Let's talk about tales of, what are your thought about the series as a whole? can it ever get as good as vesperia was?

let's talk about tales of, what are your thought about the series as a whole? can it ever get as good as vesperia was?

Destiny 2

>Great tier
Hearts (R)
Destiny DC

Xillia 1 and 2

Graces (F)

>We don't talk about it-tier
Dawn Of The New World

get rid of Baba and re-split the teams

The only objectively correct list those of good-taste would have.

It's generic fantasy anime bullshit - what's there to talk about?

Phantasia will always be my favorite game of all time. I love everything about it.

The only real flaw with is that the future arc is pretty rushed and can only really be fully appreciated if you do all of its sidequests.

Hearts R and Vesperia are close 2nd and 3rds.

The only games I did not love were DotNW and Tempest

I played every localized game plus Rebirth, Innocence, and Tempest.

Switch Symphonia and Vesperia and knock Hearts R specifically down one tier from normal Hearts.

Also move everything down one tier, making a new tier below the bottom tier to accommodate the current bottom tier. None of these games are god-tier.

>Vesperia not in God
>Abyss is

Played Phantasia X, Narikiri Dungeon X and Vesperia. Also some Eternia but never beaten it.

I'd have kept going but not beating Eternia boggles me too much.

>Graces (F)


Abyss had one of the truly great stories not just for Tales, but in JRPGs and even video-games as a whole!

Vesperia had a pretty generic, crap story but made up for it with its sense of adventure, charm, characters and content; so yeah it deserves to be just in "great" tier. Now shut up Vesperiafag, you fuckers are literally the FF6 fanboys of Tales and you're annoying as fuck.

You should go back to Eterina someday user.

Eternia and Graces story engagement as well as pacing was shit.

Abyss has objectively one of the best stories in the series and even the JRPG genre as a whole. Its a very divisive title though and isn't for everybody so I could see why a lot can't recognize that.

There's nothing Abyss does better than Vesperia outside of maybe the world-building. And that's just the world-building, mind you, the actual story that took place was garbage

>A story about the ethics of cloning, the meaning of life and deconstructing the common JRPG trope of "destined amnesiac chosen one/prophecy" vs "Global warming is bad: The game"

I know you're one of the haters for Abyss due to its non-fluff, realistic characters and you were triggered by that but please, at least TRY to look at the plots objectively.


It did though, sorry you were just too stupid to understand it.

The minute you have to resort to the EVA school of deflecting criticism (2deep4u, muh decontruction meme), you already lost

>Destiny 2

You think no one will call you out for this because its a Japan only game? Well im calling out on this one. What the fuck did you find godlike about Destiny 2?


>Not having a game made by god-tier JRPG developer Kei Shigema writer and creator of the Lunar and Grandia series in the god-tier ranking

Let me guess, you're an underage babby who never got to experience the two greatest JRPG series of all time, right?

Phantasia X, Symphonia and Vesperia are the only games I really like, and even then, it's likely that I only like Phantasia because of the nostalgia.

>Deflecting criticism
>Implying the guy made any logical, in-depth points on how Abyss's plot was bad instead of just calling it "garbage" with nothing to back up said statement.

At least we can agree that any JRPG fan should play Symphonia and Vesperia.

every character in abyss is an insufferable douchè, i don't care if people like short haired luke or not, this simple fact just ruin the whole game for me

So my points still stands. The only reason you despise the plot of Abyss isn't because of any short-comings in the overarching narrative itself but because like all the other haters the characters "triggered" you simply for failing to follow the traditional JRPG script of always being nice to each other and getting along with your teammates.

Proves my theory that most Abyss haters are just tumblr incarnate.

>have only completed Symphonia
>have Abyss and Vesperia
I think I'm in for a good time. I'm hoping Destiny's fan translation finishes before the next couple years. If not, I'll end up playing it anyhow.

Is the 3DS version of Abyss much different from the PS2 version? I'd prefer to play the PS2 version, if possible.

Not really, they're pretty much exactly the same so you should be good to go with either.

And yeah enjoy user, because after the Team Symphonia trinity as well as the games from my great-tier ranking, its all downhill from there in the series unfortunately.

>Is the 3DS version of Abyss much different from the PS2 version?
There really isn't much if any difference between them.

> I'm hoping Destiny's fan translation finishes before the next couple years
>Started: February 8, 2008

Its been 8 fucking years. This shit will never be done.

