
>True to their word, Blizzard have already begun to permanently ban all those who attempt to cheat in Overwatch, leaving over 1500 players locked out so far.



List of all the chink cheaters


>one player repurchased the game FOUR TIMES and was banned each time

Other urls found in this thread:


>one player repurchased the game FOUR TIMES and was banned each time
I refuse to believe this

It's good that dickless cheaterscum gets punished, but you sound like a huge fucking cumguzzling faglord.

Just a reminder that the chinese aren't human

These people literally will pay to cheat
And buy the game again and again

It's right in the article. Read it.

>1500 out of millions
That's a pretty insignificant number

>trusting jews

there are wild and mysterious things to be found at the end of the bell curve

I read that on another site as well. Even got re-banned using VPNs.

>I wont ask for a refund I'll buy the game again

Why do people even bother trying to cheat in some lame shooter that appeals to lonely nerds and people who drink starbucks?

The tears of smug cheaters is a rare commodity, one I relish greatly.

>According to PC Gamer, some people are even reporting bans that span multiple copies of the game. “Bought the game again,” said one alleged cheater. “Didn’t hack on it at all, just wanted to enjoy the game a bit. Two days later—banned again. Bought the game... again. But before doing that, I deleted Overwatch and launcher completely. Enjoyed it again without cheating only for a day.” They claim they even tried altering hard drive IDs, MAC address, BiosDate, and buying a VPN, but they still kept getting banned.

>Banning people for wall hacks when there are wall hacks built into their game


>and people who drink starbucks



>buying a wallhack when the game has built in wall hacks


Damn that's pretty good ban system.

Wonder how they do it.

so what are the chances he bought a new computer and overwatch a 5th time?

>Getting banned on a new account even if you're playing honestly

Blizzard is winning their way back into my heart

its blizzard, they've been running the most popular mmo in the world for years
if anyone knows how to ban idiots and keep them banned its them

>implying they don't put spyware on your PC to identify you


Pretty high.

>having souls
>having free will
>not latching their body onto the next new and popular thing and spedning all their time and money on it till they are only a husk

>buy new copy of game
>run it on entirely different hardware
>run it through a vpn
>still get banned

literally impossible

>blizzard literally getting thousands of dollars out of a few idiots in a way that gets them the adoration of the rest of their fanbase

...god dammit its beautiful

>not latching their body onto the next new and popular thing and spedning all their time and money on ruining it for everyone else until the servers shut down or they are only a husk


>1500 players
>3,000,000 copies sold
>Gee, that banwave sure did cripple em good user

only 1500 hundred have been made public
and it was by Blizzard China

read the fucking article nigger


Let's be real, these CHEATERS BTFO articles are mostly paid just like all those articles about how Overwatch was all diverse and shit

the cheat makers will figure out how to bypass blizz's system in a few months

Now if only they would do this shit with WoW. Seen a botter in the same place for 5 days straight.

I don't know about Bane

Holy shit I played with this guy. He played Genji and perfectly reflected and critical shots and knew exactly where to find me. Just assumed the Hanzo was scouting perfectly

I don't get why people cheat in games.

I used ce in ds1 back when the game was dead as fuck but that was because creating a new character every goddamn time just to try out a cool ass pvp build took way too much time

But why cheat at something you can just get skilled at instead fuck

What's the point of even playing

There is literally a list of IDs banned and it says banned if you click on them you fucking braindead cunt


Someone post that cheater saying he bought the game four times after his first ban and still kept getting banned

>cheaters will throw more money at blizzard after getting banned

So that's why they are working overtime on an effective anti-cheat system.

They have a program that watches your other running programs. You accept this by accepting the agreement before playing the game

how about you read the thread

>same credit card buys both
>How do they keep finding me?!
uR dum

They enjoy being at the top without investing any real effort.


>tfw play on the same ip as brother
>dipshit brother hacks
>both our accounts get banned even though I didn't do anything
The blizzard jews have gone too far this time. I work a minimum wage job and can't afford to just buy another account.

>>one player repurchased the game FOUR TIMES and was banned each time

i usually dont defend cheaters but isnt this kind of harsh and grounds for a lawsuit? i mean you should have the right to play if you pay for the game again

God this people are dumb

I've read it on the internet so it must be true! blizzard literally being the denuvo of cheaters!

>lets go cheaters!

this makes me salty im not going to lie

Do these people have friends?

read the rest of the thread
most of the people banned have openly stated they repurchased the game
Not to mention cheating violates the terms of use so you have no rights to the product anymore no matter how many times you buy it

I don't doubt they actually banned people

I'm saying all the praise for the bans is all shill la shill and stuff

>Some guy tried to bypass the anti-cheat 4 times and got banned each time
>Probably ended up spending $160-240
Cheaters getting BTFO is the best feeling in the world.

