Welcome to Hanamura

>Welcome to Hanamura
[Dicklesson] left the game
[Meinneger] left the game
[Tipycharlie] left the game
[TF2Sucks] left the game

Every single time. Can Blizzard take a hint?
Why don't let us choose our own map rotation or something like that. So we don't have to play shitty maps or game modes; King of the Hill who the fuck wants to play that.

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Uh, the king of the hill maps are the best?

I love playing torbjorn on that map :^)

KOTH is the best since you can pick any hero and still contribute to the team

worst map is that Highland bullshit or whatever its called

they really aren't

>the only kind of map where one, if not two slots are automatically reserved on both sides

Nepal and Lijiang Tower are baller
Fuck Illios thoughthe town maps are great, but my team is retarded overtime Illios goes down

If this game had a server browser model I'd play Ilos 24/7.

Which map do you mean?

that one where you escort the payload through a fucking huge building

Hanamura, especially when you're attacking is possibly the worst map ever.

Uh, watchpoint gibraltar?

yeah that shit
its never fun

Gibraltar, Kings Row or Dorado?

They don't want to split the community.

>2 Torbjorns
>One puts a turret in the corner of the gate
>Other puts it on top of the deck next to the other turret
>the Torbjorns actually shoot and repair their turrets competently

You alone probably

>6 torbjorns defending

I-I thought everyone liked Ilos...

McREEE on B attack is pretty swell. But seriously, fuck hanamura.

>It's a "2 Widowmakers, 1 Hanzo, 1 Symmetra, 1 Zenyatta, and You attacking point B on Hanamura" episode.

I have a feeling if they ever implement playlists nobody will ever play cap point maps again. It's baffling that they had all that beta time and the maps came out like this. KOTH is the only good mode.

What is the best map an why is it Volskaya Industries?

Fuck objective B in somethingskaya. The Russian place.

Hey I know!


Its a Reindhart protecting a tower in point B episode.

>I killed Reindhart.

Molten COOOORE epilogue.

>not placing a bastion on the moving platforms

Not saying that I'm pro or that I play the game all the time or anything, but I still haven't even had a chance to play the Egypt level.

Volskaya is almost as bad as Hanamura for the attackers. Both maps give the defenders a flanking and elevation bonus at point B with a short distance to their spawn point.

This pretty much object mode sucks dick because its just le epic chokepoint why does this game not have tdm or ctf?

It's perfect for poo in loo defense

Wee need more maps like Dorado


(vid not related)

>it's a king of the hill episode
>someone instalocks mercy instead of lucio
just kill me now senpai

>repair turrets
Its almost always better to shoot htem back

Point A literally falls within 3 minutes tops to a competent team thanks to the backdoor route which completely bypasses the choke-point. B has the moving platforms side entrance and plenty of corners to hide. You're just a shit.

>avoid straight paths with little cover against Widowmaker/Bation/Tobjorn
By the way the map is a chokepoint with a single entrance for characters who can't fly and it's easy to put turrets in positions where the enemy can't possible see or fight them without already being under attack.
Oh, congratulations btw point B has literally no cover and is 5 steps away from the enemy spawn. Also we set it up in a way that one person/turret can defend the whole 2nd floor, side path, and most of the first floor from one convenient location. Good luck getting past him.

>send turrets in with torbjörn for free ult charge
>jump in with a turret and pop ult

I don't get why Blizzard can't put in a server list, much less some basic option to choose what kind of objective you want.

>2 Torbs
>competent widowmaker

>My team goes in one by one

because low effort console port thats why the game is only 20 tick.

I don't know how anyone can enjoy the KOTH maps. Whoever picks more knockbacks wins the majority of the time. It is insanely dull

I do too, user! :)

If you can't see that Overwatch is a PC game first and foremost, you're literally blind. The console versions even have fucking PC button prompts at times.

I like the one tower that's surrounded by the moat.
The sidepath is full of interesting places to ambush people, the open side is full of intsense fighting, the walls around the point are great for aggressive Symmetra action, and the moat/windows are perfect for Mei to icewall for quick captures and icicle sniping.

calm down blizzcuck its a fucking console port with shit tier tick rate.

Yet it lacks all the features of even primitive PC multiplayer games