I quit videogames and browsing Sup Forums a year ago and I feel absolutely great. I started lifting, reading more books, and I started becoming more sociable and less pissy in general.
Why haven't you quit already Sup Forums? I mean the industry is obviously just an extremely hollow shell of it's former self. No more creativity or good gameplay in any single videogame anymore. It's just a regressive cesspit that gives no more value than watching advertisements in a sports game. Or watching the next marvel super hero movie.
Christopher Carter
i like video games.
Logan James
Sure keep telling yourself that. But if you are making shitty threads like this, then you clearly have not left.
Dylan Allen
>I quit videogames and browsing Sup Forums a year ago
I quit half of that years ago
Thomas Powell
You should try Overwatch, it's really fun.
Cameron Perry
>I quit videogames and browsing Sup Forums a year ago
yet here you are
Caleb Robinson
>I quit browsing Sup Forums a long time ago I s-swear!
And yet you're still here.
Leave then you faggot.
Oh wait, you can't because you realized video games are your only friend.
Matthew Howard
Salty little button-molesting losers.
Sebastian Mitchell
>being such a cuck that you couldn't lift while browsing Sup Forums
Logan Clark
I like video games, too.
John Allen
This isn't a country, faggot, it's a website. You can leave for a year and then dip back into it for 5 minutes very effortlessly.
Grayson Perry
Guys, how do I motivate myself to lift when it's not fun
Kayden Gray
This. I've never posted in Sup Forums or played any games because I'm not a massive faggot
Feels good to be an alpha like us right OP?
Jose Gonzalez
turn it into a WRPG
Bentley Watson
Then why are you here right now?
Ethan Hall
Who fucking cares what people do in their spare time?
Jack Rivera
Ok but it shows you still have to keep coming back despite being "video game free" as you so describe it. You're a fucking liar trying to get (yous), it's very obvious.
Aiden Martinez
You saved that image on May 25th of this year. Why pretend?
John Price
>implying Mexicans aren't dipping into the U.S. effortlessly
Kayden Flores
Those aren't fun either.
Liam Lewis
Play Miku between sets on your Vita. The more often you do it, the less often you get DOMS until you don't ever get them again and it gets much more enjoyable after that.