Who had it the worst?

who had it the worst?

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The baby boomers

Preacher or Agent Stone

Tim, I still miss him

I guess Outlaw
Dude goes through all that shit and then he gets shot from that fucking far from some dude with a pistol in one shot

This game scared the crap outta me as a kid.The intro cutscene where Sweet Tooth goes ' Shut up and die you motherfucker' scarred me for life.

No face. Dude literally has no face, it's amazing he can do shit.

>tfw have no face but some guy promised revenge for botched surgery.

i remember one of the loading screens it censored the word fuck which is weird for a game that shows an underage girl cutting herself

>Shut up and BLEED you motherFUCKER
>Flames appear and the orchestra in the background makes shit even more tense
This game was fucking awesome
I wish there was a way to play it online

If you have a PS4 you can play it online there. You have to buy it, but it's on sale for like 8 bucks right now.

That's the quote huh? I knew I was off.I loved the dark and dreary atmosphere of the game.The rendition of 'paint it black' was pretty neat too.I'll have to buy this game for nostalgias sake.

Actually they never actually cuss
Even when Sweet Tooth curses a loud bang to emphasize the scene cuts it off
His ending was so fucking satisfying
>Ya know, that was the first time I knocked someone out in one punch

posting best girl


>censoring curse words
>in an M-rated game where you commit vehicular manslaughter by the hundreds as a looney fucking psychopath
Can't believe I overlooked this for all these years

That's a rare image of dollface without the mask.

this shit gave me nightmares as a kid

thats raven nigga

But that's not best girl.

>tfw when I was younger my brothers shoved me in their bedroom with the intro cinematic for this game going and held the door so I couldn't get out

I cried

>not bloody mary
>My prince charming is out there and i will find him, even if i have to go through each and every man one at a time

my dick was diamonds when i first heard that

I'm so sorry user ;_;.
Mortal Kombat: Sub Zero for the n64 also triggered my childhood self. The rooms with the giant stone slabs that crushed you into dust haunted my dreams.
I literally hid under my bed when my friend played that stage.

I don't think anyone dropped f-bombs until GTA san andreas. There's a stray "fuck" in ff7 somewhere. If anyone can name games that were liberal with the language, feel free to correct me.

>Ya know, that was the first time I eva knocked someone out with one punch
every time

Oh God I need this game back
I don't think I have ever felt nostalgia for a game like I am now
>10 years old
>get it because I loved playing Twisted Metal 2 at my cousins house
>Start it up
>Spooked, but ready to kick ass
>dat music
>dat character select zoom out effect
>Pick my man Sweet Tooth
>"Oh damn that's fucking cool, son"
>Dad walks out
>Save game and go back to the main menu to play a deathmatch with the computer opponents
>Realize how fucking scary the menu music
>Dad is in the living room with mom
>Shut the game off
>Too scared to take out the garbage that night


>Warhawk was going to be playable at one point
>He's actually in the character select screen flying above all of the other drivers shooting missiles
>The secret to unlock him is still in the game, but despite saying WARHAWK UNLOCKED it only unlocks his stage

In terms of outcome, it was definitely Outlaw, he got his wish but ended up making it worse and dying.

In terms of their wish, I would say Yellow Jacket, his wish was probably the worst twisted to what he expected and implied he fucking became Sweet Tooth 2.0.

Does anyone have the eu psn version? Shit doesn't play character cinematics.

The dumbest ending is probably warthogs.

>wants to be the best killer.
>thinks being Edward scissor hands is the best solution

I heard about that
Some stage things were also changed so getting Yellow Jacket ends up being really easy
In the Junkyard there's an airplane going around the stage and you're supposed to get close to it and shoot a homing missile at it
After that it catches fire and crashes.
If an opponent is where it crashes they die instantly and the game actually gives you bonus for it
In the EU version though the plane is already on the floor so you just have to find it and that's it

Aw fuck I remember this

whats going on in this photo

How fucking broken would it have been, you look at Talon in the PS3 version and they were top tier.

>retarded bubble shield that requires a well-timed tanker explosion to take down
I can imagine it would take every other car to team up and take it down if anyone wants a chance to win
and speaking of cut content

The shit that went into this game was awesome
All the destructible shit and secrets that you could find was cool
I liked how every once in a while Sweet Tooth's truck played its jingle
A lot of love went into this game
>The Downtown and the Highway maps were actually right next to each other
>Shooting the huge balls in the R&D center in the downtown map destroyed a building that hid a shitload of power missiles and another ball blew up another building with a bunch of health
>Blowing up the Balls in the highway made them roll down the bridge and blow up a hidden part of the tunnel
>The pizza boy in the Junkyrad can be destroyed to be a ramp to get on the crusher
>There's a secret in the huge teacup in Downtown
>Some of the characters have alt specials by tapping any direction on the D-Pad 3 times

Well if he was playable I don't think he would have the shield
In fact, when playing as Minion, his shield is gone and he's actually slightly smaller than the Minion in the boss fight.

