Name a Jap with a bigger boner for the West and Europe.
I'll wait. Kojima/America doesn't count because america is a meme nation.
Name a Jap with a bigger boner for the West and Europe.
I'll wait. Kojima/America doesn't count because america is a meme nation.
Other urls found in this thread:
Swery 65
Yasumi Matsuno.
>because america is a meme nation.
so get off our imageboard? no one is keeping you here
How can you be that bad at pouring a beer
By spending all your time in your career honing your craft (telling lies) instead of hanging out with down-to-earth citizens in a bar.
westaboo faggots are cancer.
Hirohiko Araki
>runs the world
>meme nation
Are Americans really that hung up about the revolution even now? Most britbongs are barely aware of it beyond it having happened at all.
Literally 2 hours ago for the MW championship
fuck off half beaner
I don't know anything about UFC, what's this about?
Michael Bisping (a Brit) just knocked out Luke Rockhold for the middleweight title despite being a severe underdog.
>for the West and Europe
What does that mean?
It's like saying "for your mom and my dick", it's already included in the former.
>doesn't count
Sorry but it does.
We have a holiday of kicking ass so hard that we created a nation. Can't stop it.
Keiji Inafune
That didn't take long.
why you did post this irrelevant retarded old grump grandma
That's not how you should talk about your next president, kid.
are you dumb lmao
Because America is so sackless that they'll put this retard in power over a ruthless leader like god king Trump
>name a Jap with a big boner
good luck Sup Forums
Each one is some flavor of retard but I think I would pick anyone of them over the cuck Canada got running it
you seem to have forgotten (or never learned) that america is not part of the EU.
Why are the best things in Japanese popculture inspired from western country's?
Dark souls
Gainax/Trigger anime
Metal Gear Solid
What else am I missing?
Maybe because their culture is too weird for us, but the synthesis of those cultures is both fresh enough and familiar enough?
>Dark Souls as an example
Bloodborne dethroned that.
obama was our meme president cause
canada got their meme president
we don't need meme presidents anymore. once was enough. the woman card is not a viable platform, nor is being the grumpy retarded wife to a past president who cheated on her in office.
hillary is literally a cuck and of course she only appeals to those with cuck mentality - but again, we aren't europe so there aren't many of those kind of voters enough to put her in office.
>we don't need meme presidents
>wants Trump in the Oval Office
you're the cuck
>white man with morals and sensibilities
time to go back to Europe, cuck.
>Gainax/Trigger anime
How are any of them western inspired?
SUDA51 ???
Don't see why he couldn't be considered. A lot of his work is heavily influenced by the west.
Not even defending Hillary, but how the fuck is Trump not a meme candidate
Pretty much what this user said. Japan has some really weird and outlandish ideas, while the west has a thing for serious down to earth shit.
Combining the two wrangles Japan's creative ideas in, while lightening up the west's more dull or overdone ideals.
How is he?
The guy who writes JoJo.
He loves western music
Well antagonizing mussies even more when the US is dependent on the Saudis and still needs Jordan is pretty goofy. The backdown over that was pretty funny though.
because he's in the real estate business and he's never held a political office at any level in his entire life. even Bernie Sanders has been a mayor at one point.
by not having presented a single viable policy that wouldn't result in the destabilisation of the world economy and/or its geopolitics, but still getting through by appealing to a certain demographic's gut feelings and frustrations
fuckin ruthless
>be politician
>dirt poor govment job
>take bribes from lobbyists of corporations to the tune of about 100k to pass laws and bills that have the capacity to fuck normal taxpayers over in one way or another
>what is literally Hillary
>Jewman Sandberg and his $500,000 luxury racecar he bought with campaign donations
>meanwhile Trump is still just Trump
gotta have brainproblems to expect anyone but Trump to become the next president regardless of how little you may like him when everyone else dislikes the other two options a whole lot more.
>communism turned into degenerate central
This shit is the worst.
he's going to get a huge reality check and he's going to fail miserably because it's the hardest job in the world and he's never had to do anything remotely like it.
tell me more about how a guy who owns a skyscraper doesn't know anything about resource management.
>no one dislikes Trump
you really are delusional. According to the latest Gallup poll Trump was still the most disliked candidate, a few percentage points above Hillary.Admittedly both candidates approval ratings are dismal.
>muh scientific polling
calling 1000 random people around the country over 3 days is not a poll.
go home. I used to working for a telephone polling center and the polls were ongoing for the 4 months I was there. If you're not going to try to get as many people's opinions as possible you may as well not even try rather than fudge some bullshit about how "AMERICANS THINK X ABOUT Y" when their pool of choices was literally 0.000003% of the American population.
the presidency isn't just about resource management. and unless that skyscraper has 350 million people in it, then it's not enough to qualify him for president.
