What does Sup Forums think of pic related?

What does Sup Forums think of pic related?

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It's fun but I can see why people don't like it.

The sequel improves every part of the game except the loot system, which is way, way worse then in 1, and is the most important part, so it's shit as a result and all the other improvements are wasted.

Having a four player co-op FPS Rpg for console was rather a treat back when it came out. But the sequels didn't stand out enough in my humble opinion. They boasted (A FUCK TON OF GUNS) in the second one but didn't seem to alter the looks much, just stats.

The borderlands thread from the other day got me to go back to 2. Gonna be leveling up Gaige to OP8. Any superior build for her?

Literally meme-tier writing.

How the games were ever praised for their writing is beyond me.

there is something in that game that makes it more fun to play with a gamepad and i don't know what it is.
i liked the concept of the weapons and killing shit while increasing your level was fun andvdid not feel like work and i liked that a lot when i first tried it

Don't know. I just played Tales from the Borderlands and thought that was pretty good. I might check the first one out and see from there

Only 2 had that writing, because that's when Burch was the writer.

Played the first one, still play BL2 to this day for fun. The series are pretty nice, despite all the memes. I even liked TPSQ and enjoyed that game from Telltale.
Feeling that BL3 is going to be a disappointment though.

BL1 was pretty fun and way better than BL2.

Less micro-transaction bullshit, too.

>The sequel improves every part of the game
The fucking sounds are horrible.
The dialogue got worse too.

I think it reminds me of the dark days of 2007 when Bobby thought it would be fun to burn down Sup Forums.

Other than that, i played it once for 20 minutes got bored and never played it again.

Can't believe people like BL1 more than BL2.

>Bland characters and dialog
>Mediocre skill trees
>MMORPG tier quests
>Shit story
>Lame and repetitive environments
>Guns look way less unique than the ones in BL2 and are pretty much recolors.
>Terrible boss fights besides (maybe) Knoxx.

I don't see it.

Still the best in the series, imo. Best environments, best weapons, best playable characters.

I hope they release a remaster of it. No character in the later releases compared to Brick. Fuck, that guy was fun.

It's okay, best in its series at least but the series is pretty mediocre.
At least it isn't touched by the Burch taint.


>the undertale pic
>anthony nominated for BTFO
Every fucking time.

Fuck you Randy. I'm not buying BL3.

Yeah, fucken oath.

Was thinking about that the other day; after playing all of the BL releases, I think Gearbox saturated the market so much so that I honestly am worn out on the series & have no desire to play a new one. The Pr-Sequel was just a big pile of shit.

Though unpolished and rough around the edges, the game had its quirky charms and made it a good game. It didnt take itself seriously, and what dark humor was there was often subtle. The fact that there was more reading compared to voice acting when it came to missions gave it even more of a proper RPG vibe, because you really did have to read all of the text on missions and shit to understand what was happening around on Pandora.

Gunfeel was solid in the first, everything responded and felt just as the weapon looked. You could really feel the power through a Jakobs Revolver. Still cannot understand how bad they fucked up gunfeel in 2 and the pre-memequel.

Spoken like a true hipster.

Boring as hell and BL2 is superior in every way

TPS wasn't terribly bad, it just had fuck all to do content wise.

>hey guys just letting you know all DLC will be covered by the season pass
>here's 2 characters, a shitty arena and one bonus campaign
>that's all! And it's all covered! you're welcome ;^)

It wouldn't have been so bad if the main campaign itself didn't feel like it was meant to be DLC for BL2.

Nah, the main campaign was too big for a DLC. It should have been marketed as an expansion though.

It's alright. It's really fun until the tedium from all of the recolored, bland areas and having to fight bandits and skags for 90% of the game kicks in.

I just want to use TPS characters in 2. Just add all the characters from each game to a dlc pack.

The real problem is that while BL2 did fix several of BL1's flaws, it fucked up several things BL1 got right at the same time.

