Why are older brothers so much worse at video games?
Why are older brothers so much worse at video games?
get out underage
>Little brother only plays Destiny and Halo
>Won't even try other RPGs or FPS
>Claims I'm shit at video games because I struggle with Dante Must Die and Fighting Games
>'You want to try'
>'lol no, those games look really dumb'
He's 17
>lil bro only watches youtube videos and then claims to be an expert on every videogame he's seen
>arguing with your brother
Is this thread a trap for underagers?
>it's a little brother doesn't know mom told you to let him win thread
what happened to his cute gf
>Brother is in high school
>He still fucking huffs and screams at the game when things don't go his way.
>watch older brother play games
>learn secrets
>because younge rand have more time to play, get better than him
>play new games as he becomes an adult with responsabilities and a job
>lookat my younger bother
>the cycle continues
I don't have time to play all the steam games you reccommend me.
Shit, I'm 27 and I do that. I'm pretty calm most of the time, but vidya and traffic makes me rage.
>there are brothers out there who did this
>there are probably brothers in this thread who have done this.
You all disgust me.
>mfw Mike said he liked Jurassic World
>not huffing and screaming at video games when things go wrong
It's the only time something resembling passion comes out of me
>brother talks absurd amounts of shit about how great he is at vidya
>beat him in any game
>he imminently goes crying to parents
Jokes on him, I blocked the Xbox from the router while he played online.
Fuck off. You assholes are the most grating pieces of shit to sit next to.
Don't worry user, no one will be sitting next to me when I'm playing vidya or driving.
My brother almost always plays FIFA, and games that he calls "realistic". It means he just plays games that have both guns and cars, but mostly guns. Like GTA or Mafia.
He doesn't play games where there are monsters or anything "weird" and plays nothing that looks too childish.
I do this every time my brother plays on the xbox and starts his ranting/screaming bullshit.
He's 30 and older than I am and never figured it out, assumed he got "banned"
I don't doubt that
Your brother sounds like a well adjusted individual that will get a lot more pussy than you.
Older or younger?
>He's Raiding in Destiny
>bear with an hour of nonstop shouting
>mfw I disconnect it right at the end so he doesn't get anything.
>be 6 years old
>have two older brothers
>the oldest one has pretty muched "aged out" of games at that point
>"it's just an age thing, eventually you have other stuff you want to do more"
>decide right then and there that I'll play video games FOREVER out of spite/anger at the idea that video games get boring when you grow up
Twenty years later and I'm still at it. But I couldn't honestly say whether or not I'm happier than him.
>that will get a lot more pussy than you.
You're right.
Sounds like me. God damn do I hate FPS.
>older brother hides the fact that he plays video games and collects warhammer
>for years believe that the massive warhammer collection we have belongs to our middle brother who has aspergers
>at 14 discover command and conquer generals
>set up a lan with middle brother's computer
>older brother calls us "kiddies" and says he's "going to beat the shit out of you both"
>for the first time ever I see my older brother play a video game with me
>it's beautiful but he doesn't stop being a dick head about it
>makes me pick a general first so he can pick a counter
>two hours pass of him getting more and more frustrated as the map is covered half in airfields and half in laser defences with no sign of anyone winning until he ragequits
>never play a game with him again
tl;dr Older brother couldn't win with the obvious counter.
fuck you chris prattu is my waifu
Why are older sisters so much better at videogames?
>Brother lives with Mom
>I lived with Dad
>He borrows Blops for a week because Mom won't buy it for him
>Actually it's 3 months
>he finally brings it back
>it's only so he can play it here
>'hey man let me throw that in for you'
>scratch the shit out of it
>Dad loses his shit over how irresponsible he is
This thread is the reason I got my little bro into emulation and older games like god hand, metroid prime, vagrant story, hexen 2 and medievil.
He might be an irredeemable asshole that's spoiled rotten, but at least I can say he didn't grow up playing nothing but destiny, cod and halo.
It seems he's interested in chrono trigger, earthbound and super metroid too.
It's a great feeling, isn't it?
>He's playing blops2
>screaming about some kid called him a pedophile
>i wait for the "argument" to go on for a little bit
>he starts getting more and more irate
>i disconnect it right in the middle of him saying something
>he starts getting pissed at the xbox for cutting him off and because of that how "that kid thinks he won the fight!"
>brother is a spoiled shit
>loves vidya
>Try to get him into anything remotely challenging.
>as soon as he loses for the first time he proclaims the game is horrible.
If a person could be the Pargon of r selection it would be him.
