ITT: Terrible, overrated games
ITT: Terrible, overrated games
pic unrelated
Worst $2 I ever spent!
Final Fantasy 7
Played that a year ago.
I can say this. its a good game. but compared to other metroids like fusion, zero . it's so damn slow and needs a remake.
>incredibly easy
>floaty, slow as fuck gameplay
>clunky controls
Zero Mission literally does everything better
>ITT: we post good games in hopes of offending someone
I'd give the concept of this thread a 2/10. If you want real examples of overrated games, GTA, Skyrim, Call of Duty, etc. Everything posted so far is not overrated.
ITT The reason why videogames today are shit
I liked Metroid II more than Super Metroid.
That's one hipster opinion you got there user
Super Metroid is my current standard for "pinnacle of game design"
I can't think of anything it does poorly
Zero Mission is pathetically easy as well.
If you want some challenge, play Metroid or Metroid II like a man.
Try playing both of them again today. Metroid II aged like dogshit because of the Gameboy's limitations.
Well everyone has different tastes. for me this is one of the very few 10/10 titles ive ever played. played it and beat it about 2 years ago.
I know user. I enjoyed MII's simplistic and "blocky" everything. Super Metroid is so "creepy" and silent that it's boring imo.
If quads existed, you would've gotten them, user.
I played both for the first time like a half year ago. Finished II and directly jumped to Super.
Fusion is the best of the 2D Metroids
I don't like how it spoils what some of the main bosses look like in that one room early on.
that's more of a personal thing though
Fusion is directly responsible for Other M and has writing that is just as bad.
Fusion can fuck off.
Haven't tried it yet.
0/10 opinions everywhere
nah dude, Fusion handles the exposition well and Adam's not a complete fuckup in Fusion because they don't go into it all and it also directly contradicts Other M anyway
less exploration but a stellar atmosphere that I think sells it more than the others
I wouldn't say it's terrible, but I do feel it's sorta overrated by Metroid fans. It just feels so slow and floaty compared to Zero Mission and Fusion, even for a Metroid game.
>This game is bad because of the least important part of Metroid that you can easily ignore
do you expect anything less from a metroid thread these days?
>"less good" means "bad"
You should have another day of school in the week.
> it's so damn slow and needs a remake.
> fusion, zero
Nigger Zero Mission WAS the remake of Super.
The entire franchise
How does it feel to be wrong?
Do you like it?
no it was a remake of the original metroid.
>Fusion handles the exposition well
Go replay Fusion right now with Other M in mind. The writing is fucking awful and on the same level of Other M.
>This game is bad because of the least important part of Metroid that you can easily ignore
>easily ignore
Whether you read it or not, you still have to mash the A button go get through it.
granted super was basically a suped up remake of the original metroid
it's no wonder it's so malformed now after all this inbreeding
I replayed Fusion last week and thoroughly enjoyed every second of it (except the fucking Yakuza fight)
your problem is that you're thinking of Other M at all, which we all know that we shouldn't do
yakuza ?
Fusion > Zero Mission IMO. I just rebeat Zero Mission and it was alright, everything was too easy and you only get the last few power ups once you're locked in the final zone, which is really goddamn annoying.
playing through fusion atm (reward from mynintendo), almost beat it. I liked it as a kid, and I like it now.
>primefag instigating another flamewar the shitpost
>your problem is that you're thinking of Other M at all, which we all know that we shouldn't do
You can't not think of it when playing Fusion. All of Other M's bad decisions directly trace their lineage from Fusion. The two games are inseparable.
Or trolling and going against popular opinion, just because.
Either that or you were born in the last decade.
you absolutely can separate your mind and never think of Other M at all user, no matter what
you don't have to think of Other M ever if you don't want to
the spider boss
Haloid babbys are mostly underage
The controls were god awful. Wall jump, grapling and space jump were some of the worst fucking things I've seen in a game.
I agree but I've been emulating pic related and I think it's probably the worst offender. This is just shit and yet people on Sup Forums never shut up about how great it is.
There's a word and it has meaning.
Just fuck me shit.
So what you might have to explain is what characters are not Samus except perhaps the bounties.
Different guy here, I've never played Other M but the writing/dialogue in Fusion was awful and interrupted the flow of the gameplay every time it happened. The complaints I've heard people give about Other M's story are just as applicable to Fusion.
Metroid is a pretty fucking overrated series. None of the games are that special.
90s baby detected
>Different guy here
here's your (You)
you want to try that again in English, padre?
aka serris, the boss in the water/AQA sector that gives you the speed booster
>Fusion is directly responsible for Other M and has writing that is just as bad.
whew lad, easy there
I can agree on the fact that fusion started going in the direction of other M, but fusion's done tastefully, and the biggest thing it has in common with other M is the inability to explore everything freely from the almost entire game
they both have a story but Adam in fusion, even tho kinda stupid because of the computer asking "no objection lady?", Adam is portrayed as a great military mind and a good friend and whatnot, while in other M he's an unreasonable John Wayne whose disk Samus constantly wants to suck on
also fusion has the best atmosphere of all metroid games imo, SA-X is da shit
so in fact other M retroactively damaged fusion by exaggerating all of the bad and opinabile things it did and removing everything good, and now people like you think that makes it fusion's fault that other M sucks
sorry, was thinking about the wrong thing, yakuza's the spider boss
>Adam is portrayed as a great military mind and a good friend and whatnot
No Samus tells you that, but none of Adam AI's actions in Fusion actually back that up. Adam was always a shit character and Fusion pulled him out of its ass so they could try and have invent a shitty backstory for Samus.
Kirby's simple fun yo. I don't think anyone praises Kirby as an amazing stellar game series.
>I don't think anyone praises Kirby as an amazing stellar game series.
Sup Forums does
there's a loooong list of games that are simultaneously very good and very overrated
This is all subjective
I'm sorry you didn't have friends, user, but that's no reason to pick on Kirby Air Ride like that.
Clear example of a Primefag and I'm not even ACfag.
You laugh at OP now, but sooner or later, some e-celeb will make a video about how Super Metroid was actually never good, and millions of kiddies who've never played it will parrot it as if it were their original opinion. It'll happen to every old game eventually.
>not liking 2D and 3D Metroid equally
all Souls games