>muh loot

Yes, because fucking up the original game's scaling and shitting up the loot drop rates in a game that severely punishes you for not having good loot past a point for no reason is a good thing.

Oh wait no, fuck off retard.

BL1 Tannis is best waifu.

Did you play UVHM? only 10 guns are viable and to get them would take weeks of farming and when you finally get the drop its got shit parts and you need to do it again.


I cbf farming to that level. They used the shit loot drop rates as padding, and it worked on all the OCD cunts. Fuck BL2.

>Yes, because fucking up the original game's scaling
They also increased weapon damage, so this isn't really a problem.

>and shitting up the loot drop rates in a game that severely punishes you for not having good loot past a point for no reason is a good thing

Do quests and then do raids/bosses. That way you can get useful weapons easily.

UVHM is for autistic motherfuckers that want to break the game or those who want a challenge though. You have Normal and TVHM already and you don't need to touch the latter at all since you barely gain experience in those modes past lvl 50.

Off to the gearbox forum with you, faggot.

Epic counterargument.

Even those people who want to break the game cant because the shit balancing. Theres never a point where you can just have fun fucking everyone up unless you go to a lower difficulty.

Off you go.

>Even those people who want to break the game cant because the shit balancing
Salvador's money shot, A good Krieg build.

Didn't even need to read the rest to know you're full of shit.

>They also increased weapon damage, so this isn't really a problem.
Bull fucking shit it's not, enemy health scales so much faster than player damage and enemy damage makes player shielding almost completely useless beyond utility.

I have well over 450 hours playing BL1, multiples of each character maxed, and enjoyed myself immensely. I only have one character in BL2, got up to the "plot twist" with Angel/Roland/Lilith. I just don't have the desire to play any more. It took me 5 characters up to Sanctuary just to find one that I wanted to play. The way that guns feel so different from 1 just put me off, and even with some of the changes that are good, I just can't get into it.

Creatively bankrupt, painfully unfunny, dull gameplay and graphics and gimmicky weapon system.

How it took off is beyond me.

>Even those people who want to break the game cant because the shit balancing.

Flakker+Torgue Rocket Launcher on a character with swap speed bonus makes the game a cake walk, all the way through to OP8. The best part is you only ever need to worry about replacing the Rocket Launcher every couple levels.

I loved that it was basically a FPS Diablo 2, and it was fun to play with friends. Plus, running through the farmory or killing crawmerax, and seeing what loot we got never got old. The 4 of us still get together occasionally and play for a couple weeks.

>Bull fucking shit it's not, enemy health scales so much faster than player damage and enemy damage makes player shielding almost completely useless beyond utility.

Learn how to play the game and put more points into defensive skills and find good shields, dumbass.

> fun to play with friends
I want this meme to die.

Sorry boyo, not a meme. Friends in college and I would get on ventrillo, load up the game, and go to town while having some beers. Harder to do now that we're all married and one has a kid, but we still set time aside to have some fun.

I've done that, it doesn't do shit.

the point is that literally anything is fun with friends.

>Borderlands 1 end game
>multiple choices for loadouts
>different types and many viable weapon choices

>memelands 2
>double penetrating unkempt harold + bee shield or go home

It's the only game I've ever played that is STILL boring with a friend.

No the sequels do not improve everything. Part 1 had

>more likeable characters
>a non in your face SJW dialogue and story
>better balance with health and shield
>better loot
>better handling of DLC's
>no forced memes like MLP for example

The sequels are obnoxious with shit humor and shit story that should have been more in the background if they were going to make the dialogue such cancerous shit. There is no need to have made the health and shields such ridiculously high numbers either just because of the stupid perception that "hurr higher number means more awesome!" shit is stupid. The damage is also fucked in 2. There is even a picture that shows how much they fucked it up. 1 was the only great game of the series. Series improves greatly if they remove all the cancerous SJW and memes.

Monopoly. All it does is end friendships.



Really kicked off season passes so im happy about that

Yep i just want to use my favorite gun but cant. Also the damage reduction on OP levels is dumb. You will do only 20% damage to some enemies and cant do shit about it.

