Mfw Star Fox Zero failed

>mfw Star Fox Zero failed

I'm keeping an eye on this thread.

>it was dedicated to iwata
>ended up being a pile of doodoo

this. thats the hardest i've ever cringed. especially the way they worded it.


>tfw I enjoyed the game

just wished the 8 extra missions weren't so half assed

>Shiggy was put in charge of a task force to show people that the WiiU gamepad was worthwhile and SFZ and Guard were all he came up with

I don't know if that's more depressing than SFZ failing

>that fox


delete this

>It reviewed worse than command

>he then proceeds to blame the audience

Star Fox Guard is actually good though

Honestly, people shit on this game for no reason. Zero proved that lame flying levels aren't interesting anymore. Adventures was a good Zelda-like with amazing graphics and fur rendering.

I really like these meme remixes


Adventures was good nerds.


Sure it is. Did it convince anyone that the WiiU gamepad is worthwhile?

Mario Maker and Splatoon did that better than a man who's sole job was to make good use of the pad


Hopefully Playtonic will attempt to remake it once they finish with Yooka-Laylee

Who cares about Playtonic though

I do

> mfw now that Krystal is out of the franchise, Krystalfags became just shitposters

Loving every single, tiny salty tear of all you faggots.

>Like Adventures
>For years all posts are nothing but "adventures sucks"
>Suddenly faggots come out of the wood works and agree it's good

You people are just zelda fans in disguise. Fuck you.

probably because they are the original Rareware team?

More like now the entire franchise is dead

At least Shiggy isn't a tripfag.

No, for years people said it's a bad Star Fox game, not a bad game overall.

Prove it.


It IS a bad game though. It's a shitty Zelda clone with forced romance and even worse flying stages.

The 64fags are salty because they can't blame Krystal anymore for the series being shit.

Metacritic, people who played the fucking game, etc.

No it's not a bad game, but it's not amazing either. It's the definition of OK.

>mfw the pran worked

Platinum bait

>he fell for the kikestarter meme
underage please go

>Metacritic, people who played the fucking game, etc

Thats not conclusive proof, fag

how much did you give to Inafune user?

Post krystal vixen tiddies


Sure, wait here as I dig though years of archive to prove a common opinion to you.


I wish the shitposters would just admit these are the reasons they make threads.


I didn't back the kickstarter, I'm just waiting for Yooka-Laylee to actually come out before paying money for it. Doesn't mean I can't be excited for the game.

These threads have more Nintendo is dead content than Krystal tiddies

>common point

We must remember things differently, because Adventures has been unanimously hated since release.

>Arthur Gies of Polygon declined to assign a score because he found that it was too miserable to finish the game on account of its controls. Jim Sterling criticized the game's controls, and slammed Nintendo for using gimmicks in order to sell their games.

Yall never wanted a new Star Fox game and you sided with these two after it was released.

That a weird way to say Metroid threads

If Star Fox Adventures is 8/10, what is Ocarina of Time? 200/10? People who think this is above average have never played one of the many good, or great games in existence, and that's pathetic. Stop pretending it has any type of exceptional value, because you played in when you were 2 years old, and you have a boner for animals or anything with Nintendo written on it.

The best. Please continue sir.


>flying levels aren't interesting anymore

Yeah, no, you're a retard. Nintendo just can't remember how to make a good game in their classic franchises anymore.

Pretty sure Metroid threads have plenty of Samus titties with even more anger and despair

>Arthur Gies got called a white knighting faggot by Allison Rapp

Loving every laugh.

>Zero Suit fags

Makes me wonder what would have happened if Sakurai decided to make a Star Fox game instead

Nice meme you pizza shit
Yooka-Laylee is going to be GOTY

I visit the threads because I like Krystal tits. I have nothing to say about these games that hasn't already been said 200 times
Doing God's work, user

>Yooka-Laylee is going to be GOTY
But it's going to be an actual FUN GAME user


Keep posting her, thread is now under my watchful eye, also my penis.

>mfw Star Fox Zero failed

It'll be another DK64. Rare was always overrated.

A better Starfox game.

But I'm glad he didn't. It would never have been better than what we got anyway because the Starfox universe just doesn't have as much creative potential. Meanwhile KI:U is one of the most fresh-feeling and constantly surprising games Nintendo has ever published.

>Keep posting her
Yes sir

>missing the interview where they said it will not be like DK64 or Tooie
Anything else?


0 was alright.
That awful Andross fight was the worst final boss I've fought since the Shadow of Mordor QTE.

>have to use both screens
>Chicken walker for 70% of the fight

Eh, it was fine.

At least if it really was the death of the franchise, it died gracefully.

And Krystal-free.

Stay the fuck out of my Godzilla threads

Zero is a shit game all where else even mediocre Assault; the same game that Miyamoto called a failure. (and going to blame PG next), somewhere more decent thanks to multiplayer

stop defending it and go pick up 643D for an improved and accessible Star Fox 64 experience instead.

>out of the franchise

You make it sound like the franchise isn't officially dead. Zero bombed, and now Nintendo will lay the series to rest for good.

Make me.

i think it may be age relative because when i was a kid and it came out i thought it was the best shit ever



Kirby Robobot did a better job at being starfox.

>yfw despite sales, they shit out Zero 2, which is a worser version of Assault, like the first one being a shittier 64.

I enjoy both SF64 and SFZ, stay mad


That's great but no one cares about the opinion of one random user. The masses have spoken.

no you didn't shithead


Shorter, not shittier.


you know what they've done to poor Zoness in Zero?

>Shorter and shittier.
Fixed that for you tripfag


Coincidentally, "shorter and shittier" is also the tagline for his dick.


look at him and laugh

Starfox Zero was a fresh of breath air with all the generic shooters that come out in the market. It was Nintendo's big title for the WiiU, and people are complaining just for the sake of complaining.

Fucking pathetic.

The stage is rather fun in the Arwing.

>he wasnt ready to go to krazoa palace

I think that while 64 clearly had the better level content, Zero has much more interesting and unique boss battles and the Star Wolf dogfights are more fun in it than in 64. I'm hoping for an eventual sequel that takes the things that both games did well and is an actual improvement.

No sequel. Next Starfox will be another reboot.

That and the all range missions were the best in the series.


Does your uncle work at Nintendo?

can the 64 versus GCN fan wars finally end now that Zero is now seen as nearly-universally shit?

sure it's not fanfic cancer like Command, but the consistency is extremely appalling.

blahblahblahKROZOAblahblahblahGENERAL SCALES

What the fuck was with the hackjob language in Adventure.

it would've been a safer route to give 64 an HD rework and non-gimmick controls