
That would probably be pretty accurate, actually. That mansplainer sounds like a massive fucking faggot begging for attention.

if it didn't have all the mansplaining bullshit then I'd agree desu

>that would be
if a person like this actually existed the comic would have a point

>Actually using the Wii wheel
>In Mariokart 8 no less
Fucking bitches

LOL only gamers would get this xD UPVOTED


>racing wheel
>best game of the year
literally impossible



Well, not exactly fair to call them a 'mansplainer' but it's not like there aren't autists out there who only open their fucking mouths to tell you how wrong you are.

>anyone who contradicts me is an autist
great attitude you have there, buddy.

Would you pet this cat?

All of Sup Forums


with my penis

Oh look here's one of them now.


Yes, I'd pet it and finger his ears as we talk about videogames


oh boy its another Sup Forums

I hope they fall victim to some womandriving soon

vivian was never intended to be a sock puppet

it was just a mascot invented to prove that as long as you're not spouting fucking garbage we don't care who you are what you look like or what gender you are

people who play games are welcome
faggots who write about games are not

It's a mascot.

>SJW faggots admitting that mansplaining is the truth

Not accurate, nobody asks gamers what their plans are because nobody cares or wants to interact with them.

100% accurate.

Accuracy in question pending sexual contact with a woman.

100% accurate.

100% accurate.

100% accurate

Not accurate in my experience, maybe the fat grill gamers buy games with good girl points and spend all day gaming and eating chicken tendies. All the ones I've seen in the wild have been either regular or extra attention whore.

So is that DC admitting that Mansplaining is still true, no matter how sexist people calling legitimate explanations "mansplaining" are?

You sound cuntfused.

here comes /lgbt/...

no need to get womotional or overyact about it.


Anyone else really hate women?


But I hate pretty much everyone.