It was pretty good when I first played it. Really fun exploring the world and doing online co-op but after doing all the achievements like the 3-hour arena dlc, I never want to revisit it again or play the sequels.

>There is even a picture that shows how much they fucked it up.
This one?

a game ruined by a single faggot meme. People of Sup Forums hate it for a single reason and it's the most retarded reason in the world. Most of them never even played it.

>lol meme SJW tier anthony burch cuck writing
>please accept me Sup Forums

I think so. I haven't seen it in awhile. When BL2 was more new I do remember seeing many anons saying the damage seems all fucked up. Especially when enemies fire at you.

>more likeable characters
You lost me there. BL1 didn't have a SINGLE likable character besides Knoxx.

Give sick.

>Ninetoes (also 3 balls)

>start a new character
>find a Hellfire outside of Fyrestone
>all other drops are invalidated for the next 30 levels

Writing gets stale. Bit everything else is great. I just listen to a let's play of another game instead of borderlands 2 while I'm trying to get these last trophies..

0/10, see me after class.

I had the same happen to me, except it was an equalizer masher on NG, on my gunslinger with tresspass, from the first red chest in the descent. I was one shotting most of the eridians along the way, and didn't need to upgrade it until I came back through there in NG+.

Sequel is better, writing aside.
It's still a fun enough dumb-fun RPG-element shooter.

The scaling in BL2 is retarded but it's pretty clearly intended for group play. Me and a friend finished UHVM for the first time last night and the enemies in the pirate DLC seem to have way less HP than anything in the main game for some reason. I dunno if that'll hold up for the other DLCs but it's not too bad at all.

The original 4 were so likeable that they all appear in 2.

Way to fail.

I literally said in my post that 2 fucked up the loot system and balancing, and because of that 2 is a worse game despite all the shit it does improve

Gameplay wise
>Awful compared to 2
>Rakk hive
>The hitbox on those scag jumps
>Badass enemies are generaly less of a threat than the normal variant
>Legendaries are 90% ammo regen guns
>With few overpowered options like Orion and Hellfire
Writing wise
>Borderlands story is barely there, "Hey go kill this guy i guess"
>Borderlands 2 story is there but i dont want it to be, "Wow loud noises and swearing is the way to victory! Wohoo" type of thing

I LOVED Borderlands back when it came out, Was a fucking beast playing as Mordekai, But at the end of the day i'm gonna pick BL2 simply because the combat and the legendaries are a ton more interesting.

>different types and many viable weapon choices
Would you like a very specific Lilith build or Hellfire for the rest of your playtroughs?

>The sequel improves every part of the game except the loot system

OP levels are kinda pointless and pretty clearly designed for the crazy bastards that actually enjoy BL2's absurd enemy HP scaling for some reason. Sticking at level 72 is fine as long as you're playing in a group.

back when it came out Borderlands was the shit
Brick was a god but roland was my nigga for that full party ammo regen
It was a game that was pretty damn against the grain for most "fps" at that time, having a loot and skill tree system, big ass bosses and farm-able enemies
it created one of the more interesting universes i'd seen in vidya at the time.
Tales from the Borderlands was fucking great too, fit the style so much more than an FPS.
whilst that may be somewhat true, its not 100% necessary like bl2's builds were
iirc you could get lucky as fuck on a blue or white and it have crazy strong stats on part with a legendary/gold whatever the fuck they're called

I had some fucking absurd blue Vladof pistol on Mordecai that carried me most of my way through my first playthrough.

I really hope the next game fixes loot and the level scaling at least a little bit, as long as the writing doesn't get any worse I'd be fine with those changes.

I believe 2 is better than 1.
The only thing that held 2 from being a very great game was the burch writing and the level scaling.

