Here comes another Overwatch killer

Here comes another Overwatch killer




Vanguard is best

The problem is that anyone who already bought Overwatch isn't going to stop playing for a new game. This game kind of killed itself by coming out after Overwatch.

>any FPS that comes out during OW is an OW killer
Fuck off, it looks nothing like a team shooter

>nothing like a team shooter

looks like it could be fun

>We've replaced the phrase "TF2 killer" with "Overwatch killer"
kill me

>implying TF2 hasn't been dead for years now

TF2 killed itself, user.

I never said it didn't, I said "kill me".
Now do it.

*pew, pew*
ur died!

>TF2 is dead because it was too hard for me
Blizzdrones, please.


TF2 is dead because it went f2p and hasn't gotten a worthwhile content update in months. I remember them adding some new payload map, that shitty moon map, and that wacky powerup gamemode.

hmm i wonder why they have so many female characters in this game

the coop killed it

pretty much this.

but there have been plenty of maps since that update

Pub servers lost their fun and there was no way of playing competitvely without going into the autismo comp squads.

In pubs, you'd get people that were playing their first match with someone that's been playing since launch. That skill gap kills the game.

In comp they have so many ridiculous rules and styles of play it takes the fun out of TF2 for the everyman.

I miss vanilla TF2.

i guess era of SJW and feminist is almost over, they realized no waifu = flop

What is this, a shitty Heavy Metal ripoff?

it looks neat, lots of movement options. im looking forward to the inevitable beta

Maps that were just reskins with UFOs and randomly placed explosive orbs. Literally all the "new" weapons and maps they added were just reskins that people used to make money. The devs care more about updating DotA 2 than TF2

The only real fun in TF2 is pub stomp now user. until the new MM update and you got stomped

Tf2 is ducking 10 years old
Let it go

I already did you faglord.

but that's not the truth
the one reskin you're talking about is 2fort
other than that, there's been the halloween maps, the invasion maps (other than 2fort), the gun mettle maps, and the tough break maps
dont lie, man

>pharah duel on hanamura with a dead mercy and white lucio

Gee can't get this anywhere else.

Halloween maps were a reskin of lakeside and the map with a rocket on it
There was one new invasion map (I think, the one about delivering beer right? Or was that a reskin too? I can't remember the maps so well anymore) I don't even remember gun mettle anymore and I'm pretty sure tough break just added crates and a new comic.

Isnt this that game by the Queers of War manlet? Looks pretty lame, looks like I'll still be playing Overwatch while I dont even notice this releases.

Still look like they come from the sjw school of design.

Why are Overwatch shills telling everyone how great their game is instead of playing it?

Shame this game and Paragon can't into good female designs.
The women always look like discount men with tits.

taking a break familia

>hes holding out on Overwatch
Just fucking buy it already, you know you want too. I know its not fair that Stillborn got BTFO in a week but, shhhhhhhh sweet prince, buy the best shooter, end your inner conflict and know true peace.

>sjw school of design.
if thats a real school they will bankrupt right now

Sorry, I don't play shit games.

True True, but it still a fast paced fps since its debut :3

>This is what souls babbies actually believe

You played Stillborn, riddle me that.

Then why should we buy it, for all we know the game isn't as good as Sup Forums says it is because Sup Forums has shit taste

Why do you shills always assume that when someone shits on you favorite game, that they are a shill for another game

>You played Stillborn, riddle me that.
All SHITFAGGOTS are cancer

>>This is what souls babbies actually believe

I told you, buy it to end your inner turmoil over Overwatch and rest your soul.

So much hate and anger. This pain you feel can be instantly be erased if you just quit resisting and you bought Overwatch.

What game is that b0ss??