I'm sorry

Trying to unlock characters in this game was fucking bonkers, I would've never figured this shit out on my own
>To unlock Yellow Jacket you have to fire homing missiles at a plane that circles the outskirts of the map multiple times and follow the crash site
>To unlock Axel you have to perfectly aim missiles at a crane's tiny ass power box
>To unlock Cage you have to jump off some ramp and blow up the roof to a seemingly ordinary house located far away from everything else
>To unlock Manslaughter you have to go to the corner of a map and fire a few bullets to forge a makeshift ramp and shoot at the side of a boat which has zero indication that it's a fucking secret wall

Wasn't Raven the only character to get out of Black relatively unscathed, and with voodoo dolls as well? I also remember that in the canceled sequel, she supposedly becomes an urban legend or something who rescues people in a town.


I liked black, not so much the new title.

TM3 was the one i played the most because it was the only 5 games i ever owned.

is TM3 consired shit?

This game scared me as a kid but I watched my brother play most of it, then that gave me the courage to go and play it myself.

The character select music is GOAT, and my go to when I need creepy, atmospheric music.

Sweet Tooth has a place in my heart because of this game, and I'm drawn to edgy characters because of it.

Dollface best waifu


TM3 is considered the worst one due to it having the worst cutscenes and the fact that your fucking car flips over all the time

I kinda like no face character.

I like faceless male and masked characters in general. I would a doll face too

what happened to that other game....vigilante 8?

I swore the disco robot girl showed her nipple.

Same. Any character that wears a mask or covers their face always gets bonus points from me. I don't know how much this game influenced that idea.

>Wasn't Raven the only character to get out of Black relatively unscathed

manslaughter, axel, cage, and mr.grimm come to mind

This game was one of like 6 racing games ive ever played and actually enjoyed.
>Fuhrer randomly gets me this game
>Its rated M so it must be good
>Put it on, choose driver, choose sweet tooth.
>"This game looks pretty sc-" THREE MONTHS IN THE NUT HOUSE
>Dude wtf
>Hear patient begging for this life then gets stabbed.
>Sweet tooth covers screen
I had to turn it off, ended up beating his story last, it was well worth it.

Vigilante 8 kind of died off with the PS1, they never made any effort really besides the terrible 360 Arcade remake. It's sad really, because Vigilante 8 and Twisted Metal were fucking great.

Junkyard Dog moves to the city after killing the pilot too

when I was young I saw ten seconds of one of the cutscenes and ran off

for a decade I could never figure out what game it was, all I could remember was that slow pan-in on the mental ward building and a voiceover that turned out to not be in any of the clips at all

now it's one of my favorite games ever.

Crazy 8 technically doesn't have anything bad happen to him, if you consider his mutilation to be before the tournament.

It's been years since I played TM:B, just how much smaller is Minion when playing as him? I know the boss is fucking monstrously huge, towering over even Darkside; is the player still pretty big or sized down to a more normal sized cab-over truck?

At 12:15 you can get a good look
Like I said he is slightly smaller so he's still huge compared to the others
He was re sized to fit on the other levels, but it's such a small change that it doesn't even matter

The fans of twisted metal because this was the last great console title.

>I also remember that in the canceled sequel, she supposedly becomes an urban legend or something who rescues people in a town.
That was gonna be a thing in Twisted Metal Harbor City, yeah. TM Lost has a bunch of info on what happened to the characters after Black (with no indication as to who actually won, iirc).

>Raven drives a haunted hearse filled with the vengeful souls of the dead that it once carried. Using her powerful voodoo dolls, she has become a hero to the people of Midtown; an urban legend who protects the innocents from the freaks and killers who roam the streets of this cursed city.

Wasn't it Calypso? It seems like the kind of shit he'd pull.

Shame the PS3 barely had any story to it. Even then, it's yet ANOTHER fucking universe or whatever. I want the fucking zany, but kind of dark and unnerving world. Not goddamn Fast and the Insane 9.

>What is Twisted Metal Head On Extra Twisted Edition
It's basically the real sequel to Twisted Metal 2 with the same characters
Sweet Tooth in that game is especially entertaining
It's one of the guys that Roadkill was with when he was undercover in that gang
Or at least they used his model
This game reuses a lot of things like how the couple that Preacher kills is just Junkyard dog and his wifes models which doesn't make any sense, but you can't really tell unless you're really focusing on that

Hot damn, he's still fucking gigantic.

I know a lot of people like the older APC, but Black's rendition of Minion is honestly one of my favorite vehicle designs ever. Just a massive fuck-you semi- cab-over no less, as a counterpart to Darkside's typical nose-forward design- with twin fuel tanks and a huge flamethrower (and apparently the trailer being connected directly to the cab, what with the lack of wheels and all).

Huh, guess it was the scar on the guy's eye. It looked like kind of Black Calypso's from a distance.

>That secret combo for the Naked Raven special attack

I kind of like both, but the semi rendition was a lot cooler in my opinion as well. It really sucks that Minion didn't make it into the PS3 TM, APC or otherwise, but we do have Juggernaut I guess.

A lot of characters were sadly missing from the PS3 game. It's not exactly bad, but it feels like the team got short sheeted and just threw in what they could.

