Do you remember to exercise after playing a game for a really long time?

Do you remember to exercise after playing a game for a really long time?

I'm too fat to exercise or run. Yes, it turns out that is really a thing. Joints and everything.

lay on the ground and do bicycle kicks for 30 minutes a day until you can use an elliptical

I'm near skeleton form and get exercise at work so I'm good.

Too fat to exercise doesn't exist, there is plenty of shit you can do. Unless you can't physically get out of bed I guess.

How do you even end up that way?

Yes you can. You can literally flail around in your chair and you'll lose weight at that size. You just have to stop eating 6000+ calories a day and it will work.

Eat less faggot


I bought myself an exercise bike. Not too sure how long I should be going but yestersay I rode 40km while playing Doom

Yeah you're too fat to run. Maybe /fit/ has some tips for you. Thing is, exercise is not the only way to lose weight. Adjust your diet, do exercises that don't require too much movement.

>I'm too fat to exercise

Do you even know what exercise is nigga? Obviously not

You know you can flail you arms around and literally just boogie on the spot to loose weight if you are that fat

I exercise enough by just living the daily life. I don't need sport.

>those stretch marks on his shoulders
Literally the most disgusting shit in the world. If you have stretch marks i hope you feel absolutely shit about yourself. You look like a fucking mutant.

Exercising for weightloss is pointless when compared to just eating less

You can swim
I try to go to the gym 3 times a week
most weeks it's only two times tho
I mostly do running and rowing
Sometimes I lift some weights, but not that often

I have a little ball I play around with when I am sitting infront of the PC for ages

I do the opposite. Usually 2-3 hours of jog and exercises then a bath and videogames with milk and cereal.

Hello, no-gains sissy bitch.

I got white stretch marks out of nowhere in my arms and I've never been particularly fat or too thin. What the fuck do you expect me to do about them?

Get on an exercise bike. If you need help getting on then rent a forklift truck or crane.

A lot of people can't help it, some have a big growth spurt and skin just gets stretched.

>I'm a spooky skeleton:the post

here are exercises you can do while laying down.

>go to the gym for about an hour and a half 6 times a week
>haven't been going for a couple of days due to school
It's whatever.
I fucking hate running though.

I'm 5ft11 155lbs, never been above 165lbs ever and I have stretch marks(albeit not noticeable) around my armpits.

This is the reason why many game ask if you want to take a break. It's so you don't forget to lift.

i have a low energy 20 minute """"""""""""workout""""""""""

I go to the gym 5 times a week. Feels good.

it really is. I weigh 275 pounds and running a mile for me burns off like 1 reeces cup.

You can have mad gains without having mutant scars on your body. I got 20 inch biceps and a beastly fucking chest but I don't have mutie marks on my body. You only get that shit bodybuilding if your a pussy who doesn't keep up with his gains (keep losing an gaining body mass).
This is literally the only real reason to have stretch marks. I have mates who had insane growth spurts at school which led to loads of stretch marks down their back. Anywhere else it's fucking gross.
>i'm a fat fuck who got triggered:the post

hello fat ass
5'8 144lbs not a single stretch mark

it also depends on your skin. Im and i really dont have stretch marks. Ive been big and played sports my whole life though.


I have stretchmarks on my ass from losing weight.

I can't believe there are fat people on Sup Forums.
How can you guys afford that much food?
You know how much you have to eat to become overweight, right?

>much food

seriously m8

It's not about quantity, it's about calorie density

A bottle of soda costs like a dollar and in terms of calories is less than 1kg of chicken breast

I suddenly gained weight in a very short period when I was 13, only to be followed by a growth spurt leaving me a few inches taller. So I went from slim, to chub, back to slim in like 6-9 months. Leaving stretchmarks on my bum.

Soda is fucking expensive

Its actually about the amount

Seriously, skip a meal a day and have smaller servings and you'll be a skeleton in no time

what´s your physique like

I´ve become an overweight lardass but this is also my starting routine until I feel a little more confident to move on to more weightlifting

Seriously, just cut shit like coke out of your diet, eat the same stuff just less of it and you will lose weight

Third worlder

No, this is more food than you'll ever eat in a day but it's probably also less calories than what you eat in a day

I go the gym 3 times a week. My weight is fine but I'm trying to build up a little so I'm eating more than usual now.

So yes, I remember to exercise after playing videogames


That's it per day? that's nothing

Somehow I got stretch marks on my dick. Fells bad man.

Yeah, I'm working my way to 100 pushups a day and if I sit down for more than like 3 hours I either have to do at least a little stretching or else I get really fucking lethargic.

Now I still eat like crap. Like frozen pizzas, pies, diet soda. And the reason for that is that food is one of the very few sources of enjoyment in my life and I have very little self control.