PS2 it is. Great. Always disliked playing JRPGs on the 3DS.
>it's all downhill from there
I never had much interest in the PS3 Tales games. Not sure why. At this point, 4 solid games is enough for me, though. Can't drown myself in JRPGs for too long.

>tfw Zero no Kiseki which has 10x the dialogue of any Tales game will be out this winter after only being worked on for like a year: Compare this to Destiny DC's fantranslation project.

I heard Hearts R was a good jumping in point for the series but the dialogue gave me an aneurysm. Do you have to be a super weeb to enjoy these games?

That depends. Have you ever played and liked any JRPG before user?

I've heard really good things about Eternia/Destiny 2 lately, and I've only played Tales that came out since Symphonia and onward, so I want to try out the older ones.

What's the best way to play Phantasia, Destiny, and Eternia/Destiny 2?

phantasia has a really good remake on the psx that got fantranslated, alternatively there is one on psp that i think it's sort of an improved port of the psx one with added stuff but i'm not sure if that one is fantranslated or not

destiny has a ps2 remake that looks amazing but it's japan only

eternia has no remake of any sort that i know off so there is nothing to do other than to play the original on psx (there is a psp version but it's just a port) it's an ok game that feels like other classic psx game (it starts with the most generic jrpg plot of "mysterious girl fall out from the sky") the best part of the game are probably it's battle system and it's nice and clean 2D graphics

why does everyone jump on vesperias dick? it was painfully average as much as the next tales game. nothing stands out.

when it comes to tales games you have symphonia to thank because its the first 3d tales game.

It's true, everytime I see people criticize Abyss is because "WAHHH THESE CHARACTERS ARE SO MEAN TO EACH OTHER WHY CAN'T WE ALL BE FRIENDS?"

I honestly do not understand why people expect the Abyss cast to get along at the start. I mean the party consists of people from different nations that hate each other and are on the verge of war.
That's like having a jap and a chink in a party and expecting them to be best friends.

I did like how they learned to get along with each other as Luke changed and also how his change affected the party members as well.

it looks great, heck i'd argue it's one of the best cellshaded game ever made together with the cyberconnect naruto game, it had a cast that was really likeable (especialy yuri which was pretty much anime batman) and it was one of the last game that felt like a proper classic rpg before memes like open world ruined the genre forever

It was the first truly combo-oriented Tales game that the West saw. Consider Symphonia, where some characters are completely unfun to play as (Colette at least has para-ball spam, Genis you just mash B and X once you get the exskill that lets you cast instantly randomly, Raine and Sheena are boring as shit. At least Lloyd/Presea/Zelos/Regal are fun to play). Abyss started to fix this by giving spellcasters more physical artes but they're still awkward to play as and many physical artes don't even link correctly.

Obviously many 2D Tales games did not have this problem starting with Rebirth but that is irrelevant to the vast majority of western Tales fans.

Now comes Vesperia which is self-explanatory as far as combo potential goes. Spellcasters can finally combo in a 3D tales game, Yuri's extremely fun to play as, Judith demands creativity from her air-combos and shit, and so on. Every character has the potential to do really fucking cool stuff (once they have the necessary skills/arte usages). Also, they don't feel homogeneous like Graces/Zestiria did.

Also, amazing production values that still haven't been beat. First western game with voice skits which adds so so much to the characterization of the characters. It still looks better than any tales game as well, Vesperia's style is amazing and it's an absolute crime that they replaced it with Xillia's style from here on out. It was the last big Tales game with interesting levels before Graces turned the series into a bunch of boring corridors.

A reminder that Vesperia was the last good Tales game.

This list is spot on.

Yup. Never do you hear any criticism regarding the actual plot itself; all the hate is directed solely at the characters; which depending on how you look at it is just testament to how good the plot actually is for a Tales game.

Its also quite pathetic however that the sole thing stopping these people from enjoying the game is due to it not having a cast straight out of MLP: Friendship is Magic.

One can tell just from this that the Tales fanbase is really quite autistic.

Nah, Hearts was. Vesperia was the second to last good Tales game however so you're close.

Yeah this fanbase is pretty cancerous.
If they managed to play through the game then they'd realize that the cast actually become closer to each other by the end of the game.

Of course this game's writing is not without flaws and the combat is not quite on par with some of the later games, but I really liked it for what it was.