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Video Games #3400
Video Games
When does it get fun?
One more week
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
Need some advice from you neets
Just waiting for this to be released. <3
Is there any videogame where i can play as a cartoon character dealing with real world problems?
What was in your loot box today user?
Which Epona is best, Sup Forums?
What legendary skin to buy after 60 levels of saving?
Dead by Daylight
Short Games Thread
That guy who calls characters "champs"
Who's excited for Hearts of Iron IV to release tomorrow?
How important is resolution to you? I've been playing the Witcher 3 with a GPU bottleneck at 1080p...
Who was your favorite, Sup Forums?
The plot of the last game you played has been rewritten by Seth Rogen. What changes?
How do we fix horror genre?
NES dominated
I had no idea FC3 had THAT big of a difference between the stage demo and the final game...
Tfw you can't find a game that scratches the itch
Hyped for a game
Playing pic related on attack. Doing best on the team for kills, objective kills, and damage
It's fucking happening, bros
Lets see those collections my dudes
Just installed
What game/games did ya play today, user?
Want to start playing games so I can be cool like Sup Forums
Do you ever buy a game just because you respect their effort and kinda feel bad its underrated?
What's objectively the best zone in WoW?
How did they get away with this?
Dubs decide what vidya-related product i will buy
What's your favorite Dragon Ball related game?
What have i done
Have you ever paused a game to look at pervy shots
I just played through the Halo quadrilogy for the first time (via pic related) and I was honestly surprised
It's another successful numale scam episode
Can't wait to see her at Nintendo Treehouse Live
Anybody have the pic related for their DS? If so, let's do a little experiment
What comfy games are you gonna play during the storm? It's just a tropical storm so far...
What are some good western games in the last 2 years ?
This man is a hack. Why do we like him again?
Plug . DJ
Why the fuck is no one talking about Monster Hunter Online? An unofficial english patch came out a buncha days ago...
Game allows you to completely ignore a story, skip every dialogue, cutscene, and quest, and just have fun playing it
Draw your pose
Is this the most pleasant surprise that we've had in years...
Welcome to Hanamura
Fuck this guy
What is the worst game you ever played, Sup Forums?
What went wrong ?
3rd gen gave us Super Mario Bros 3
Melee thread
Want to replay game
Sup Forums drawthread
Videogames in anime
He thinks there is a 50% win rate cap
What drugs does Sup Forums like with their video games...
How can one Dwarf be this based?
ITT: Characters who did everything wrong
So after Sega's big speech about "we let our fans down and we want to win them back" a few months back...
So I just started getting in to Warhmmer with the release of the new Total War...
Buyfag thread
ITT: Games with shit combat
WoW nostalgia
Log into steam
Have you guys gone back to play some of the games on PS3 and 360? They look fucking horrible...
Over a billion people live in India
Are you ready for the next level casualization of the pokemon franchise?
J.J. Abrams takes over
Overwatch Heroes
What are your favorite cards you spam in your game?
Opinions on these games?
How the fuck is anyone supposed to kill this with only 14 health?
How is this game?
What is it about this boss that excites Neo-Sup Forums so much? This would be a mediocre boss in any good game pre 2005
Why aren't you playing Paragon, Sup Forums? It has actual graphics
What's the best version of D?
Why don't we get sales like Steam or PS store?
In what videogames can i swim in a pool of shit?
Hottest Zelda is TP Zelda
Why does Breath of Fire fans hate this game?
Why did Ape Escape have such comfy tracks?
Emulate pic related
What's your biggest
Dragon Quest Thread
There is no Morrowind thread up. You faggots disappoint me
Playing hardest difficulty
Why is this game so underrated?
Group of darkies kick down the door ready to rob you of you belongings and rape you and you family...
Super Robot Wars OG: Moon Dwellers
It's fucking real??
Its confession time, Sup Forums
Mech vidya thread
This is a Japanese serial killer
I think, at least for me...
Is stardew valley worth getting? I see a lot of comparisons to Harvest Moon...
Hell on Earth
Do you trust this man?
