Now that Bionicle has been rebooted, we can expect new games to come out.
What does Sup Forums want in a Bionicle game?
Now that Bionicle has been rebooted, we can expect new games to come out.
What does Sup Forums want in a Bionicle game?
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oh god what the fuck is that
Collectible mask powerups and a full 3D open world to explore
I'd rather build more bionicles irl
i want skylanders but wii u only w/ 2d graphics
How is it that the more the Bionicle toy line advanced, the significantly worse it got? The first two waves of Bionicle were fucking awesome, those disk throwing things before Bionicle were great, but all the Bionicle shit I've seen in stores for the last several years has been pretty lame in comparison.
>Not liking the Mahri
I like the deep sea creature designs.
Lack of simplicity and clear design form. I can barely tell what the fuck is going on with the behemoth in OP's pick because it's such so bulky.
Nostalgia. Bionicle improved with every wave.
man i forgot all about this shit, I had the green guy when they first came out. Bionicle was awesome but it was no Beast Wars.
>playing with legos
Who is best toa and why is it Kopaka?
Clean ass nigga
Just looking at him gives me a boner
it varies, but overall they have improved with every season/set. the individual gimmicks are iffy.
like i thing im seeing actual shoulders in this pic, and im not sure on the oddball parts inside the weapon, need to see others to get a better idea
pohatu was always the GOAT
I want robot girls
I thought the purpose of lego blocks was to fuel kids imagination, and have them build new things.
Bionicle figures have like 12 pieces total, and half of them are clearly arms, legs, and masks.
yeah, this
too manish
Newer ones, yeah, but other series can create absolute monsters of characters.
2015-onward Bionicle uses CCBS, a generic action figure framework TLG came up with. The other Lego IPs don't have gearbox mechanisms for moving limbs, though. But yes, original Bionicle did have a lot of prefab parts for limbs which didn't really have articulation at the knees or elbows. It did kinda get worse later on.
The usual MOC is usually something resembling the bigger builds rather than the canister models, and use a fuckton of pieces.
Bohrok were fucking amazing.
But I thought they were replaced by Heroes Squad or some shit
Bionicle are always about sentai like toys
GOAT incoming
I grew up with the original bionicle waves and I gotta say, these look way more baller.
didn't we have this thread yesterday ?
not that I mind
If you want to actually build something then you buy anything that isn't Bionicle since it's even babbier than lego sets.
I bet someone fapped to that
I belive that mask belong to me.
yfw 2003
I think they lost out so much when they started to use more big, bulky, pre-designed pieces for the models.
The earlier ones still felt like you were building something, not just assembling your action figure. And since the larger sets used pices from the smaller sets, it gave it a kind of cobbled-together aesthetic. Like, the original pieces were all the same, but you assmebled it into different monsters, which was cool. I went well with the "mechanical organisms" setting.
This shit here is too specific to one set to give that impression.
This guy's spinning shield was fucking cool
>those disk throwing things before Bionicle
Throwbots bro
True creativity is using pieces in unconventional ways. If you look at a leg piece and think "WELL THAT'S OBVIOUSLY A LEG, CAN'T USE IT ANY WAY OTHER THAN THAT", then you're missing the point.
Alright OP, I can't find this anywhere so are you rusing me or is this a real new Bionicle?
>tfw flipping the white pieces over to give them fangs
Eye Rape: The Game.
Oh fuck, rahkshi were god-tier
What the fuck is going on here
Bionicle sucks and are for kiddies. Bring Slizers back.
>It's a bionicle thread on Sup Forums
Ah shit.
Is it bad I that unironically want a Bionicle Soulslike?
He's fucking with you. That's a revamped Lewa that gets posted on /toy/ every now and then.
This is the new Bionicle.
>not Lewa
fucking plebs i swear
>Playing with your dick
the most you're ever going to get
i hope this is a joke
Nah, still fucking with you.
There actually is a new bionicle, it's not as mysterious as 1st gen, but it has that mystical charm the first couple of years had. This years villian is basically Herne the Hunter, and he turns into a Wendigo just in time for the Summer Wave (pic related btw)
who else played the point and click game on the lego website
>also half of the games on there were sick as fuck as a kid
Pretty sure that was a McDonald's toy back when the Piraka got released. Might be a joke though.
