So whats the verdict?

So whats the verdict?

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Actually the worst among the three dark souls games.

why is it the worst?

>50% is ds1 and 2 pandering
>shittiest pvp
>easy bosses, no boss ever took me more than 10 tries
>magic barely viable
>awful optimization
>the most boring PvP meta

It's a good video game. Not perfect but a good one.

It's shit and Miyazaki is a hack.

Unfinished, needs DLC to be judged.

Not enought secrets
PVP is shit

I'm not watching your video faggot.

Too much pandering

Better than DS2, but worse than DS1, BB, and DeS.

In terms of numbers, it has way less optional areas, all of which are way less cool the optional areas in BB.
Way less weapons, or at least less actually viable weapons than in DS2.
Spells are pretty bad, pyromancy scaling was a mistake, miracles are awful and only useful for heals in PVE.

PVP is pretty fun though.

Unplayable because of frame rate and stuttering issues that have yet to be fixed 3 months after release

better than DS2, about even with demon's

DLC could bump it up quite a bit depending on its quality

>most linear game in the series, but you can see Lothric Castle from Undead Settlement so everyone springs an erection and calls the game interconnected.
>Spells are terrible, which can be fixed, but are boring as all hell, which cannot. Anything remotely interesting is found at the end of the game.

Every game has easy bosses.

I spent like 120 hours on the first week after release then got completely burned on it.

I already had played all the other titles (even bb) to death so I guess I'm getting tired of the genre as a whole. At least for now.

people will knee jerk and say its better than 2, but its really not

Your clearly an idiot. Do you not realise that the more you play games, the better you get at them? If ds3 was your first souls game, you would not be spouting shit onto your keyboard

turns out it's pretty gud brah

DeS remaster or BB 2 when?

Has lock-on range been nerfed. I feel like I can't lock on to something unless I'm 10 feet away, which makes the already weak spell casting even worse if they can run up to you and you yourself would deal more damage just by running up to them.

I'd rather DES remaster.

It's really a game I wish I played when it was crowded as fuck online.

>DeS remaster

>BB 2 when
Probably in the next couple of years.

>Your clearly an idiot.

>It's really a game I wish I played when it was crowded as fuck online

PvP was really, really, bad though, Dark Souls improved so much in that regard.

its level design is generally good, not really ever great. it plays it safe like bloodborne and ds2 with the bonfires everywhere that always warp. the bloodborne-speed combat favors faster weapons that do good damage. the first level has a good number of weapons available but doesnt have the same amount of ways to support a different build at the very start as des or ds1. magic in general is fucked. even if you level up the stats in the early game your raw SS will do more damage in a safer manner anyway. way better plot than ds2 but less good than 1. some great locales and atmospheric moments (the damn autumn forest was a unique color scheme for the series, and the way that the abyss watcher fight played out made up for it being astorias of the astral clocktower), but a lot of if was kinda generic or unimpressive. weve seen archives, poison swamps, and cathedrals before a lot. the level progression and atmosphere in das1 still hasnt been topped and probably never will be if they keep limiting themselves like this. speaking of which, always going back to firelink to level up / do anything with estus is a huge chore. all in all pretty well-made but bloodborne was a pretty unique spinoff so Im glad that theyre gonna keep making those instead of direct sequels.


I have a pretty powerful level 90 magic build. You just reminded me why i hated every level with a passion. No it hasn't been nerfed either.

It's a massive disappointment
If the numerous bad designs weren't bad enough, the fact that a lot of things just flat out don't work properly is disgusting (autosummon covenants, poise, straight sword phantom range, fucking dogs teleporting, ect)

I really expected more after bloodborne was so great. The DLC has to be extremely good and by far the best in the series to redeem this game.

Eh. I guess the magic of having noobs / people discovering the game wouldn't be here too anyway. But yeah, just having a few blues / reds durning a palythrough would be fun

I find it to be alright, but my god they missed so many opportunities to make it more than just alright.

And From refusing to fix things (see: no poise) isn't helping either. Optimization is poor as well.