Cat Girl Without Salad
Yfw PS4k will come with a built in RX 480
Why is Persona 4 such a happy game? Even Persona 3 had a perpetual air of uneasiness...
He only listens to video game OSTs
Anti-aliasing: on/off
Are there any video games that have this kind of artstyle?
Without meme or anything
LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE, it's like Ludwig but on steroids
When can we expect to see her again?
Game has a licensed soundtrack
What exactly happened to him?
ITT: Games with fucking god tier visual design
Name games you love to play but don't talk about to anyone
ITT: Worst CastleKino / CastleLudos ever
Tfw everyone you knew had the Platinum Gamecube
Mercy 37
So what the hell happened with Star Fox Zero? everyone says it flopped and was shit, is this just meme shit...
3x3 Thread: Sunday Best
Mirrored cover arts
Help Sup Forums
I quit videogames and browsing Sup Forums a year ago and I feel absolutely great. I started lifting, reading more books...
What does Mario say when he enters a level?
Mario kart 8 tourney
That one guy that refuses to vote for anyone but himself
Chill sonic thread, no whining. no preferences. no arguments. no stereotyping. no memes...
What went wrong?
We're missing the essential gamerfuel thread
What do you think about video game culture?
What are some PC games similar to Wipeout?
What's that one Trophy/Achievement you still need to get? What one took the most effort...
Bloody amazing game
Dear Sup Forums
ITT: Forgotten MMOs
Not hacking your 3DS
Can any video game character defeat Ed with a pebble in his shoe?
So why weren't we allowed to beat the shit out of her and why did she get away Scott free...
Why don't AAA developers make high-budget porn or at least lewder-than-usual games?
Street Fighter V
Invade some guy
OY VEY shut it down
/ror/ Risk of Rain
What is the best PS1 Final Fantasy?
Steam is advertising this to me
Do you ever feel like you just missed the boat on a series?
>Cyberpunk 2077 to be far, far bigger than Witcher 3
Who /both/ here?
I just finished final fantasy 8 in 61 hours and by god it was amazing...
RPGs were never about combat...
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Which one is the best?
I'm confused. Is he a parody? Like, an indictment of all of the grimdark gamers out there? He has to be, right?
Really makes you think
Sup Forums collectively shits itself
Gaming Journalism is a Joke
What could have been done to fix this game?
I cant get motivated to play witcher 3 ;_; its just so big im 16 hours in and i play for 20 minutes and turn it off i...
Anyone excited for this?
Why aren't you playing the GOTY, user?
What is the worst game you ever played?
ITT: Sup Forums in the Battle Network universe
Why does everyone ignore that her skin is purple, isn't that kind of weird?
Is he the best vidya villain ever?
What went so horribly wrong? We soulsbros lost AGAIN. I'm literally shaking right now, I can't handle this anymore
That one game you will never EVER play for the first time again
Humans can now choose which sex they "want to become"
Grove Street
He doesn't main evil Goku
The world needs us more than ever!
Is bikini armor acceptable in games nowadays
Does Nintendo actually think that anybody wants this?
What do you want from metal gear rising 2?
Atelier Sophie
That retarded and overdesigned hoodie
Ask a guy who works at From Software anything
Let's make an awesome zombie game filled with lots of missions and things to do, in a giant mall
No single player campaign
Be honest with me Sup Forums, should i buy Overwatch or keep my money for Pokemon Sun/Moon?
Give me one good reason why you haven't hacked your 3DS yet
PSA: All the PS2 classics are on sale
Are screenshot threads still allowed?
Why there is no dark souls copy game...
Glad you could make it, Aqua
There are people that unironically watches someone else play video games
ITT: Post your profile and compare dick sizes
When you see forks/different paths in games, how do you usually interact with them?
All games in development moved to NX
Whats your favorite Paradox game Sup Forums?
Battleborn is a scam
What's your opinion about the upcoming release of Umineko on Steam?
Name a game with a better soundtrack
What game from your youth made the strongest impression on you?
Ask a guy who works at From Software anything
ITT: you cancel an ongoing video game franchise with at least 3 games to resurrect one of the same genre that died...
