

imo desu Witcher 3 and Persona 4 are the only two RPGs from the past 10 years which match the SNES/PSX era quality

Streamlined garbage that's more fun to watch than play. I'm convinced that the people who call it one of the best RPGs ever are probably the same people who called TLoU the "Citizen Kane of gaming".

It's great and one of the few games that made me feel sad after finishing it, not because the ending was sad but because it was over.

I think its great. Its biggest issues are clunky menus and clunky movement/combat controls. Clunky Menus was completely fixed with the latest patch. If they ever do a patch to make the controls for movement and combat a bit smoother and more polished it would have no major flaws IMO. The only thing about the game that is actually shit is the horse controls. Roach controls like ass to the point where it negatively effects my enjoyment of the game. Everything else though is either fantastic or small nitpicks that dont hurt the overall enjoyment of the game.

I agree with you completely. Persona 4 is my current GOAT, with Witcher 3 taking second place.

A fucking masterpiece. It's essentially an Asscreed game with an interesting story and great worldbuilding. They managed to make tedious and similar sidequests not so tedious and similar by actually making an effort to write a simple story for each monster hunt. No fucking loading screens. Amazing soundtrack. Decent combat. And even with all the downgrades it's still beautiful. Perhaps the best looking openworld game.

The only downsides are somewhat rushed ending and lousy bosses but they redeemed themselves with the great expansion. Yet to play BaW but I'm sure they still got it.

Can't wait till Cyberpunk.

Really good. Not flawless but one of the best games I've played in my life. The expansions are great too. Hearts of Stone has a great narrative and characters. Blood and Wine has a weaker narrative but having a whole new area to explore made up for it.

stay classy Sup Forums :^)

TW3 is in my top 3 of all time famalam

Questing is no fun because it is either kill these enemies or run around with your batman senses activated

Nostalgia is fucking with you, my man.

it's the greatest game of all time

there is nothing now that I am excited for

in fact I sold my gaming PC on ebay after finishing B&W

It's probably the best storytelling/branching plotline structure we've ever had in a video game.

It's also one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Nice hair physics, armor/textured clothing, etc. And the environments are amazing - whether mountain passes, muddy swamps, the open sea - it all looks good.

Unfortunately, the movement controls are absolute dogshit, where it feels like you can't even get down a ladder or go through a door correctly. The horse controls are terrible, but I actually think it's OK because it feels like trying to steer a stupid horse around.

And the worst is the combat, which is a complete chore to get through. Your attacks take random amounts of time to wind-up depending on the animation that the game randomly chooses, so you never feel like you have a safe window to attack in. On top of that, a lot of the monsters are faster than you, which exacerbates the problem. Finally, a lot of enemies have periods of time where the game decides you're not allowed to attack them, and you just can't get through their shields no matter how many times you strike at them, so there's no true "guard break" and it just feels cheap and stupid. The level up/skill system is also terribad.

If the game actually had a working combat system it would probably be GOAT.

P.S. I love gwent

but the animations last the same period of time for the same attack - your perception is confused because some of those spins should last longer in your opinion

also there are multiple skills in the game that allow you to get through shields and guards

well done, you made the best parody of a person who shits on witcher 3 for sole basis of combat ever.
I'm quite proud of you user

>. Your attacks take random amounts of time to wind-up depending on the animation that the game randomly chooses
This is true for TW2 which was the main reason I hated this game's combat. They fixed it in 3.

That's not true at all. If you walk up to enemies and hit light attack sometimes Geralt will quickly stab at an enemy, other times he will spin in a circle and then slash afterward. And even if the attacks were consistent, there is such a long delay between hitting the button and Geralt actually doing anything that it feels like garbage.

>not being excited for CP 2077

>getting wrong sword for a monster or being underlevelled yet still trying to make this argument
Fuck off.

>our attacks take random amounts of time to wind-up depending on the animation that the game randomly chooses,

the game always chooses the same attack based on your inputs. If you're holding away from an enemy when you attack, you do a different attack to moving towards them, but you'll always attack the same way if you press the buttons right. It's very useful for counter-attacking enemies.

