How did they fuck up so badly?
How did they fuck up so badly?
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They're racing to the bottom to see how little effort they can put forth and still hugely profit.
Todd and Pete
nuff said
They got BTFO'd by a bunch of slavs
Appealing to the lowest common denominator.
Just like Trump.
Is it wrong that I genuinely enjoy Fallout 4 due to its exploration?
I couldn't give two shits about the story. I just wanna explore and micromanage my inventory.
The urge to attempt something the studio hasn't done before, with a toolset that can't handle something new, so they followed most modern RPG titles instead.
The voice acted protagonist is the real fuck up. Whoever thought of that, I really don't know what to say about them, other than "what were they thinking?".
>hasn't played 1 or 2
I respect him for admitting that, and still being so level-headed.
Seriously how did those pollacks do it?
They made multi million game devs look like amateurs
Was it really slav magic?
Not really. I got gifted this game recently, and all I did was explore. The story is so shitty I couldn't care less about it. After 20 hours of exploring I've dropped it, and gone back to 3 and NV though. Planning on replaying 2 soon as well.
4's only saving grace is the gunplay, but enemy AI is fucking terrible.
Just vodka.
Nothing but vodka.
Somewhat. The exploration in Fallout 4 is also pretty shit when you get down to it. Exploring areas is constantly ruined because they placed those chests at the end, like they did in Skyrim, which basically serve as your reward for completing the "dungeon". Every time I saw one of those trunks I'd realize that's the reward and there probably isn't much else to look for. And like 8/10 times that was the case. Also, many areas were dull and had much less environmental story telling.
Scavenging was improved by making all objects create materials for building and modding, but even then it's super easy to complete your settlement and guns within a few hours.
His opinion is OKAY, but not great. He still likes shitty aspects like removal of skills for random magazines.
He's not as delusional as most Bethesdrones though.
Same, I live in the boston area so it was fun to see what they would imagine it, to look like. The silver shroud and vault 81 were the only "story" parts I liked.
Also, I wanna add that the world is fucking tiny, and there's nothing interesting outside of Dunwich Borers. Glowing Sea is alright, but still has nothing as good as the Borers.
3 things
- Labor in Poland is cheaper than America and Japan
- They had a book series to base alot of the back story off of. its also a major part of Polish literature.
- They had gog money to help them push it out.
Bethesda and Konami are lead by Hacks, we have known this for awhile.
once their new CyberPunk game comes out we will know if cd projekt red are as well.
This game was in development for what, 5-7 years?
Why does it feel so rushed from the start?
>They made multi million game devs look like amateurs
>slav magic
You faggots are the fucking worst.
The Witcher 3 had a higher budget, larger dev team and longer development cycle than Fallout 4.
Have a look at the actual team size of Bethesda some time, everyone seems to assume they're some fucking ridiculously huge studio, they're not, and they're no where near that of other AAA western, or even slav devs.
>hasn't played Fallout 1 OR 2
>has "over 9001" hours in skyrim
>hasn't finished the main quest of skyrim
>thinks he knows enough to actually have an argument as to why fallout 4 is shit
i mean its not hard to know why fallout 4 is shit but if you havn't got a clue about what made Fallout 1 & 2 great then your arguments are flawed
They shat out a pretty awful story, fucked up the dialogue system, only barely brought the gameplay up to basic FPS standards, eliminated character building by throwing out skills and requirements for gear, put even less effort into environments than Skyrim, threw settlement building in as if it was a last minute addition, and packaged it all up in the hilarious buggy and unoptimized classic Bethesda way.
And I thought Skyrim was a mess. But looking back Skyrim at least had some great atmosphere and, while limited, interesting ways to build a character. But Fallout 4, goddamn. It's just a mess. To top it all off the engine is incredibly dated and it looks terrible even for Bethesda's standards. It's sad. It shows that Skyrim wasn't just a fluke and this is the direction they'll be going with their products.
>Somewhat. The exploration in Fallout 4 is also pretty shit when you get down to it.
>15 minutes to get from on end of the map to the other
not even joking
>doesn't know physic shit has been in Fallout before
But I agree, Mama Murphey is a fucking retarded character, and this game sucks.
Not really. Fallout 4 is its own game and it's perfectly valid to argue that it's a bad game based on itself and the ones you've played. None of his arguments presuppose experience with 1/2.
Not really. He explains well why 4 is shit.
That makes no sense. They're completely different games.
To be fair you can do that in a lot of games that claim to be open-world. What's important is what you do with that space, not how big it is. For example, Fallout New Vegas had a hilariously small world. Despite that I enjoyed exploring the areas, buildings, and caverns because of the environmental story telling and interesting shit to find.
Fallout 4 barely has any story to tell in the environments. Most of the time it's just some computer log that literally just tells you shipping supplies or something equally mundane about the old world. And the shit you find when exploring amounts to a trunk containing and assortment of drugs, gold/silver jewelry, some pipe weapon, and some ammo. That and all the junk lying on the ground to haul back for the pretty ass settlement system.