Characters that are literally you
Sooo, what's the scariest game you ever played Sup Forums?
Ssshhh Sup Forums sshh... chie is sleeping
What jobs should FF14 introduce in the next expansion? And you do think there are hopes of expansion announce this E3?
E3 Good Times
About 20 hours in and just finished Chapter 5. Do I get my giant robot soon?
Overwatch or Steak?
When did you finally realize this was better than RE4?
7 days until E3
Top 7 global time spent playing video games
You will never play a game this good again for as long as you live
Kids posting legally on Sup Forums were litterally born with 3D games
New filename thread
Ask a guy who works at From Software anything
So what happened to Undertale?
What's the most overrated game of all time and why is it Resident Evil 4?
What went right?
So what went wrong?
This game has given me an irrational fear of the ocean
What are some games people want but will never happen our lifetime?
If you find yourself with free time, or another codex page, don't hesitate to visit, my door is always open
OK, I was a huge WItcher 3 fanboy, always defended it here and everywhere. Just playing the DLC
What you want in Halo 5?
Will you buy Pokemon Sun/Moon?
Why isn't Project Diva on PC? IT seems like a no brainer for SEGA, what goes?
Friendly reminder Nintendo has removed games from the eshop to fight piracy
Is there any server about ace of spades where we can play in which the map is not already destroyed ?
Valve why?
You guys were right, Steamboxes really rendered consoles obsolete and completely changed the market. I mean...
Is this the best game ever?
As it stands now, the games I've bought so far this year is Stellaris, Dark Souls 3, Total Warhammer, and DOOM...
Smash 4 Sup Forumskend tournament Sunday Edition
Now the dust has settled. Can we all agree?
Meanwhile, in medieval Sup Forums
I'm about to give this game a shot again, I got my shit kicked in the last time I tried to play this...
Oh look, a package! I wonder what it could be? I hope it's not video games
What are some essential PS2 games?
We are aiming to make this game more casual friendly
So what's the verdict on VR?
Sims 4 - Now introducing transgender
Let's talk about tales of, what are your thought about the series as a whole? can it ever get as good as vesperia was?
What does /v think of hunniepop?
ITT: Enemies in games that still scare the shit out of you
When is she getting another game?
The city of Pokemon
Alright you Sup Forums, I see you guys suck this game's cock CONSTANTLY. Explain to me why it's good...
How can I get as buff as Ryu?
Do you remember when FPS at least tried to have unique settings?
Will Cyberpunk 2077 have Perturbator on the soundtrack?
There are people on Sup Forums right now who didn't get emotional during the hypest boss fight of the past year
Mfw Star Fox Zero failed
I'm doing NG+ before I play the expansions. Just did the Uma transformation quest...
Is it really only good for weebshit?
What is the best turn based strategy game and why is it advance wars?
He calls controllers "gamepads"
Yfw you realize there's not been a single truly great game released since mid 2006
Dark souls 3
When was the exact moment blizzard lost it?
How would you make Nintendo great again?
Thread by Daylight Dead
Is this game finally starting to die...
Find a flaw
Stand near someone
What went wrong?
Overwatch Fans I need your help
Game tries to be sexy
Tell one to speak english
MvC4 roster
How did they get away with this? This was a T rated game
ITT games that can be used to cure completitionists
Sup Forums, do you accept Venom as (for all intents and purposes) Big Boss, or just view him as a pale imitation...
Saw this pic on Sup Forums earlier today
Bethesda is announcing a new Sci-fi IP with the freedom of TES at this E3
Was this a failure, Sup Forums?
Wii U Gamepad
Suddenly zero interest on the topic
Time to upgrade to windows 10 anons
Game tries to have a 'deep' story
Wife's 30 birhtday
Focus on gameplay, level design, bosses and atmosphere
Games only you played
Cute boy (DEAD)
Fallout 3 thread?
I went to McDonald's yesterday and got a Filet-O-Fish combo with a bacon cheeseburger on the side...