>metroid prime
>vagrant story
You gave your little brother the shittiest games to play. You disgrace Sup Forums.
I don't know user. I just don't know.
It's because he knows fighting games take dedication to improve. He can feel better about himself for doing alright in some of the most forgiving fps games.
My little brother refuses to play games with real people and plays against AIs. He still sucks generally
>have older brother
>basically the reason I'm into vidya, inherited and built a lot of my current tastes around the shit he used to play when we were young
>he slowly faded out of vidya after the sixth gen
>came back now that he has a PS4 because he wants that FF7 remake
>tells me he can't get past the first couple bosses of Bloodborne
I'm glad he's back though. It's nice to have someone in the family to actually discuss this kind of shit with (even if he's casual as fuck).
>younger brother was never as interested in video games as me
>still play a lot of games like Guild Wars and Path of Exile with him
Feels pretty good.
Yeah, that happens too.
He gave up super metroid because he couldn't figure out how to get out in time for the first escape sequence.
>tfw Dad had top tier taste in vidya, UT2004, ZoE, DMC, pretty much any strategy game.
>he more or less gave up gaming to pay alimony
Not true faggot
>Be elder god tier older brother
>Little brother thinks I'm a god at vidya (Because I am)
>Playing Halo:Reach (Yeah fuck you)
>His friend picks up the sticks and plays as a guest account
>He gets shot at
>Armor locks
>Begs me to help him
>Lob some nades, jump over the hill crest
Bonus round
>Find some kid I knew in middle school over XBL
>Play some gears of war 2
>Play some wingman with him
>For those that don't know what Wingman is in Gears, it's 4 teams of 2 duking it out to first to 15 over several 1 life rounds
>Eliminate all 6 enemies 2 rounds in a row
>Doing it a 3rd time
>Buddy died, 1 on 1 with other guy
>"If you kill him you are a fucking god"
>Body the shit out of him
>The screams coming from his mic.
I wish I had a console now, a lot of people I know on PC aren't as big of characters or simply don't play any visceral games.
Go to bed Nick.
Im not that nigga but fuck you I've been in bed.
Why does this thread exist? I might be wrong but the whole thread reads like a bunch of children complaining about their bed times.
>older sisters
>not younger sisters
Sounds like your not fufilling your duty as the older brother to kick his ass when he spews those kinda shit opinions
My snot nosed 11 year old cousin is the same
>Younger sister
>Blindly regurgitates whatever tumblr's dogma of the month is
>Brother used to beat me at most if not all PS1/PS2 games back in the day
>reduced himself to CoD/Candy Crush tier garbage, sucked at good games
Am I glad I'm not a normie or what?
I always kicked my brother's ass at video games.
He always better at sports though.
Ha sucks
>younger sister
>loves everything i loved
>even following my life decisions in sports and school
Too bad she's a bit of an airhead
>My younger brother has lost to me at literally 99% of the games we have played.
>He got to the point he didn't want to play with me anymore
He is pathetic. I'm the type of person to 100% a game, he rarely finishes the main storyline.
You're the person evaluating your self worth at the completion rate for games that can be completed in simgleplayer with no skill and just time investment.
> Playing contra for the NES
> little brother wants to play.
> gets wrecked asks me to beat the first level for him
> say no
> he starts crying after trying a few more times
> tells mom
> she shuts off the nintendo and makes us go outside
Every fucking time
>tfw you were an only child
If they're old enough to remember real games, they're "worse" because they're not used to playing barely interactive movies with shit controls like you kids are.
>kick my brother's ass at vidya all through our childhood
>move out don't really talk much for a few years
>come back after invited over for Christmas
>he claims he'll rekt me at Halo 5
>me and dad's face when I wipe the floor with him and I've never even played halo since Reach
God I love fucking with that spoiled shit.
mines the same way except he was a god at counter strike
>Younger bro mostly plays racing/Minecraft/rocketleague/GTA
>Is A huge tech fag, but that's pretty much all he plays. He works on computers or watches tech shit.
>Had me help him beat bosses on other games he used to play.
>I've 100% this game, and you? Ha, pathetic, git gud
I imagine you do this on every game he plays, even if it's just for fun, right?
I wonder a lot, what is it like when someone likes you only physically?
Usually if you have siblings, your brother will kick me out or go, "yo, he wants to bang you." I see no point of entry when it's an only child.
"There are genre of game I know like"
"All game are shit now"
Try Hard post of the year
I was always better than my two shit heads little brothers.