We did have Talon though, and that was a really fun concept to play with. I thought I remember them saying they were going to add vehicles in through DLC but I guess that never went through.

Juggernaut is more like a bigger Darkside with a full length trailer, though. Part of why I like the cab-over design is it allows for a more imposing facade without needing disproportionate design or a police car chained to the front, it's just a massive, armored hulk (with glowing green windows and a red grille in the case of Minion's character select!), rusted, riveted, and still able to run you over like nothing.

Hell, all of Black's vehicle designs are fantastic, with the visible damage as you lose health and all the different weapon draw and fire animations, hammerspace be damned, and all the just neat moving parts like the tires on the back of Crazy 8 that bounce and jostle as you drive around. They've got this perfect grungey, somewhat-repaired look to them that's still distinct from your typical Mad Max-esque dystopia, and I feel like the PS3 designs either strayed too far from that or didn't go far enough towards it depending on vehicle (not to mention all the MISSING VEHICLES and somewhat lame new ones).

So story aside, which car/driver was your jam?

I really dug Yellowjacket, looks good, feels good, does good all-around without being pigeonholed into Special reliance or being a flimsy target for anyone who sees you first.

>Somewhat lame new ones
One of the newer ones I liked was Roadboat, I just wish the Special wasn't so mediocre but it did have a good wombo combo with the sawnoff/Laser Pistol.

Another good one was the rendition of Warthog, other than that they just felt like recycled versions of older vehicles, but worse.

really i thought it shot well.

i rememeber flipped off was a bitch.

really? I thought it played well a bit straight foward but fun.

Raven, No-Face, Mr. Grim, and Billy Ray all get what they want, no worse for the wear.
Cage and Axel get what they want in Black, but according to Lost they get fucked over afterwards.
Needles, Mary, and Dollface don't really get fucked over, but don't get what they want either I mean I guess Needles wanted to kill Calypso, and he did, but he entered to cure his curse, and he didn't get the cure he wanted.
Agent Stone, John Doe, Preacher, and Black get fucked over.
Charlie's Son doesn't get what he wants, but arguably ends up in a better position than he was at the start of the game, so that's something.

PS3 Warthog's special was certainly different from the Black flamethrower, yeah, and while the visual design is similar the longer-bodied station wagon is a much better fit than the Cavalier wagon it was in Black.

Warthog, good special and takes hits like a champ.

Sweet Tooth for the fast charging special, or Twister for speed and combos.

Sweet Tooth, his special was just too fun.

Twister for hit and run tactics.

Mr. Grim, the chainsaw special was so satisfying to land.

Alright let's do this. Don't think I've ever unlocked minion. These are gameplay power rankings, not story

God tier
Mr Grimm

Great tier

Good tier
Dark side
Junkyard dog
Sweet tooth

Ok tier

Bad tier
Yellow jacket
Crazy 8

why is black better than PS4 one?

I cant put my finger on it...

I'll have to replay Black again, but I remember Spectre and Outlaw being kind of crappy.
To be fair to Specter, though, I never did like playing as Spectre in any of the Twisted Metal games.

I like TM2012 more than Black, gameplay wise. Black has a better story, though.

The shitty downside of having better gameplay but an extremely watered down story and character cast while the older games had good gameplay and good stories/cast.

Spectre has a really powerful special and is one of the fastest cars after Mr Grimm. Outlaws special is potent and he has a good combination of armor and mobility. Ive played maybe 10 hours since I rebought the ps4 version so it isn't the best ranking I've ever done

>n extremely watered down story and character
I think thats it.
Gameplay was better but other wasnt bad.

I remember it kinda felt a rehash of the PSP version.

>Hey we got this campy and fun game
>let's make it GRIMDARK!!!!!!!

Get some fucking taste faggots

>yfw you realise the drivers in their select screens are all getting blown up by warhawk

Eh, I mean while the colorful TM universe from TM1-Head-on will always be the best, Black isn't a bad interpretation by any means.
If anything, it proves that going grimdark is better than going completely camp fucking TM3 and 4.


Twisted Metal Black, more like Twisted Metal Brown.

Because it's BROWN.

>muh freedom

>an hour long
>doesn't list what's different from the originals




>Posting a TM4 ending
I think you want the cringe thread, user.

Calypso had the best ending youtube.com/watch?v=ILKztMG4DYQ

What about Vigilante 8 and Rogue Trip?

>made Sweet Tooth which he considers to be his dark side, an alter ego buried deep within his soul
>designed Kratos to be a ball of rage because he often feels like that

Is David Jaffe an edgelord?

I know it's not necessarily "car" combat, but have any of you guys played Critical Depth? That game was weird man.

Here's some cool shit about the games

>that low fps, barely moving sweet tooth in the background
>that fight

They clearly didn't give a shit.

Oh my god me too,by far she had it the worst. I'd be hers forever. Uugghhh

The town was scared of that clown freak....ill show them something they'll never forget...

Everything in Black was in Sweet Tooth's head, however Outlaw or My. Grimm had it pretty fucking rough.