Hell yeah, it's fucking summer and I'll get to be a shameless NEET for 3 months. Been missing out on vidya lately...
Free-to-play MMORPGs
Diablo adding Half-Life crossover items
Normal Peach always looks so life-less and freaky looking. It makes me wish Smash Peach was the main Peach
Trails thread
3x3 Thread
Should i buy a ps4? or save up for a car?
I've determined that I can only really enjoy a video game if I can play as a female
Is this the single greatest videogame character of the past ten years?
One Piece Burning Blood
Was shilled left and right
Itt: games that prove Japs are terrible writers
Tak Fuji being high as fuck
Dark Souls Art Thread 2 Electric Boogaloo
Just upgraded my toaster so it can run newer shit, what are some must-play games made in last 5 years...
You don't let your loyal Aeons die, do you user?
Name ONE game that lived up its hype
What were the best looking GBA games?
What does Sup Forums think of Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum, king of Ding Dong Dell?
Wouldn't this look super stupid if you play a girl?
Post YFW you see one on your team
Why are FROMSOFT so bad at balancing PvP?
I bought Senran Kagura for PC yesterday, I think it's stupid but pretty fun game
Someone had the audacity to say that this wasn't the greatest game ever made!
When was the last time Sup Forums?
ITT: create ideas for Overwatch heroes/skins/abilities
Thread begins in 60 seconds
What is the best Level-5 game?
PS1 vs PS2
Mass Effect 1: In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization...
Silent Hills Spiritual Successor Allison Road Canceled
There are people who can't answer this
When you were younger, did you share your vidya with your younger siblings?
Why exactly aren't you hyped, Sup Forums?
Was this the greatest twist ever in video games?
What do you think Zelda(the character) will be like this time? Will she be stoic like TP Zelda? Bubbly like SS Zelda...
Who else can't wait til this gets announced at E3?
Best daedric prince coming through
That friend who said "ow!" everytime his toon was hit
Would it be possible to make a game featuring this hero?
Find a flaw
Fire Emblem
Best controller hands down
This game is fun
Look at this 5
The room was completely black
Why did international releases of these games suck so badly compared to the JP releases?
6 Pokemons you always try to have
Name 1 (ONE) videogame
Morrowind Thread
CDPR said there are 97 quests in Blood and Wine. I just finished the game and took a count...
Whats the best gaming chair?
Will there ever be a better fromsoft game ?
What do you guys eat/drink while playing games?
Is there any game worth playing right now? I have the feeling that everything out there is trash
I recently played Divinity Original Sin and Wasteland 2...
Why is this allowed? Nintendo?
Who has hurt you the most?
/ror/ Risk of Rain
For more than 16 years...
Y'all niggas ready for Battlefront 3?
Do you remember to exercise after playing a game for a really long time?
Ubisoft E3 downgrade
Fall for the hype and buy Warhammer Total war
Why does PC get all these weeb, fanservice-heavy games instead of legit Japanese games like Persona 5...
Ace of spades?
Some of you noobs are alright. Don't go to Falador tomorrow
Why do console players even play FPS games?
Will you main blue haired Future Trunks in Xenoverse 2?
How long will Overwatch stay popular for...
Bloodborne fuckup
How would you fix him?
Tfw barely any art of AA best girl
What happened to all the Nintendo fanboys?
New Arcade Business Model for Tekken 7 Fated Retribution - Many More Character Additions Planned
Give me your favorite GBA RPG
Why isn't there a single better tactical RPG?
Does this describe your taste in hero choice?
It's not enough to openly promote degeneracy in this game but also xenophobic as D...
Nemesis is coming to kill you. The last video game character you played as has to protect you, could they?
Sort of off topic
So this is
What are some games where you break out of prison?
How did we go from this
7 days until E3
How the fuck was Sonic able to use chaos control in SA2?
Quick thread: Have two Dead by Daylight beta keys to give away, post your Steam ID and a joke...
Just got myself a PS3 real cheap. What are some good games I should get that aren't on PC? So far I have:
What are we suppose to call the lastest Tomb Raider game?