>a lot of enemies have periods of time where the game decides you're not allowed to attack them,
use one of your two dodge buttons to get behind them. Enemies turn round very, very slowly.

you can also guard break all human enemies by spraying them for a second with the upgraded igni

i'm sure everyone who complains about the combat in this game dropped the difficulty to the easiest setting and mashed M1

>the game always chooses the same attack based on your inputs.

This is outright false.

A 9/10 vanilla game made into a 10/10 by Hearts of Stone and then downgraded into an overall 8/10 by Blood and Wine.

>i'm sure everyone who complains about the combat in this game dropped the difficulty to the easiest setting and mashed M1

Nah, it's because its limiting, repetitive and overall too simplistic and boring to carry a 100+ hour long movi-.... """""Game""""".

I think it's an RPG done fucking right for one, choices done right. I wish the other big companies would follow suit but they probably won't. Fucking dumb good/evil shit in bioware and Bethesda games. I love how witcher is just choices, good, bad, right, wrong, isn't thrown in your face like some fucking ape. The player gets to weigh out his choices and decide for himself, that's good storytelling. But you don't see the devs touting about it either like that fucking faggot Todd. God I hate him.

>you just can't get through their shields no matter how many times you strike at them
Jesus fucking christ do you just spam L1 you fucking idiot?

>Fucking dumb good/evil shit in bioware and Bethesda games.

You mean like the "morally gray" White Hunt (who's sole motive is "moer power") and Whoreson Jr?

Such complexity.

would be a 10/10 if i didnt have to play as a preset protagonist.

>the webm posting autist
He already got here?

>You mean like the "morally gray" White Hunt
what choice are you reffering to?


sadly not my cup of tea

let's hope they make a good business decision and the game after CP will be a TW sequel

No, but some enemies have a stamina bar, whereas others just randomly will block everything, including heavy attacks, because the game wants you to only be able to use magic/wait for an opening instead of having real combat.

The worst example of this is von everec, who will stand there all day blocking every one of your attacks, then counter as soon as you stop. You can repeat this over and over again. You just attack him until he blocks, dodge his counter, then repeat ad infinitum. It's garbage.

I'm not some cretin, I don't just mash buttons, and even think some of the magic is fun, but the combat is just dogshit.

what's wrong with the guy doing that in the webm? if it works let him do it. you can do the same in souls games, and yet nobody ever makes these kinds of webms for those games? are you that angry redditor?

I fucking love it, and B&W is awesome so far, I'm taking it really slow. I remember not liking the combat when I first started playing, but after I got gud, I actually liked it a lot more.

Great game.

>instead of having real combat.
if you wave away a whole part of the combat, of course you're gonna find it simplistic
you're supposed to use signs you humongous faggot

this is like Arin never using his items and complaining LoZ combat is slow

Really good all round apart from the combat, the combat is shit.

The usual

Sick ad hominems bro. As I've stated, I use the signs & etc., but that doesn't stop the combat from being really limited and feeling like trash. I don't understand why people get so defensive over a video game. The rest of it is pretty fun, but I just dread the combat because it's really quite boring and samey.

I like it. I don't understand this le bad combat meme, I thought the combat was pretty well done for what it is. Parrying, counterattacking, dodging, and signs were barrels of fun.

I thought it was pretty good. I liked the characters, story, the quests and the world itself. But one thing that really holds it back are those terribly controls. I don't know why they made Geralt so annoying to control. You get used to it over time, but it's so stupid how early I need to let go of the analog stick so my character stops at the right spot. Everything is just so delayed and it feels like I'm only partially in control.

It's a pity really, the game could be twice as enjoyable if the controls were responsive. I've still played through the game and I'm currently playing the new expansion. I still like it. Just saying it could've been something more.

#> you can do the same in souls games

Get me a single enemy where you can hit and side step (not abuse i frames, I mean hit and side step safely out of the enemy attack) without the enemy doing some 360 degrees attack that wrecks your shit.

Go on, i'll wait for the video.

>I don't understand why people get so defensive
because you say stupid shit like "baaaaaw I kept mashing LMB and it didn't break their guard"

Seriously, that's not what I said anywhere. You're making straw men and attacking me personally for no reason, because the game has shit combat. Get fucked you cretin

What's morally gray about letting Whoreson Jr live

What's morally gray about siding with Broche over Djikstra

It certainly doesn't take you long to show up in these threads does it?