It's too mainstream for my contrarian, autistic Sup Forums taste, so I can't like it.

>extremely linear
>build variety is shit
>only straight swords are viable
>NG+ is boring
>a lot of shit bosses

Oh shit Boi you got me

You don't have to play all the games in the series. It's not like they all play exactly the same way, or completely different from any other game. DS3 feels different from the first two, both faster and easier.
There aren't many times the games have been actually difficult when it wasn't bombarding you with enemies.

Better than 2, better than 1 in a couple of ways, but it's rushed, unfinished, and has the worst balance in any game in the series to date.

DS3's mechanics need a complete overhaul, but they never will get one, which sucks.

Overall, it's a solid game. Minus the poise nonsense and some clipping through walls that people have experienced I have to say the game is great.
DS is still the best game, but I feel like DSIII did a good job of carrying the torch. I don't consider DarkSouls II a dark souls game, but it's a decent game in it's own right even though it failed to deliver on some of it's promises.

I'm waiting on the DLC atm since I got the ending I wanted(dark lord). There is a lot that needs explaining lore wise, so it would be nice to have some DLC that would explore those things. I miss the Serpents.

>minus the poise nonsense
Large weapons basically unusable against most enemies because they do not stagger or only stagger for a couple hits (plus huge weapons drain a ton of stamina when you use both hands which MAKES NO SENSE).

I could finish Shit Souls 2; I could not finish this crap.

bloodborne is still better

Magic is almost entirely pointless, dealing tiny amounts of damage in comparison to melee. I'd place this as its biggest drawback, as magic becomes only a secondary weapon for particular weapon builds.
Poison is utterly useless and bleed is pretty crazy too
Bows and crossbows are pure secondary weapons thanks to no infusion capabilities and having awful scaling
Weapon arts are largely for flavour, but some are pretty fun to play with
Feels a lot more linear, although that may just be from general experience of souls games.
Other than that, it's pretty solid, despite lower replayability than the previous.


It was decent. Love pvp tho, lets wait for that DLC to bring it up to a 6 2/3rds outta 7

the official verdict is Its ok
Am I wrong?

Linear as fuck
Less viable builds than Bloodborne
Looks and plays like a watered down DS1/BB hybrid
DLC is sorely needed, much like it was in DS2. DS1 and BB held their own, the DLC was a bonus.

why does everyone here hate darksouls 2?

Good, though many of the arguments people have are valid.

Improves on some aspects of 1/2, but also goes backwards.

It's a worthy Souls game no matter.

Fun, I enjoyed it about as much as dark souls 1 and bloodborne on release, and I'd easily say it's better than demons souls or dark souls 2

Twin Princes are probably my favourite boss in the series as well

The entirety of the later game was DLC tier consistency in good design, if they removed ancient wyvern.

>all this demons souls hate

it's fucking piece of shit
>no poise
>everything that isn't a 40/40 quality straight sword is fucking trash
shit game for redditors
glad the series is fucking dead

>Dark Souls 2 over anything

this is bait

I've only played the three Dark Souls, I'm going to play Demons Souls eventually but I'm not getting a PS4 for Bloodborne.

DS1 has the best level design and lore.
DS2 has the best nothing.
DS3 has the best armor, gameplay, hitboxes, and general game design.

I just got into Dark Souls and I missed out on the PvP of the previous ones and I'm too lazy to try it in DS3 right now so whatever.

I hate 2 as well, but I think if I had to say something good is that it had nice weapon variety and caestus wasn't trash.

Maybe having slow estus recovery was good for PVP to prevent healscumming, but it fucked you up in PvE,so it's a love/hate thing.

it is bland and forgettable.

it has horrible pvp, the pve is also terribly unbalanced, since poise does nothing and hyperarmor is fucked, almost all the bosses are dudes in armor, even worse than DaS2, theres no environmental variety, everything is some variation of castle or cathedral environment, half the game and its plot is a rehash of DaS1, and it is too heavy handed with the Demon's Souls pandering.

it just isnt original enough. it feels way too derivative.