How many downgrades will we see at this year's E3?
Vidya Filename Thread?
Planning on buying Shadow of the Colossus in the future
What's the purpouse of speedruns?
Tfw overwatch got boring already
Were games better back then?
Is Brutal Legend worth a play in respect to the fallen?
Takes a break to avoid Bayonetta
This is a tengu
Define handholding
What is he thinking about?
Modern rendering
Pass me the controller, sis
Muramasa Rebirth registered on SteamDB
Look on the bright side, it's not like it can get any worse right? Right?
I'm playing MGS3 again Sup Forums
Why did they think that making you lose 50% of your matches was a good idea?
For people who started playing The Elder Scroll with Morrowind:
Why is steam overflowed with this shit?
Nintendo @ E3 2016
Would you a Mercy (male)?
What was the first video game you bought with your own money?
What's the link between the Sonic fanbase and autism?
I'm so depressed
Now that Bionicle has been rebooted, we can expect new games to come out
Why no-one is talking about it anymore just a few days after the release...
No mods
ITT: Amazing, underrated games
These are the final evolutions for the Pokemon Sun and Moon starters that were just confirmed real
Get puffing
You know its coming
Please tell us what games you played today, friends
Is EU4 any good? I want to play but I don't know if it is worth $99
DS & BB art thread
GG ez pz
Name a Jap with a bigger boner for the West and Europe
What's the best ever DLC?
ITT: Games with easily triggered fanbases
Be honest. It's all that matters in the end
How did jason die?
A NEET girl with superhuman computational abilities and ingenious programming capabilities...
What went wrong?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
How do you rank the eight main Metal Gear games? (MG 1, 2, MGS 1, 2, 3, 4, PW, V)
Dead by Daylight
It seems the president has equipped his daughter with ballistics too
What video game has the best world map?
I'd pump her rum, if you know what I mean
Darksouls character creations
What's the hardest game Sup Forums?
Hi, i have the best songs with lyrics in any video game ever made. And you know what? The best music of all time too
Tfw you're still not Anthony Burch
Ubisoft Downgrades
Comfy 3DS Thread
Buy fag thread
I can't think of a better or more beautiful girl in video games
Vanillaware delivers another masterpiece
Lights go out in the middle of the game
Does Sup Forums still do lan parties with their friends?
Guild Wars 2
Do you taunt in smash Sup Forums?
Is Mai's ass fat?
Apologize. Now
Why does this hit so close to home?
Post your real, no bull-shit gamestations Sup Forums. Whoever is sadder than OP wins a free random steam game
So, Nintendo of Europe teased this not too long ago
ITT: we trivialize a character with "muh":
Apathy is death
Another former Vita exclusive coming to PC!
Biggest turn-offs for you in vidya
Tfw you still can't get over MGSV
Sup Forums recommends a game
Cat Girl Without Salad
Playing videogames
Oh boy what have Arc Sys done now
What does Sup Forums think about the Mass Effect trilogy?
Has Sup Forums ever used drugs for a competitive edge in an online game? If so what and how did you fare
There's more hype for DMC than there is an online multiplayer godhand
Wait, I'm confused, are video games "art"?
Who had it the worst?
"I think the problem with Star Fox Zero is that people just no longer like Star Fox anymore...
I'm truly baffled that steaming piles of shit like this game are still released in this day and age...
Post the mini-game you always win, no questions asked
10/10 visuals, story, characters, music
Trials in Tainted Space
Great vidya songs in made up languages?
Remember when the souls formula felt fresh and new and not stale as fuck?
Here's your controller
What kind of unique class would you like to see in an RPG?
Project 11 - new arg
As the era finally comes to an end and can rest in peace. Overall whats the review on the entire series?
ITT: Terrible, overrated games
Late night Squilliam thread, keep those drawings coming and maybe a collagefag will magically appear
ITT: FPS characters that are perfect for Overwatch
How can biological men even compete?
User, I have a simple question: What is your favorite JRPG out of the ones you did NOT grow up with?