>margin of error: 99.999997% +/- 0.0000001%
Don't forget Cowboy bebop and Samurai Champloo
well bernie and hillary sure wont get in so if not trump then i guess we just wont have a president for the next 4 years.
Probably the biggest westaboo in jap gamedev.
Also one of the best japanese developers.
i'm not denying that it's going to be trump. it IS going to be trump. but i also think that's a recipe for disaster, and i think some of our foreign relations are going to break down.
Pretty much all the Japanese greats in games, literature, comics and music are heavily influenced by the west rather than their own Japanese roots.
You really need it explained to you even with ALL the literal meme content circulating around him?
Each one the shiny turds will most likely ruin us in the eyes of the world. Hillary needs to be in jail and Bernie is a fucking commie. Trump is a retard but sadly enough looks to be the cleanest of the bunch.
Putin and Trump are bros, that's all that matters. The 2 superpowers allied, so wgaf?
>Guy from a literally stolen country is telling another guy to get of his stolen website
So you're asking me take some random guy's anecdotal evidence posted on a mongolian cartoon image board over results from a poll conducted by professionals
Dead Rising 1 if I'm not mistaken
More like Luke Cuckold
russia doesn't want to ally with us and if you think they do then you are an idiot. they want to go to war with us and they've been baiting us in the middle east for the past 20 years.
Its not stolen when you defeat the opposition.
Why would we want a war with you, you have like 3 times the nukes we do and all our higher-ups have their children studying/working in the Western world.
>Mugging isn't theft
No one's going to use fucking nukes, that's insane. Not even Trump would be that retarded.
Moot didn't beat Japan and considering this site is now owned by a Japanese dude you could say he lost.
Your regular army is impressive as well, drones and shiet. And my second point stands.
last time I checked the Site is Gook owned
Get the fuck out you fascist.
And even then there's probably anti-nuclear tech that's been kept confidential in the first place if worst comes to worst.
Go back to Nazi Germany
no you have more nukes than us. only slightly, but you still have more. and if we ever do go to war it will probably never escalate to nuclear status. it will start as a proxy war in the middle east and then we will send real troops in later.
I'm not the guy who originally suggested there'd be a war, I just wanted to say that nukes shouldn't really come into it. It'd be madness to use them at this point.
>anti-nuclear tech
Dunno about the US and Russia, but our nuclear defense program is a joke, and that's just conventional known weaponry from decades ago. Better hope that kind of shit has been thoroughly tested. Also, I wouldn't want to rely on it even if it had, considering that the stuff that should have been perfected during the peak of necessity wasn't 100% reliable:
I was never there though, lad.
We're not really hung up on it but you've got to admit, several colonies revolting and since becoming the most powerful country on Earth by a wide margin is a very significant part of history.
I don't get this pic? What's the point?
Huh, we do. Hmmm, I wonder what's the "who has the most megatons" score. Ah well.
And nukes, eh. They're the last resort kinda weapons, seems like something you'd use when the enemy is at the gates. But yeah, global thermonuclear war isn't an especially riveting concept even to Fallout fans.
>So naive that he doesn't realize that the Right of Conquest has been a universal truth since the dawn of time and was international law.
He is literally everyone's racist old grandpa who hates everyone's ideas but his own.
Pouring beer like this is a crime.
>for wanting to deport ILLEGAL immigrants
Do you people actually believe this shit?
what's his name
>addresses one person
>generalizes an entire country
yup, that's classic eurotrash logic right there.
So every nation in history?
I guess. We don't really celebrate St Crispin's Day or the day the Spanish Armada lost even though those were our crowning underdog victories that and could be said to be the two distinct starting points for Britain becoming a global power.
I guess it's too long ago to matter now.
>Do you people actually believe this shit?
white males age 18-28 do.
Fuck, I keep forgetting.
>Obama is a muslim, atheist, marxist, kenyan
>I love Mexicans!
>Welcomes support of KKK members
Even if he himself is not a racist, the things he does and says align with the beliefs and desires of racists around the country.
and being a white male should be illegal!! just... ugh
>enforcing Section 1325 in Title 8 of the United States Code is racist
I don't mean Americans, fucker. I'm American.
There are no Brits left in Britain so that's not surprising. They probably know more about Indian history and Middle Eastern history than that of the isles.
>meme nation
lol I'll fucking bite. What does that even mean?
>implying that's the only reason that people call him a racist
America is still the global super power. When the next one takes over everyone will look at America fondly the way people look at the British Empire.
I'm talking about my own demographic here. If trump builds a wall and kicks out all the browns, who is going to fold my burritos.
>mfw i dont want my qt mexican gf to get deported