Even DaS2 was more original, since it distanced itself from 1. there was nothing from 1 in 2 aside from some general concepts of lord souls, and some returning armor.


it has barely an identity of its own, it tries too hard to be DaS1 and DeS.

its definitely worse than 1 in almost every way sans maybe graphical fidelity. I'd rank it even below DaS2, because even DaS2 wasnt such a blatant rehash of 1

It was worse than Bloodborne.
DS2 had better PVP.

>I don't consider DarkSouls II a dark souls game

yet its better than DaS3

>>all this demons souls hate
no user. we like Demon's Souls.

what we dont like, is that DaS 3 tries too hard to BE Demon's Souls, yet totally shits the bed in capturing the shit that made Demon's Souls fun and good

>gameplay, hitboxes, and general game design.
but thats wrong. DaS still beats it in all of that.

id say both 1 and 2 beat it in armor, too. theres very few ORIGINAL armor sets in 3 that are really stand out

Why are the covenants so bad? Like there's two covenants that are literally the same outside of like 1 small change and another 2 that are essentially the same thing (wolf and aldritch being both "defense" covenants). Also no singleplayer covenants or anything.

I loved it. Its a great ending to the Dark Souls series.

Dark Souls 2 was a massive letdown, the team who made it completely misunderstood what made the first one work so well.

The level design wasnt as complex as the first one, but at least it isnt a nonsensical mess that ds2 was.

The artstyle, though not that varied, was consistently great.

Soundtrack has never been the selling point of the series for me, just cookie cutter shitty sample library "epic" choir symphony wankery, little to no variation which borders to the obnoxous at times.

Combat is tighter than ever, pvp is shit as always.

All in all, they didnt take huge risks with it, but ds3 is what ds2 should have been.

>I loved it. Its a great ending to the Dark Souls series.
what about it was actually in ANY way a satisfying "end" to the series.

Strictly worst than DeS/DaS/BB.
On par with DaS2.
Great 2nd half.
Limited builds.
Decent gameplay and good bosses.
Does absolutely nothing original and vibes like an Assassin's Creed sequel.
Not a bad way to close out the series, but not really memorable either. Even with DLC incoming there is little potential for improvement due to the problems not being intrinsic to content (like BB being barebones as fuck and requiring ToH).

A solid 7.5.

DeS suffers from some balance problems considering you can do anything whenever. Also
>World Tendency
How was DaS3 trying to be Demon's Souls? It has references but I thought those were all they were.

Overall, it was pretty decent to play through to get a dark souls fix. But it does get a little forgettable. Nothing really stuck as much as it should. And i got 2/3 endings and the ending i really wanted to get (the monarch ending) wasnt even all that hyped up to be. It was okay. I enjoyed what i had. But i wished it was longer and had more memorable NPC cause most i can remember is my firekeeper and Anri. Everyone else never made a lasting impression in my opinion.

>Great 2nd half
That's my main problem
All the cool shits toward the end so I don't really feel like going through the game again just to get there
>Limited builds
This too
This feels like the least memorable and replayable game in the series to date. DaS 2 wasn't great but at least it had the balls to be a little original

Almost played 100 hours and only beaten the game once. Can't stop making new characters.
But now I got a herald with a zweihander and almost at abyss watchers, so might finish this one.

your comment about bb requiring it's dlc makes me think that the general fan reception for these games is generally much different one month following it's release to 12 months onward

Dark Souls 2 and Bloodborne might be the best examples, for about a year on Sup Forums it felt like you couldn't even have any discussion regarding it, but now people call the game "good" and praise the dlc's as being particularly noteworthy.

Bloodborne similarly, on release, there were tons of people calling out the game on having a lack of weapons, horrendous online or a lot of the mid-late game bosses being disappointing, and the area design monotonous, but after the DLC it feels like all BB fans ever talk about nowadays is Ludwig, Orphan and by extension the rest of the DLC, which is surprising considering it's not even that long

Dark Souls was kind of similar, but I think fans were more lenient with it because they were newer, but after a few months or so, everyone seemed readily agreed that the first half was great, but the second was disappointing, and many people claimed demons souls was far superior, but after the DLC, I think most of this discussion laid dormant for a while, as people were far more forgiving

I have to wonder what the general opinion will be on dark souls 3 in 15 months.