>For example, Fallout New Vegas had a hilariously small world
It's so weird that it feels bigger than 4's world to me, yet 3 feels bigger than NV, but I'm pretty sure 4 is the biggest one yet.
I'm so happy I disabled the MC's voice acting.
It's all about how much time you spend in the individual environments. In Fallout 4 you go into a building, kill some enemies, find the obligatory red trunk containing your "loot", then you move on. In the other games you explore each and every room looking for worthwhile shit, naturally see the stuff that happened in the environment since you're exploring, and generally just spend more time looking around. Since there isn't just a big fat stop sign in the form of trunk containing your reward you look around more and environments feel bigger.
Also Fallout 3 had the subways which made up for a lot more space outside of just the map. Though the map itself was pretty big too. I remember the trek from Megaton to the Minefield being a bit of a walk, which was fun.
The fact Nick is a synth and gets to live in Diamond City is so fucking stupid.
I hate the game with a passion, but the explanation is legit you fucking shit
voiced protagonist
It really isn't. He saved the mayor's daughter. Nobody suspects it was all set up. People still hate and fear synths, but this one is okay because eh who cares.
Just as stupid as Maxson and the BoS not caring that Nick is literally in their flying fortress with you.
Oh, but it's okay because it's you haha. You can get us into the institute. We could easily take you prisoner to find out but nah fuck that.
Ya not like he did a lot of the people favors that proved he was a-okay.
>Just as stupid as Maxson and the BoS not caring that Nick is literally in their flying fortress with you.
The game sucks and this is irrelevant
Instead of NV, this should've been a spin-off.
It's not a Fallout game, it's just a shooter with perks set in the Fallout world.
They didn't.
TW3 has as much RPG elements as Fallout 4.
In fact, in Fallout 4 you can at least customize your appearance.
TW3 has as many RPG elements as GTA V.
You keep saying the game sucks, but you're defending these gaping holes.
The people were still scared shitless of synths and realistically, Nick would've been out on his ass if this was a coherent game. But no, in this game he gets to hang around because the people of Diamond City are fucking idiots, which is why half of them are synths anyway.
And you're a fucking idiot for accepting this tripe backstory.
>TW3 has as much RPG elements as Fallout 4.
>in fact, in Fallout 4 you can at least customize your appearance.
Somehow Role-Playing doesn't count if your not original character
>TW3 has as many RPG elements as GTA V.
Fucking christ
This is the same shit I did in FO3. Bethesda can't write to save their lives anymore but they at least make fun worlds to dick around in.
They didn't respect the source material. They tried to attract a broader audience.
And it worked. They made a fuckton of monkey. There will never be a good Fallout game again.
Black person saves your daughter
Give him place to call home, tell people to accept it
Becomes kind of like the detective slowly over time
People eventually accept him
Synths are black people
Someone liked Wasteland Defense enough to make it a central part of the fucking game.
Voiced protagonist and bioware conversation wheel.
No consistency in lore.
Terrible writing and an idiotic plot.
Loose ends everywhere.
Perks are just flat percent upgrades again, being a stealth sniper is optimal.
More of a personal peeve, but the weapons are beyond idiotic. Shit animations, shit designs, a customization system that just has flat upgrades, legendary modifiers.
If Bethesda doesn't get a new engine, more staff, and better writer after this games success, than its they are legitimately retarded
how do people outside of Sup Forums feel about it?
>Someone liked Wasteland Defense enough to make it a central part of the fucking game
It's worse than that. It's an entirely optional activity that has no baring on the main story at all.
oh shit
because it was fun up until a point
fallout 1 and 2 kept you interested by rewarding you for paying attention to your surroundings and checks, theres like 3 checks in fo4 and they're quick little quality of life checks like in NV and NONE change flow or dialogue
also because making a shitty sandbow and milking vault boy and nuka-cola imagery is easier than worldbuilding..or good dungeons..or not copypasting so much
really what bothers me is I've played random .esms with better dungeons and notes/adventure than all of fo4 offered and thats sad
They're different kinds of RPG and neither tries to be like the other.
they didnt. this is just the extent of bethesda. they cant make anything good to fuck it up in the first place.
>that bit where Nick just whistles for Dogmeat
I found Dogmeat on my first playthrough, and my save corrupted half an hour later.
Made a new char and ignored Dogmeat, and that happened.
Dropped the game, got a refund. That was just the last straw. Wasn't even mad, just laughed and shook my head as it uninstalled.
Why can't we ever like both?
I dropped it when Railroad's super secret password was Railroad.
What happened? How did we get from Morrowind and Daggerfall to this?
Did they lose some important people along the way?
>Even the Koreans know that your choices are bullshit.
Go ahead, tell me.
Is there something more to TW3 as an RPG than Fallout 4?