He just wants to play and you take it way too fucking seriously.
My older brother is better than me at shooters and MOBAs but not as good at fighting games.
What's it like when someone likes you in general?
>older brother and I have always shared vidya growing up
We're fucking weird but we've always managed to work it out. However we're both retarded autists who scream and throw shit when we lose.
I've always been better than my older brother at games but it doesn't bother either of us too much. He's better than me at shooters though, mostly because I just don't like them.
I honestly miss teaming up with him in games though. He went full normie and got himself an Xbone while I stuck with my PC.
If they're cool with my family, my brother usually says something to me. If it's with my friends, they'll all try and bang it out before I even hear about it.
Oh, are those tears, little kid? Tears shed because you know deep inside that your generation of games and games in general for the last 20 fucking goddamn years have been absolute goddamn shit?
Fill an ocean with them, kids. I will drink every last drop and nourish myself to continue playing games that cared about controls and gameplay and quality.
>youngest sibling
>always get the fucking half-broken mad catz controller when we played
thanks for the new pasta, friend.
That's right, Susan.
Not this guy but
>for the last 20 fucking goddamn years have been absolute goddamn shit
Which games do you like?
call him familia i'm getting horny
>tfw always stuck with the shitty controller with the buttons that stick
>tfw always play as shitty characters just so I'm not playing as the same thing as brother
>mfw I manage to win
Chin up, man. He's probably interested in things other than video games. That's going to be useful once Trump bans Veedja.
>he gets pissed and doesn't want to play anymore
Fucking CHINGing niggers all day as Luigi in Smash 64.
Whoa Mike knows how to fight!!!
Speaking of brothers
>Little brother needs 300$
>Says he'll have it in 4 weeks
>Supposed to pay today
>"Oh uh I'll have it by next week"
I'm tired of being this little shit's safety net and I'm about to cut him off.
This faggot went jobless for 6 months and now I'm supposed to help his lazy ass?
I'm seriously thinking about disowning this piece of shit.
Yes I mad.
>12 year old 350lb cousin tries to convince me Undertale is the greatest RPG of all time
>tell him he's wrong
>goes ballistic when my teenage brother insinuates his waifu is Sans
Disowning would be a bit much, just don't loan him money anymore.
hey fuck you buddy
my younger bro is better than me at melee and essentially every moba, but he sucks shit at shooters and regular fighters
>brother always played Maxi in Soulcalibur
>play Nightmare
>lose all the time
>go into training mode
>cheese him off the stage 7 times in a row next time we played
I've only seen him madder a few times.
I'm just really fucking pissed.
It's one thing to need some help and you're trying hard.
But this piece of garbage willingly went 6 months without a job and sold weed to stay afloat, and surprise surprise, selling weed isn't viable to live off of for any extended period of time.
>saying waifu in real life
fuck your brother sounds awful
I took like 200 dollars from my brother one time and his attitude changed towards me completely.
I paid him back and it's never been the same since. You would have thought I stole a couple thousand dollars from him.
He does nothing but play Destiny and singleplayer CoD all day.
He wants to go to college to learn how to make cakes.
And he's the primary reason happened.
Because you don't expect your own family to take shit from you like savages.
How about you don't fucking steal from people who trust you?
Are you kidding, I had two computers, a monitor, and an assortment of other shit broken by my siblings. I don't hold it against them.
My older brother still shits all over me when it comes to fighting games, and he hasn't played shit since Third Strike.
Can someone upload their RLM reaction folder?
Well gee maybe context would have been a little useful in your previous statement.
In that case fuck him, if he wants to bitch when you take a little money but get amnesia when he breaks your shit he's garbage anyway.
What are you getting defensive for, you didn't ask, so I didn't tell you.
Me and him say it all the time in a (usually) ironic way. Our parents think it's degenerate but whatever.
There has been a few times when I've been in a gameshop and he's said some shit like "he's only getting it for all the waifus" when I'm trying to check out. He can be a shitter
My older brother is good at vidya though. He used to always beat me growing up. Our skills leveled more evenly in adulthood. But even now, there are games he's better than me in. And games I'm better than him in. We have our specialties.
Way to be the better person and steal.
>i stole from my family and act like it's not a big deal, why are they treating me like shit?
>Have some fun with Undertale when it first comes out, recommend it to bro
>lol no that games looks gay
>It goes big
>he gets really into it starts showing me his deviant art tier fanfiction
>"I thought you weren't interested in that game?"
>"oh I just watched a let's play of it"
Where did it all go so wrong.