That would be time enough for both DLC's to have been out, and both to have been completed by the majority.

Going by development schedules, it would seem they have a decent amount of time to make it, so I have to wonder how good it will be.

I was entertained from start to finish, cramed inn about 70 hours and thats pretty good considering most games barely manage to keep me occupied for more than 4 before I've figured out everything the game has to offer the player.

What exactly did you expect? some huge epic revelation that would tie the lore together in a way that actually made sense? a epic battle on top of a mountain figthing 3 giants at the time while riding a dragon? I just dont see what you can expect from a dark souls game besides having your shit pushed in over and over and feeling like you deserved it for droping the soap in the prison shower.

it has the best bosses

it's my favorite one in some ways. you can't recapture the magic of the first necessarily, but it felt like a good tribute, and an intentional tribute.

So what's the verdict?


>How was DaS3 trying to be Demon's Souls? It has references but I thought those were all they were.
>Firelink is a Nexus clone
>Mana bar (admittedly not a terrible addition)
>Maiden in Firekeeper in black
>Garl Vinland 4.0, back to basics edition
>Evangelists are clearly partly Fat Official callbacks
>The boletaria reference in the section before 2prince
>red eyed knights
>Karla the Witch is literally Yuria
>Irithyl Dungeon is literally Latria 1:1, complete with similar jailers
>Storm Ruler gimmick fight

Im probably forgetting some

not enough cuties

First playthrough was fun and challenging as fuck. I really enjoyed it as much as the first. Problem is I can't bring myself to do another playthrough. I dunno it just feels like this one doesn't have as much replayability since quality build is the only real viable option and there isn't much of a different route to progress the game through. I'm sure I'll play through again but not soon. With DS I replayed it immediately after I finished it multiple times
So I'd go DS>DS3>DS2
I havent played BB or finished DeS

Yuria references mephistopheles. Also this.

>wax covered eyes

>Demon Souls that low
wew lad

DkS > DeS > BB > DaS 3 >>>> DaS 2


>almost at abyss watchers

nigger you're like 1/8th the way through the game. don't act like you're invested.


Haven't played enough Bloodborne to r8

I'm being baited by the shitters who think Demon's Souls isn't on a similar level to Dark Souls, and even rate it worse than fucking DaS2.

DaS3 is very meh. Linear up until around the second half and it lacks the build variety that DeS and DaS had, as well as the freedom you had exploring both those games. The bosses were much too easy, with nothing on the tier of Maneaters/Ebrietas/O&S. It might've been because straight swords are broken, but I did not die more than once to any boss aside from the Nameless King playing with a default knight character. I still have trouble with the three bosses I listed above, so it's not even a matter of me getting better at the games.

No bosses as memorable as Astraea, Sif, or Gwyn since the only cool bosses in the game were just variations/references to previous bosses. This could be said for the entire game too, a lot of it just felt very samey and not unique whatsoever.

It's ok. DeS >= DaS >> BB >> DaS3 >>> DaS2

>DeS >= DaS >> BB
BB is literally the best in the entire series. DeS is the 2nd worst.

>ds3 over ds
Is this a new meme?

I don't like BB because a lot of the bosses in the beginning were very samey and it got old pretty fast. After Rom it was fucking excellent though.

>DeS is the 2nd worst.
I don't even understand how anyone can think that DaS2 or 3 is better than DeS. Do you not know what level design is? Do you not like having freedom in exploration?

Awful balancing, optimization (on PC), pandering, and mechanics. Poise is "working as intended" although it basically does nothing. Rings have two different functions in PvP and PvE, making some totally useless in PvP (ring of steel protection, etc) and others far too strong (hornet ring). Magic is gimped to fuck and requires HEAVY stat investment for spells that don't even track and are generally underwhelming. The balancing they've made since the game has been released has pretty much all been terrible.