>mfw it's always the soulsfag bashing the game for combat but getting all up defensive when their "flawless" game gets attacked in the same manner
I believe drinking bleach will do you good, redditor

>Seriously, that's not what I said anywhere
it's exactly what you said
>"you just can't get through their shields no matter how many times you strike at them"

and then you mentioned that using signs isn't "real combat"

Don't try to back down, change your words, or claim it isn't what you meant. It's what you wrote, and it was dumb as shit. Hence why people get mad.

Never meant to say "Enemy", I meant to say boss.

>defending the combat

It's one of my top 3 favorite games of all time.

I'm not defending shit. It's flawed and i'll admit it. But i call out what's due, and that's you being a fuckface.

Didn't think so.

No, you are the dumb as shit one bro


Pretty good and comfiest of 2015. Combat is alright but not as bad as Sup Forums makes it out to be. They should have given geralts combat animation more "weight" imo tho.

the card game saved the game for me 9/10


>being this fucking buttmad people enjoy a different game and not muh souls
Just end it right now user. No one's gonna miss you

>funnyjunk tier macros


I like it but the combat lets it down

I'm doing Blood and Wine atm and I like it but there's all these places where you have to fight 500 bandits at once until you put out a beacon. Tedious as fuck.

I think your brain is shutting down

>muh souls combat


>game is uncompromising and doesn't have difficulty settings.
>just forces people to have a strong understanding of the mechanics
>people then realise that there is depth in the combat since there is no choice other than to adapt and understand, or lose

Witcher 3

>you have the option of playing the game on easy or normal
>vast majority of Sup Forums is people pretending to be really hardcore whilst actually being incredibly casual (see: the amount of people here who actually play shit like Overwatch)
>play Witcher 3 on normal and just get through the game by spamming fast attack and throwing in the odd sign
> try and use the fact that the game doesn't actively FORCE you to engage with the mechanics on a deeper level like Souls does as evidence that there is no depth, or that the mechanics
aren't actually there.
>basically taking the fact that game gives you the option of being a scrub and trying to use that as an argument against the game


It's good but
>leveled loot but the best stuff is crafted
>makes treasure hunts useless save for material farming
>whole games is muh Ciri but first and second act are split into 4 regions, farm land, swampy farm land, town and icy islands
>you go on a wild goosechase for 25 to 40 hours for 2 hours worth of main quest
>"quests" comsisting of reading a letter to find a treasure 10 feet away
>combat trait system is severly limiting builds feeling different
>adam smith hates your guts, you start out getting 20 crowns for your first job and when selling an item get 1/5th of its worth
>enemies have two attacks and one dodge animation
>sidequests have binary options, yes or giodbye
>main quests have binary choices with roughly the same outcome, like the Baron killing himself or going on a journey and his henchman taking over
>Gwent is too simplistic with only 2 viable decks due to spies and no hero limit
>quest rewards are useless as less powerful than crafting Witcher gear or stuff found in barrels
I could go on not even mentioning the combat which is but an iota less simplistic than Skyrim's



He beat the whole game this way. Dark Souls Fags get fucked.

As someone who lives in Southern Europe and who's actually used to colorful buildings and sunny days, i'd say i fucking love this game and specially the last expansion.


You can beat all of Dark Souls 3 just by circle strafing and mashing R1!!!!

HAHAHAHA, BTFO Anti-Witcher Fag!

nice movie with the occasional clunky easy to exploit fight... cool game tho nonetheless

Crystal Sage
High Lord Wolnir

at least in your webms the guy dodges, these bosses you can purely mash R1

I really enjoyed it, one of my favorite games. I won't deny it has some serious game mechanic flaws though like its loot system, simplistic combat that dulls easily, overreliance on witcher senses and some boring filler content, but I thought exploring and engaging in side content was really damn good fun. The main story isn't that great, but the characters and the journey you've went on since the books and through all the games makes it so bittersweet to see it all come to an end. It's not really something you play for its gameplay, but I will remember it as something I enjoyed greatly.