But I got the pushups and squats baby. I got those down.

how do u make money user? I'm also fat and unemployed, enlighten me

>you will never gain weight
>you will forever be a skinny skeletal

fuck my ching chong nip nong genes

what the fug

Hah, you think those are bad? I've got bright purple fucking canyons all around my spare tire and under my armpits, they're absolute crevices.

>mfw shitskin skeletal manlet

goodbye, world

>used to be 320 pounds
>now 180
>stomach looks like a deflated balloon

That's how I learned that weight loss is pointless unless you have money for surgery.

I think I got better because of meds and my mental day hospital forcing me to eat
Gained roughly 10kg(53-62.X) so it's not too bad anymore

I try going to the gym when it's very empty so I don't look weird when lifting

>losing weight is only about appearance

Thanks for reminding me OP. I'm gonna go do ~100 pushups and 100 SQUATTOS right now. Gotta lose this fat fucking ass somehow, I look like one of these thicc womyn you fags always drool over

I thought like this and as soon as I ventured beyond 21 the pounds started stacking up. Noticed it quite quickly around my waist so took up running.

>considered tall in my origin country
>manlet in america
>people think im 13 even though im 21

save me


Literally just eat more

If you can't, drink your calories

Weight loss is always worth it, even if you do have loose skin. You look much better with clothing on and you are free from the risks of heart disease and other shit that will cut your life short. Keep it up mate, don't slip back into your old ways or it will be a lot worse. Also, try getting into lifting and bodybuilding. Might fill it out a bit.

>100 push ups and squats
>is still fat
I bet you can only go 50 of each, fag-o

Yes of course. My parents are fat and dont know the importance of a proper diet, and i paid the price in form of being a fat kid throughout most of my childhood. I lost 42 pounds and counting, and go to the gym 5 times a week. Have to admit that im kinda stuck with the cut atm though.

How tall?

>mfw glorious aryan 6'3" 135lb skeleton


If your gains cause stretch marks then you are doing something wrong.

What if I can't do a single situp?


He doesnt want to improve himself user

I was too fat to do anything....
yet here i am almost 300 pounds lighter
Fags like that dont want to admit its all in their heads and to lose the weight, they need to change themselves and their lives.

It's literally cheaper than water in some countries.

Start lifting you fucking cunt. It takes effort but you will have the body of a Greek god and would be able to get pussy 24/7 instead of shitposting on Sup Forums all the time.


Ok that's "just b yourself" tier.

In what country is that considered tall?

I get like 2 litre bottles of lemonade for 75 cents at the local supermarket, and those aren't even warehouse prices.

only in america


everyone there said I was tall, and yeah I was taller than most people there.

>Yes, it turns out that is really a thing.
No need to confirm that, we all knew that a fear of expelling effort was a thing. It's called being a lazy bitch.

>he lifts to get pussy
That's pretty sad

I don't make money (from a job). All from welfare and my parents.

If 5'6 is tall in Japan my manlet 5'8 is gonna feel fucking huge

t. hiro


6'8 Swede here, feel sorry for the manlets in this thread. Starting lifting a few month ago and I'm already getting some nice gains. A female friend commenting on how my arms were getting bigger. Felt so good man.

Nah, I'm from Poland and even here you can find some shit tier sodas that are cheaper than good water if you buy in bulk.


I'm not really fat, I just have huge ass and thighs

if you looked at my dating profile you would see why i have to lift to even get any. without muscles or money, i will never be able to get pussy and i still never have

Run I can buy if you're seriously a fucking hamplanet, any form of Exercise I don't.

I have like fucking 40% body fat, yeah that's fucking 40%, and even I can run with relatively little effort.

then do the closest you can to a sit up, or do assisted sit-ups. i didn't let "can't even do lmao1pl8" stop me from benching 225

To anyone that wants to lose weight, just cut sugar take an hour long walk per day and i guarantee you'll lose weight.


Why did you bought Sup Forums? Are you happy with it now?

It's exercise, you get points for trying.

>He things you can get abs from just doing exercises


I just do pushups, core work, bridges, and pull ups to stay in decent shape. I've been doing them for about a year, but my pushup count capped out several months ago. It used to increase every week but now I can't do any more than 3 sets of 16. Any idea why?

This episode made me cry as a kid

Why would Usagi hate to look like me?

I'm a fat manlet (174cm, 110kg) and I'm struggling to lose weight now.

Walking burns next to nothing, you gotta exert yourself to see some difference if you don't want to plateau in like a week.

Because you're ugly lol.

How to kill your joints in one easy step

Well if that's the case then it is, in fact, sad.