>9 days until E3
9 days until E3
Can't wait
>being hyped for shit
>Not enjoying the yearly trainwreck
But user I do enjoy your moms vagina
>9 days
>9 days
>Fuck all hype
Is it because squidward posters got lazy or is it because last year's blew chunks?
Super hyped to be underwhelmed again this year.
The NX reveal is the only thing I'm interested in.
>Thinking they'll talk about the NX and not Zelda for an hour.
Poor bastard.
I had heard it was going to be Zelda-specific, but I don't know when else Nintendo would talk about it.
Then again, Nintendo does a lot of stupid things these days.
by "last year's" did you mean past 5 years
it's going to suck again but I'm hype for shitposting on the stream chat
>because last year's blew chunks
Nintendo was fucking atrocious last year, but Sony and MS both had a good year.
When was the last good one? 08 maybe?
Didn't Nintendo already come out and say no NX at E3?
Every year I get excited but it's just shit
Still holding out hope for a Jet Set Radio Future HD remake. A sequel is too much to ask for
You are the worst type of person.
>9 days
>feel no hype what so ever
what games are they even gonna show? the only one im interested in is kingdom hearts 3.
>Not 2010
Think we'll see Dang It Ron Paul?
What should i be hyped for?
This years E3 looks like a wild card for me.
I'm just looking forward to Kingdom Hearts news, senpai
Go to the Sup Forums chat group, bro
Only thing I'm hyped for are Dishonored 2 and Call of Duty Infinite Warfare.
Yay for another cringefest and no good news
RDR2 incoming.
Won't watch E3 this year. I'll just check this board the day after to quickly see everything of relevance.
No point in some PR guys on a stage wasting my time
The real question is, will Microsoft win it 2 years in a row?
Literally all E3 years are bad. Stop being hyped. It's all literally bad because it's just literally awful for many reasons.
They lost it before it even started. Literally gave away their exclusives to PC, no need to get an Xbox One anymore.
>It's bad because it's awful
>not watching for the cringe
Look at this faggot
>People buy games for Windows 10 instead
>Microsoft still win
You watch it for the cringe dude
Oh yeah, cause no one ever shitposts in Sup Forums chatrooms.
>Stop being hyped
Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums if you can't handle shitposts?
Meanwhile in an already established thread
How many days until E3?
user please, it's not tuesday
When is Devolver Digital?
Wanna see that Serious Sam 4 trailer
Name it, Sup Forums.
Name the one announcement that will make you LOSE YOUR FUCKING SHIT
Yooka-Laylee's release date
>in the single-digit
Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Can't wait for the memes.
Banjo Threeie
With gameplay
And it looks like a Banjo game
For PC
No more heroes 3 or Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep vol. 2
Don't forget the 15 minute Fifa Demo
Age of Empires IV
Ffxii remaster
New monster hunter released for all platforms with universal cross play and new, more eldritch looking monsters that are the center of an extra dimensional invasion plot. Also bring back moga woods, but much larger and make you be tasked with preserving the ecology of the woods (ie trapping predators to eat prey population, finding new plants to suport your herbivores, etc etc).
Dead Rising 4 that adds Frank West as the protagonist again.
That said, thank god for that leak yesterday.
>Tfw if they really do hype up VR shit we might be able to get some gameplay on pic related
Feels good man
>another E3 on Sup Forums
>another year on Sup Forums
Masks in Zelda U
What leak?
Monster Hunter 5 on pc
>in b4 goldface
niggers i played them all and have a 3ds but im sick of playing monhun on handhelds
>a year has passed
Anything with Souls.
The world out there is no better than the world in here, user
>KH3 on pc
What are the odds guys?
My nigga
Ace combat ps2 trilogy HD when?[/spoiler{
Some fag leaked DR4 info in one of these threads yesterday with picture proof, Frank West is the main protagonist again.
Yes, but on the other hand I'm at the point where I don't trust them or anyone else to actually tell the truth about such things any more. For all I know, they could be planning to spend the whole farce of a convention describing their sexual fantasies to us in nauseating detail.
An actual new entry to a dead Nintendo series
Anything Armored Core. I'm not convinced that the IP hasn't been abandoned.
Something Bomberman.
Real answer:
Chrome Hounds 2
Nice. I just hope they keep DR4 as silly fun and try not to be too gritty. I could feel them leaning that way in DR3.
>that spoiler
user pls
New Parasite Eve
New Dino Crisis
DMC5 - Non Pachinko Edition
Apparently the leaker said that the game is silly fun again, but the original DR wasn't as silly fun as DR2 to begin with it used to be pretty scary.
miazaki having a heart attack while announceing cyber souls
New Duke Nukem
>gonna be on vacation
>can't get comfy and post my fort on Sup Forums
>instead falling for the vaginal jew
H-happy birthday to me...
New footage of Color Splash showing that they improved it by going back to the roots of Paper Mario, having actual turn based combat with badges, moves, partners etc. and new original areas to explore
Never going to happen but it's nice to dream
>tfw college cuck
>tfw I will only watch half of it.
>No budget ties to Microsoft or Sony
>Squeenix have been porting all their games to PC lately
More likely than you think.
Expect Denuvo though.
>Mega Man makes a comeback
>Battletoads makes a comeback
>Crash makes a comeback
>Massive info dump on KH3, Persona 4, and Yooka-Laylee
>Nintendo ends up having a direct a few days before or after and shows off the NX and a whole bunch of other shit
Why no erogames on E3?
does ps4.5 tan have bigger tits or something
Pretty sure that's best background horse.
Why is it always Dante Vergil and Trish?
Trish never even knew Vergil, especially not 3 Vergil. Is it because of UMvC3?
A new Jet Set Radio title. Fuck, I'd be fine with a HD remaster of JSRF
It's because they're the main characters, along with nero too
The public execution of all executives who care more about their investors than their own customers.
I really, really not seing anyone saying.
well guyz... see you at the E3!!
Exited to see more FFXV and Ace Combat
Hoping they announce Yakuza Kiwami and new Sanic
GTA 6 / RDR 2 pls
Got a source for that?
A new Conker with the plot of trying to bring back Berri.
More Ace combat 7 info
What about Lady?
>That moment when something happens on the stream and the catalogue is full of only that moment in mere seconds
I'll put money on Last of Us 2.
Shocking how there's virtually no hype this year.