I wanna cum inside Faith

What a shit thread.

I'll get it eventually, ME has always been good


Whoa there man, this game is rated T for Teen. Teens don't say fuck, they say hell shit damn bitch and piss.




I want to bust a nut in her mouth

So glad that dropped the butch Faith or was that just the interbutts memeing on me? Fuck it.



*So glad that they dropped the butch Faith redesign
Sorry, had a mild stroke there.

I replayed it recently. Holy fuck the forced combat sections are fucking hair tearing annoying.

As far as I'm aware the only faith they 'dropped' was some cover/concept art that made her look more like a SEA monkey.

how do I unlock the mattress?

Really the only combat that ever felt forced was the minigun guy at the very end of the game. Everything else you can run past.

Playing via ea access right now. AMA.

Are the animations still janky?

There was that one mall mission where I'd you try to run past the 4 guards with guns they will gun you down trying to escape through the roof

Is the peace out/fuck you move still in?

Yeah, did your EA Access implant ever get infected?

The flesh around mine turned purple yesterday and started to weep yellow fluid.

I preordered to support anita

Gotta go fast, son

NPC's are fine for the most part but Faith looks awful when you see her on a mirrored surface.

How ironic

That's ok we can just pretend it takes place in a hall of funky mirrors

Not what you mean.

No but sometimes it gets reception from the Wendy's down the street.

*Not sure what you mean.

>I replayed it recently. Holy fuck the forced combat sections are fucking hair tearing annoying.
My sentiments exactly. Replayed it last week and it was just so, so bad. The segment in the hangar right after the snipers, the server room in the final level... So fucking bad. I didn't remember it like that. Shame, cause I love the game otherwise and it holds up extremely well.

Is this entertainment experience media safe space guaranteed? I don't want to see anything particularly problematic like racism, homophobia and misogyny while trying to have a good time.

Jumping off a roof, turning around and pressing the attack button would raise the British fuck-you gesture in the original. You get a trophy for it.

I wanna cum inside you while you cum inside faith.

Played the demo last night

No SLI support, thank god I figured that out before buying it. Devs are shitheads and don't release information on what the game can't do before it comes out.



Hope the game isn't a soilded diaper


I played on hard, and while yeah you CAN get past everything without combat(although getting to kate's van is probably bordering on impossible), most of the sections I'm refering to as combat are a few sections where a slow pipe climb and shit is the only way onwards and if you don't take them all out you'll have three fuckers shooting at you the entire time.


>oy vey them runners are so oppressed by evil white men in the government, feminism ftw!

fuck off, game is shit

The two sections I can think of with pipe climbing while being shot at also have quicker wall-run-jump paths

But you have the power to make it better user, but you gotta have faith, in yourself only then can you make it happen, a thread is what you make it user.

Why reboot a series that only had one game? Why did they make her one mentor dude an old black guy?

This one's based on the comics



You'd be shocked how easy it is now-a-days to kill yourself.
Try it out for yourself to see!

I'll never understand why EA didn't learn from the Tomb Raider reboots.

The original Tomb Raider series earned its fame because the protagonist was a badass that was fit the job. High school The North Face fur boot Stacys don't steal ancient artifacts for money, only hardened, experienced raiders will. Ninjas don't act like a bitch when they kill and steal, so why does Bitchtits spin her mouth and cry everytime she takes a step?

The exact same shit is happening to Faith. The story was awful, but her design was off the charts in terms of accuracy. She was the introverted badass parkour ninja who didn't give any fucks to anyone but her sister. You could tell she was up to the task because of her ability to recollect herself and act on impulse and instinct. Now in Catalyst, she talks to everyone like she's having a fucking sitdown at a Starbucks.

Who bought michael jackson back to life?

Perhaps they do, I wanted to go through it fairly quickly and the one such route I'm talking about must have been all I saw before I got gunned down.

kys tumblrina

>I'll never understand why EA didn't learn
just greed and laziness senpai, it's behind everything they publish.

Holy shit, I've owned the game for like 7 years and played it countless times and never realized you could do this

That doesn't look anything like michael jackson you fucking idiot. Did you just want a bunch of (You)'s so you could samefag, screencap, then post on your funnyjunk page?

Headstrong has been my password to everything since grade 6. I thought that song was the heaviest shit ever, and I suppose it just stuck.


This, this and this. Amen. Bravo. Nail on the head.

Only one here giving him a (You) is you fucking idiot

My fellow Swordling.

The comics which were based off of tge original game



how did you find this out

I own mirrors edge on two platforms, have played through it maybe 4 times and I have never once done this

Some of the trophies in ME are absolutely insane. Like you play through the game taking the obvious routes and it's just kinda meh, basic parkour stuff, then you see a trophy that requires you to jump from a slide to a wall-run jump to a wall-climb turn jump and you realize how the game is supposed to be played

>western video game "women"

Me too, but i stop because the pre-render cutscene play at 130fps and the audio is desync.
It's good so far, just dislike that every side mission have a timer and require you tu use the full runner vision to get a chance to complete them.
The best part so far are the tower for unlocking fast travel. It's pure skill without runner vision.

Not him. But I learned it from Inside Xbox back when that was a thing on Xbox 360. They had a segment that had tips about getting achievments

Whever I hear this song I just remember Aggressive Inline since it was included in the OST.

>timed sidemissions
>towers for unlocking fast travel
i allready knew what they did to mirrors edge. but now im mad again. fuck
another generic open world grindfest
thank you ea


I don't know if it's the lighting or the way her hair is but this picture makes it look like she has a goatee.

wait what?
what happened to her?
another "you can do it XY"?