ITT: Games and franchises you hate now because they got too popular
The only bad Call of Duty games were Ghosts and MW3
ITT: Games that aged well
Is it worth to get into Corpse Party now?
Do you like Sup Forums?
Being this desperate for sales
That one friend that sacrifices himself to win the game for the team
Has the medium of videogames peaked with Bloodborne?
Which hero sucks the most?
Doom games takes place in Hell
This game is ____
Is Dark Souls the only series where the graphics got worse with every installment?
Which one Sup Forums?
What's a good gaming pc that I can just flat out buy? im talking one that can run a game like doom (2016) really well...
ITT: Favorite Overwatch Skins
Pirating indie games
Final level/chapter: title of game
What do they mean by this?
RIP Nvidia
What does this image bring to mind? What is the first word that comes into your head?
Anyone else here permabanned from league?
Has A Game Ever Made You Cry, Sup Forums?
Please buy her game. It's good
What is the GOAT RTS race and why is it the Zerg?
Why doesn't Sup Forums like Sakuya?
Meanwhile, on prehistoric Sup Forums
How does this image make you feel?
Why are Americans so loud in multiplayer games?
Has there ever been a character in a game designed worse than bastion? His standing mode is worthless...
2 days left
Patch 3.3
The Witcher III Thread
New MK8 DLC:
Ask a Zelda U E3 Exhibition Tester Anything
Tales thread
Games with good desert areas?
The 1.4 patch dropped the other day, and the 1.5 patch is coming later this week. Better performance...
I just bought this game for $14 on sale at EB Games and one thing is REALLY bugging me about it
Do you think Nintendo will ever be good again?
Let's talk Kingdom Hearts Sup Forums. Any expectations or hopes for E3? Enjoying Unchained X...
Why is overwatches community filled with as many ass holes as ASSFAGGOTS?
Anyone else buying this because there hasn't been a decent WW1 game in forever?
Confess your video game sins
Wizard/mage class in an RPG
Unity Changes Pricing
ITT: Series that Won't Get Any More Sequels
Etrian Odyssey
Just beat it
Monster Hunter Generations
So whats the verdict?
Which one should I play, and why?
Funny/shitty scenes in video games that aren't supposed to be funny
What are some good games where I can dual-wield revolvers?
What are some games that let me BTFO out of a clown?
I'm in the mood to be spooked. Give me your best most spooky games, Sup Forums
He still plays tf2 in 2016
Allison Road Cancelled
Final Fantasy VI remake never ever
Nintendo DS - top games
PC gaming hasn't killed console gaming despite the fact that PC gaming can be way more convenient/cheaper since you can...
The wrong kid died
ITT: Biggest mysteries in games
Worth it? I play no other Blizzard games so the Origins edition seems totally not worth it to me
Should I get witcher 3 season pass or Earth Defense Force 4.1?
Witcher 3 Armor
Itt; criminally underrated games only you still play
What's your opinion on Donkey Kong and his games?
When do you think S, M and N will stop supporting PSN, XBLA and Wiiware for last gen consoles?
What's a game that lets me dig through the ditches, burn through the witches, and slam in the back of my dragula?
E3 2016
What's a good JRPG on the PS4?
Holy shit gamers ! ! !
Game has kobolds in it
This is what happens when you put a whiny SJW in charge of a subreddit
Be in Yugioh thread
Are the modern Silent Hill games actually bad or just bad compared to the Original games?
Is Journey THE most overrated/pretentious game to exist?
Why the fuck is he so smart Sup Forums...
Filename thread
Why is such garbage?
Konami curse is real
ITT: MGSV isn't out yet
What is the Max Headroom Incident of video games?
Not even casual shit reddit defends 20 tick
Sonic Generations
Best Gamecube games?
The wonders of PSN
ITT quotes from vidya you'll never forget
Squishy as fuck
This guy walks around the corner and says ''Woah there'', what do you do Sup Forums?
Hey, Sup Forums. My 12 year old little sister fucking loves watching Let's Plays and Minecraft faggots
Who was in the wrong here?
I'm the guy in your games who picks Hanzo and never hits any arrows
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...