Botting in pve doesn't hurt anyone and mmos are shit

>blizzard create the cheats himself
>blizzard owns the websites and forums where the cheats are distributed
>they ban a few people, make false rebuy claims to push kiddies to do the same
>they ban them too

fuck it's beautiful

It wasn't posted but luckily I found it

Now if only they would ban the same idiots in said MMO. There are bots out the ass.

whenever you buy a copy you sign a contract for that single copy which is a separate license tied to your account, if you breach the EULA you forfeit your rights to THAT specific copy, not to subsequet copies, this is literally fake.

the EULA's language treats you as a person rather than as an account. when you get banned, you the person are banned, not your account.

think of it like stealing from a restaurant and they ban you for life afterwards. you fucked up, go somewhere else to eat.

they actually named the guys that got banned? god damn

wish they'd do that for hearthstone

>Read article
>It begins to dick suck someone who streams the game for 13 hours a day

Closed the page, called the cops


Cheaters are not winners. This is what's holding PC gaming back

Might be tracking payment info. Using the same cc to buy the game.

>buy a used laptop
>banned on overwatch for life

cool system blizzard

Go read the terms of use for battle.net so you know what you're talking about and don't look like an idiot.

>Blizzdrones like sucking Blizzard's cock so much that when they are banned for cheating, they buy the game again to get banned again

tell me about bane, why does he wear that mask?

>Playing Overwatch
>CHEATING in Overwatch
It's like shooting yourself in the leg with a salt-coated bullet. It probably doesn't make it hurt a lot more, but the extra effort you put in is sad.


They did remember to use a different name or bnet account or whatever?

That's some pretty sticky bans. Wonder how they avoid false positives.

Literally why? What do they get out of it? I understand the script writers as some kind of challenge to them but everyone else what the fuck do they get out of it?

This. A new copy bought using a cc tied to a banned account is probably a big red flag

This makes me immensely happy. Cheaters fucking ruin every game I play, I had to abandon the Division because of all the goddamn hackers.

But the way Blizzard is doing it is just icing on the cake. This level of brutality is absolutely beautiful.

>cheating in a game with a built in aimbot and wallhack

I don't get it, how can they keep detecting if it's the same people? After all that, I'm assuming they also bought it with a different credit card and made a new account. Does Blizzard just put some shit on your computer that can tell?

This brings me great pleasure.

Why can't people just play the game normally?
What is so fun about running around the map not having to think or do anything other than click the fire button?

The fun of shooters is getting into fire fights and that adrenaline rush nit knowing if you are going to live or die. If you use hacks there is non of that, the game gets dumbed down to you just running around in circles not having to put any thought into anything you do with no sense of anything.

You get kills because your hack got them for you, you did not achieve anything. How is this fun?

>there are people this committed to being the lowest of scum
holy fuck I just can't

holy shit blizz ripped off kojima

blizzards smart cheaters are the same league of retards that donate 1k to f2p shovelware/kickstarters/streamers. blizzard is making easy money banning them left and right

1. because they're chinese
2. because they PAID for the hacking program

Holy shit the Chinese straight up list the names of people who get banned. Hardcore.

As if that changes anything.

Stay mad

they win

they are also sent into chinese concentration camps

I hate to sound like Sup Forums out of all things, but wouldn't the world just be a better place if the chinese were wiped out?

>Can't wait to throw 40 buck in trash again

wipe out the Chinese and the Middle East.
You now have a better world.


What? Are you having a stroke?



I hope DICE do this for BF1. Ubi should do this for Siege as well.

You've still got _____ people, if you know what I mean.

Reminder the chinese have no souls

Yes it would. Just be glad they have a separate internet.

Imagine a world wide web with 1.5 billion chinese users. Imagine they turned off their government blocks for ONE DAY.

Their win is invalid. They're like the kids who would make up rules mid game if you started beating them and then cry and go home when you tell them to nut up.

>meanwhile in CS:GO where people aren't even banned in the first place and when they are they just rebuy the game

Based Blizzard

It's a power trip. People do it because they enjoy effortlessly making all the players in the game their bitch. It's like a feeling of being god.

Others do it just because they enjoy causing annoyance to other players. Same reason people bait on Sup Forums

Pretty sure most of the developers can do that, they just choose not to do complete hardware bans

You think this is unique to China? Holy shit, cheating is a universal thing.

am i the only one not happy with this? what will happen when you get banned by error? YOU ARE GIVING UP YOUR CONSUMER RIGHTS

>china has a law that is someone is injured in a accident you didn't cause and you try to assist them you are the one liable for their medical bills

Fucking abbo scum.


>same credit card
>same payment name/address/info