>tfw woke up today thinking of bionicles
who /kopaka/ here?
MNOG has a ballin ass soundtrack, I'd definitely dig a remaster.
I think Kopaka is a major reason why Ice is always my favorite element in vidya
And even then I liked him because of his badass high tech goggles, sword, and shield
>this set is real
holy fuck my sides
forever lewa masterrace, although kopaka is a serious badass and probably get gali pussy all night long
>His favorite Toa isn't Voriki
trust me my dad works at lego
I love bondage and that looks very close to it
I still have mine
My favorite year.
fuck i cant read bionicle what does it say
Whenever I think of Bionicle, that mask is always the first thing that pops into my head.
Read the filename.
2003 BOYS
It's Matoran by the way.
What are you, some slowthink baldlander firespitter with more rocks in his head than a po-matoran? You Brakas
I remember getting this set from Donald Duck comics I used to subscribe to.
Was there ever a real reason Hero Factory got so much hate, or was it all "not muh bonkle"?
Simplicity is key
Throw too much shit on it and it looks bad
The one in op could have been good if they cut down on all that shit on it's legs
I just want to be a matoran exploring the island trying to find the so called Toa who I have heard rumors about. This is why I liked the flash games so much.
The hate for HF does stem from Bonkle fans getting pissy, but it persisted when CCBS became a thing. The new building system had yet to come into its own, so all the characters looked like lackluster chinese knockoffs of real bonkles.
The retarded kid fanbase was pretty awful.
>tfw those stupid kids are now stupid shitposters
It's great.
>Favourite movie: Schindler's List
>Favourite TV show: Arthur the Aardvark
Hahaha what
Actually that site is mostly SJWs now I heard.
matoran a best
>tfw didn't go to mcdonalds often enough to collect enough matoran to populate a village
So what was the point of Bionicles? I remember having them when I was a kid, but we didn't fucking do anything with them.
>Christian (nondenominational)
>Not English, but American.
I actually like Tumblr's bonkle community. Pretty shitpost-happy if you ask me.
Le Matoran a Best
>You will never speak Treespeak fluently
So what was the point of toys? I remember having them when I was a kid, but we didn't fucking do anything with them.
Build your own action figure. That's what Bionicle is and always has been at its core.
It's such a simple idea yet it single handedly saved Lego from bankruptcy in the early 00s and is the reason Lego is so big today.
Kanohi Game, using your imagination, being a faggot.
shit, this post made me remember some faggot who posted his bionicle collection which consisted of about a few dozen of the black bohroks (nuhvok?) and a single bohrok-kal
>he removed the staff hilt of his rakhshi
fucking heresy
>squatting on toes
western spies
>Not using the little piece on the back to make it a one handed staff like they used in the movie.
Really I can't squat any other way I'm too fat for that
Don't talk shit about the Barraki/Mahri sets, yo. Deep sea fun! The comics and story got more convoluted every wave, though. Worst waves are the Hordika, the Inika/Piraka, and obviously Stars. Glatorian underrated as sets.
Rahkshi were advertised with being able to retract the staff at will to create dual blades or just simply put the staff away for ease of movement. I just do whatever.
>His Rahkshi's Kraata isn't Level 6/Shadow
Embarassing, what's it like having a Special Ed Combat Staff wielding Xenomorph?
roodaka man
brutaka was best set
>In Bionicle Lore, Roodaka's name became synonymous with somebody who'd betray you in the blink of an eye
>One of the Piraka actually once said "You Roodaka!" to another living thing
Bionicle Lore is really wierd
It makes sense, we use Judas thew same way.
jews too
Don't forget about Vichy France
Bionicle slang is just too bizarre, man
>Firespitter is the Chutespeak word for Ta-Matoran, but Po-Matoran have taken to using it as an insult in the same way you'd call a black guy a nigger.
Let me guess, that thing costs something like 9,99$ or 16,59$?