The dialogues are mostly pointless, there's no character customization besides cosmetics, and it's mostly about leveling up and getting better gear until you get Witcher gear.
>What happened? How did we get from Morrowind and Daggerfall to this?
$ $ $ $
This guy is absolutely right. The game is not an RPG at all.
Not giving a fuck.
Can't wait for the DLC that reveals you're a synth, or the antagonist ends up being a synth version of your wife/husband.
>look at what a faggot I am everyone!
read above.
>whole point of the institute taking shaun is that they wanted someone with zero radiation
>get radiation swoop through you at the beginning of the game
bravo bethesda
>post game time
>I-I don't give a fuck
If you didn't give a fuck you wouldn't've said anything, faggot.
>inadvertently giving a fuck by posting
all these salt.
Wow, congratulations, you put a lot of time into a terrible game. Good job giving a fuck by the way.
>correcting your error
Witcher 3 cost 81 million to make and market dumbfuck
do you want a cookie or something
People seem to forget that Fallout 3 was also a horrible fucking game. Fallout 4 shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone.
I was really hoping the game was good... and I find some parts okay, I mean, some of the guns feel really good, but the rest of it seems so...
I guess railroaded is the best term.
I was kinda shocked with how much of the roleplay aspect they take away from you in F4 compared to the others. I mean, even F3, which I still don't really like too much, at least keeps certain things under wraps so that, when you come out of the vault, you can reliable be what you wanna be. F4 just takes that all away. Kid named Shaun, having a kid in the first place, having a wife/husband (insanely surprised at that given I thought Beth loved the whole "social justice" shtick you'd think they'd realize that some people are gay and would want to play as a gay character). I mean it honestly just takes me out of the whole experience of a Fallout game when I can't even be myself in it... that's the whole reason I've loved the rest of the series.
Not expecting cookie but have you guys ever thought people play it not because its "fallout" ?
I mean i spend 1k hours fucking around just like ive wasted brazillion hours in UT99 decade ago.
Ive just posted a pict and the autism shows everywhere.
Only people surprised were people who liked 3.
I actually hoped for something close to NV, but nope.
I didn't pay for the game anyway, so I don't really care.
It isn't "Fallout" though.
The only autistic one here is you.
Go back to tumblr, cuck
People just played it because they're idiots who are perfectly happy with a shallow shooter.
IE; you. It's fucking sad that you're actually so proud of wasting 1000 hours with such a shallow and broken game. Not you're calling OTHER people autists. Nice projection.
well im not playing it cuz its fallout though.
Ive given up the idea and hope of fallout since before 3 was release. How old are you guys anyway, cuz you sound fresh still holding on a gripe.
>asking people how old they are
>trying to pretend you're an old school fan from the old days
You're not fooling anyone, and you're stumbling all over yourself.
>Ive given up the idea and hope of fallout since before 3 was release
>yet I've spent 1000 hours on this abomination
I'm glad normies like this are finally starting to see Bethesda's bullshit, but he still lets them off with a lot.
Normies don't make youtube videos analyzing videogames.
yes they fucking do
No they don't.
Normies play the game once and forget about it as they keep playing whatever flavor of the year came out.
obviously they do
look at this guy's taste
he's a complete normie pleb
a lot of reddit normies do this too
Him being a casual doesn't mean he's a normie.
Normies don't spend free time making videos of these games.
They play them once, and they are done with it.
Markiplier has done reviews.
He's normie as fuck. Normies do review videos too nowadays. Look at people like Angry Joe too.
Sure, some make a living out of it, but they are known because not many people do.
If you really think every normie out there wastes his time making videos about games you should go out more and meet some people.
If you say so. I'm not going to argue about a stupid made up term's definition with you. Let's just agree that he's a pleb.
They thought the market they already had with
FO4 and Skyrim wasn't enough, so they decided to lose alot of long term fans for nothing because everyone who was interested already was.
They put the game in a position where the DLC was the only thing that could possibly save it, probably to sell season passes
Then they released the most heartless, drivel DLC for a RPG ever.
Shove in more buzzwords, you are not trying hard enough to fit in.
t. normie
were you not around for the whole shitstorm surrounding the game since announcement through a few weeks after launch
people were fucking furious at the lack of quality or consistency they show with the game
A few people were. Only a few.
>people were fucking furious at the lack of quality or consistency they show with the game
You mean neckbeards on Sup Forums and a bunch of people on twitter?
It's something I see a lot in here.
People completely disconnected of the real world that really think the consensus around these places is what the majority thinks, when the vast majority of people who buy videogames don't even discuss them on the internet.
My biggest gripe is how clean and smooth ghouls and super mutants looked.
I doubt the populus of Sup Forums is shitposting furiously in youtube comment sections and subreddits/gaming forums about how fallout 4 is shit
god could you sound like more of a normie
Probably because the people this game catters to, AKA, the reason why it sold so much, is because of all those casuals who don't even discuss videogames on the internet.