Who has hurt you the most?

Who has hurt you the most?

Yoichi Wada

CD Projekt RED

Blizzard regarding Warcraft


I remember playing the DA2 demo and saying "i-it's just a demo guys"

Dark Souls 2 and MGSV still hurt.

I know the whole "which dark souls is best" war has gotten stupid at this point, but the whole Scholars of the First Sin situation really felt like a slap in the face on top of what I considered a disappointing successor to DaS.

Ubisoft turning AC2: Brotherhood's incredibly fun (though flawed) multiplayer into some kind of call of duty style fuckfest in Revelations really angered me as well, and then 3 came along and drove the final nail into the coffin of the series (for me, at least).

Those two stick out in my memory the most, but I'm sure there are others.


Prince of Persia: Forgotten Sands

Hitman: Absolution

anything Suda 51 related post-No More Heroes


My anus is still hurting over ME3. Uncle Bioware forgot to use a lube.


i like zettai ryonuki

i like this


Bioware went from making almost all good games DA and earlier before, and almost all bad games DA2 and later. I don't think I've ever seen a company do a u-turn that quickly.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
You're an idiot if you got fooled for third time.
Don't be that idiot.

Yeah, Ubisoft.

AC3 killed me inside. The fact that ME3 came out that year didn't help either. 2012 was awful for me. Prototype died that year too.

They were my favourite until the end of the PS2 era

I'm with you on that one OP.

Every single game they release has the potential to be the best of it's kind, and it always ends up being the worse.

The Crew had so much potential holy shit.




you had Westwood, Bullfrog, Dice, and you went with fucking popcap???


thanks ea


RIP Tribes: Ascend


will never forgive

The inclusive mentallity of having strong female and gay characters and passing it as a major selling points really ruined games in general

EA (it's also personal since I worked there), Sony, Nintendo, Raven Software and countless Japanese developers for not releasing their games in the west or at least provide a translation.

fuck you it was the first shit that popped into my mind, also fuck PvZ2

it's (sorta) back

>since I worked there
Don't leave us hanging user-san


EA maybe a Monster but i can understand that they are money hungry.

Capcom seems bat shit crazy with their selective localization and hoarding of IPS that people would kill for.

>Kojima ruining everything
>Bethesda raping Fallout yet again
>Dark Souls 2
>Duke Nukem Forever

It just works.


They've murdered so many studios.

I wish they'd make more games too, but I don't hate them nearly as much as other companies ITT who actively shit on once-beloved series

At least Valve is... passive

Guild Wars 2 will remain the biggest disappointment to me for a very long time.

>it's (sorta) back
What does that mean?


classes BTFO

along with that it's been getting balance patches and new maps for the past few months

Doesn't help the fact that the community is dead and the only people still playing are rank 100 tourney pros.



yea that's why said it was only sorta back

Konami didn't allow MGS to receive a proper conclusion.
They instantly shot up to #1 on my shit list, dethroning Capcom

Blizzard regarding everything. Why would you even bother trying to single out warcraft?

Bethesda with oblivion. I stopped hyping games after this.


AC3 should get as much hate for its ending as ME3 does. At least ME has a clear ending. AC's is cliffhanger and lame as fuck.

Square Enix

Blizzard when they decided that WoW needed to be the most casual MMO in existence.

Mass Effect 3

Diablo 3

Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin

Assassin's Creed III


Nintendo. A decade of overall disappointment.

Yeah but that's also Kojima's fault for not delivering with V and even 4

The entire mmo genre
Every dev, every publisher, every fanboy, you're all sick fucks who lied through your teeth about every mmo that's been released in the past 10 years

Not even a contest

I don't understand Bethesda and Todd Howard fans. Their games have always been janky unplayable garbage. Overhyped and filled with promises they could never keep. How many times can you be tricked by a single person before you start yourself?


People complaining about Bethesda or Bioware have no idea. It's like comparing streetfight to holohocaust


eh, in bioware's case its EA and their lack of modeling/animation skills. and the writing. they have to fire some writers if they wanna come back

meh. all of those studios agreed on being merged with EA. sucks for them.

no they didnt
for example bioware was acquired trough a hostile takeover of their parent company

It never was hardcore.


the worst of them all

considering how people spend several thousand hours on their pvp games it makes sense for them not to make sp games anymore.

not to mention EA is the only one who can make Star Wars games now which means we will never see creative Star Wars games again.
fuck them

and that makes it fine?


I just want them to be good again instead of slowly turning into ea

Yes but to put it into perspective they hoovered up a lot of studios in a short amount of time.

westwood, maxis etc had no idea that EA was going to cut their balls off, they didn't know who they were selling to at that time.

They released Gothic and Spellforce, right?
10/10 would buy from back in the day

well compare the value to the consumer between a sp game you play for 30h and a csgo/dota where people log in 3k hours + watch streams + watch esports tournaments. The value difference between the 2 is astronomical.

>Fucking Todd

>Todd "it just works" Howard

Remember the indoctrination theory? Four stages of grief in one neat package.

Tied by a straight-jacket, I hope. Because that shit was insane. And worse than what we got.

I think a large group of the fans see the games merely as a platform for the modding.

I do, but i have never paid for any of their games and unless they do something drastically different I don't think I ever will.

When First heard about 'paid mods' my first thought was 'So is bethesda going to do the honest thing and pay the modders that make their game playable?' But instead they just wanted more undeserved cash.


t. totally not Todd Howard

Namco Bandai, didnt hurt but they fucked me over the most.
remember to never be a loyal customer in this industry, it doesnt pay off

remember to never be a loyal customer.