Bl1 got a western theme to it, GB just add alien and they profit, which is nice, given how little western game out there.
The gunplay is pretty good, you don't have to aim downsight everytime, the gun shoot from the hip is pretty acurrate, even for the shotgun.
The intro is better than bl 2
The dialouge from the enemy isn't just "i'm gonna mutilate your corpse" and it have good voice acting, not like the goliath in BL2
The character ability is much more boring thaan BL2, i give you that. However, there were no more Ammo generator

>play Roland
>make machinegunner build out of sweet as fuck S&S purple gun, drop an entire room in seconds with massive rate of fire, refill ammo with supply drop
>play Axton
>game fucking ruined the equivalent of BL1 machineguns by making them have shit tier accuracy and slow firing rate
>saber turret is shit compared to the scorpio turret, can't make it dump ammo anymore, and its support tree is totally fucking worthless
I am still fucking mad.

Was psyched about the artstyle but found it boring as hell

What support tree? Axton's trees are basically
>Damage (+Slag turrets)
>I'M FUCKING INVINCIBLE (And have two turrets)

It does suck that most rifles are pretty shit in BL2 though, surprised they never tweaked that or anything since they tweaked the stats on some other weapon categories before.

they fucked the soldier up so bad in bl2
i still dont know what the best build for him is
that nuke when it deploys seems like a PoS. yet its on the most "soldier" of all the skill trees
the double barrel one where it shoots slag is pretty good though

All the way down the left tree, all the way down the right tree, get teleporting turrets from the middle tree (and any leftover points in Battlefront, more gun damage for you while your turret is up, if you're using an Engineer COM). Then just get a relic that boosts whatever element you want and use guns of that element. Explosive or Shock are good options.

The nuke is okay up to level 50 but past that it kinda sucks, not worth going that far down the middle tree for it. Having two turrets that both slag enemies for you is amazing.

Actually it looks like I still had my build bookmarked

Tried playing it coop with my lil brother one time. It's mechanically shit.


>Remember buying BL1
>had a blast playing through the whole thing
>Bought all the DLC, Zombie Island of Dr. Ned being my favorite
>Hear BL2 being made
>Bought it a week after release
>Played through
>Had a blast playthrough 1
>Playthrough 2
>Build not viable
>Read online
>Gotta get Legendaries to cheese the entire thing

No Gearbox, this is not fun.

>mfw that doctor Ned finale

I wish the game existed without the game existing. Yknow what I mean? It's like my favorite sort of gun porn mindless grinding rpg sort of experience but its also borderlands and carries all that luggage with it

Basically good game in terms of formula / core design but with bad writing etc

Better then the sequel

It's good because it takes itself more seriously than the sequel.

I loved the Mad Max / Fallout humor and setting

It's a shame 2 was a meme game though

Cage the elephant

You can beat OP8 Digi Peak with all non-unique loot.

I enjoyed Borderlands. I find it weird they make a fun game like that and ruin everything else they seem to touch.

Rakk Rakk City bitch

Got any videos of this cause thats goddamn impressive.

I think they just need to go back to their core of crazy characters, not wackyXD, just lost it a bit because of the shitty world they live in.
I didn't really have a huge issue with the bl2 writing, beyond some seriously cringe dialogue with tina and some other characters, but i know what you're saying
Im not sure why people havn't delved into the diablo shooter hybrid more
dont say the division, that shit was...i mean not bad but not even close to good either
fuckign this, pretty much every Borderlands game including tales has top tier intro songs

Official ranking:
Borderlands (1): Fun with friends, splitscreen co-op made it great, guns feel fun, writing isn't cringey, skill tress don't feel like they have enough substance, repetitive enemies. 8/10
Borderlands 2: Better environments, still fun with friends, guns don't have any weight, memes, guns feel same if from same manufacturer, WAY too much DLC, damage scaling and enemy hp is horribly skewed making the game sloggier. 6/10 with friends, 4/10 without
Borderlands The PreSequel: You got what you deserved if you paid for this rehash

>Borderlands The PreSequel: You got what you deserved if you paid for this rehash

Don't fucking remind me

There there user
We all make mistakes