Man I would honestly not mind more DLC with different regions.

Ofier, Kovir, Nilfgard, Blue Mountains, etc.

Its time to let go user

What i want:

A story before Ciri wth Geralt doing shit in the Northern Kingdoms .

>with Ciri
>not Lambert or Eskel

Imagine, a Witcher game with no overarching story, you're just Geralt in a big open world with some monster contracts where some is completed fast and others taking a few steps to do properly

Sounds like what the Witcher 2017 movie will be like. Which, I very much approve. I enjoyed the stories about Geralt and his buddies more than Yen Yen Yen Yen lilacs and gooseberries

>doing puberty right

Witcher 3 is perfect as is.

There will be another Witcher game just not where you play as Geralt.

After B&W I couldn't bare to go back in time with Geralt. The ending was just too perfect of a sendoff.

Please no.

Just for once let something good exit the stage on a high note instead of being crucified until the crowd are booing it's existence.

Learn to let go for fuck sake.

I want to play Ciri when she was dimension hopping. That sounds like it would be an interesting game considering she was in the Cyberpunk universe.


>just not where you play as Geralt
why not?
geraalt is the witcher so I doubt a story could be done without him, he's not that old in witcher years too so it is not like he will retire, if there was such a thing for witchers.
also ciri being a witcher isn't a canon ending at all.
there is no reason for them to not have geralt in the next game

be careful what you wish, you may get....


Ciri is flat as a board and has no hips.

She's also a mary sue and all it entails.

I would personally want a create a donut steal witcher from one of the schools, preferably of the Bear. No online of course, maybe co op witcher contracts but thats it.

>New witcher game
>Ciri is main character
>new gameplay with magic skill but no witcher potion
>You can still bang hooker except this time you can also bang the male hooker
>Polygon is triggered once again and shit on CD Projekt while screaming mysoginy

Please make this happen

>there is no reason for them to not have geralt in the next game

Apart from the part where they've said on several occasions that they will never be making another Witcher game about Geralt.


>no witcher potion

did you miss her talking about gulping down black blood with no problems in B&W epilogue?

I haven't played it yet ( let's say my internet situation is weird).
Thanks for the spoil

>said on several occasions that they will never be making another Witcher game about Geralt.
no they haven't at all, they just said that they have no plans to make another witcher game.

Yennefer is a miracle of the universe!

Read the books nigger.

Ciri you say?

I deleted my 60+ hour save when upgrading to W10 and want to play the DLC but don't have enough time in my life to start again. A save with my date from Witcher 1, and 2. I've never been so sad.

I need source on that.

I just want ciri and yennifer porn

>I just want ciri and yennifer porn
Too bad they don't exist user

Reminds me of the Jeeves robot from the new avengers movie.

Not everyone gets that scene, some get triss if they went with her in base game, others get yen, people who didn't get either, get ciri

I'm sad I didn't get a yen AND ciri ending.
Pls Geralt deserve a happy family life

cyberpunk better have a ciri easter egg

>“People there had metal in their heads. Waged war from a distance, using things similar to megascopes. And there were no horses, everyone had their own flying ship instead.”

Nah, I'm glad they're putting the series to rest. Really looking forward to more cyberpunk in my life.

please don't. I love the series, even outside of the games, but a surefire way to see something turn to shit is to not let it go when you've reached the end. look at MGS.
I'd rather they do something new and try to make it just as good than keep trying to continue keeping the witcher series alive and well.

yes, source FM.

tfw almost no one in this thread has played witcher 1 & 2

I liked 1 the most. it's sad that threads rarely ever get to the quality of what used to be common for witcher threads.

I played them all i wish we will get remade the older games for better retcon and gameplay.

Sounds like the most boring idea possible.

I don't necessarily need a new game but I'd really like to see a post ending dlc.

I want this but with young Vesemir or Lambert.

Relatively small game world but with changing seasons.
You have from early spring until late Autumn to fuck around on the Path and advance the story.
Every winter you go back to Kaer Morhen to upgrade equipment, pick up new abilities and swap sex cards with your fellow witchers.
The way you solve certain quests affects how the game world looks the next year.
Some kind of loose overarching story that's not in the focus of the game.
All very low-key.

I agree on liking Witcher 1 the most but after playing a good portion of B&W so far and with HoS still to go, I think I might end up liking 3 more overall.

>wanting shit with Ciri
>wanting anything with macguffin, the character

>Did you even dream about story where some punks steal Geralt's silver sword and he spends whole book looking for it?

why is this individual fang meme so prominent in animu? it's ugly as fuck

it's just meant to symbolize cheekyness or naughty behavior.
they may as well put a :^) there, it'd mean the same thing

only just started B&W, but HoS was quite good.

>tumbler nose
wtf who did this

I'll give one code so you guys can buy the Gwent decks on the witchershop.
All you guys have to do is: send to my email ([email protected]) an anwser to my question:
"Why you, of all people on this board, should win the code?"
Bonus points for MGS, The Witcher 3 or Darksouls fanart in the email. It may be a funny one or serious. It doesnt matter!


Whats if its a Witcher game that happens centuries before the books, when the schools were at their prime?

You can chose a character from one of the schools and each one will have its own story..

she has tumblr collar bones too

or maybe shes a bit sun burned. whatever

CDPR is good at a focused narrative; I doubt your idea would turn out well.

I don't see anything wrong with the collar bones.
Then again prominent collar bones coupled up with small breasts make my benin hards, so maybe that's the reason.

i choose to believe he settles down in Corvo Bianco because goddamn what a comfy home

gods no

>small breasts

u wot m9?

How about:

Young Geralt right after he sets off on the Path.

They said this is the end of geralts story

But what if they go back in time and show us some shit to fill in gaps

but he loves his job. maybe he'd settle down for a year two, but he loves learning and experiencing new things first-hand too much to stay in one place for too long. he's not even old by witcher standards

>during a random cutscene if you pay enough attention its possible to see a confused Ciri look around and teleport away in the distance

he's pushing a hundred years old. let the poor guy retire already. he has done damn near everything he could possibly do.

>next game could be Ciri adventures
>or it could be a "make your own witcher" type game
Honestly, I don't know which one would be better.

Vesemir was at LEAST three centuries old, and he still had plenty of life left him in.

Tbh since geralt isn't officially dead they should restart the Witcher school and do. A make your own Witcher kind of game with him as a teacher or some shit.
That is both the best and worst thing they can do at this point if the series is to continue


Whats if its a game focused on the school of the viper and on why it dissolved?
You play as a random witcher trying to fix whatever happened to reopen the school.

In Japan "snaggleteeth" are often considered "cute" with some women even going so far as to get fake canine implants to simulate it.

read the books

It's ok OP just lay it down for a while don't think about it (a year maybe, 2 years would be optimal rebirth) and when you pick it up again you'll have most of it back

Biggest orbiter sperg in Witcher universe?

I would love it for a large company with good writing staff to do this. Nine different characters from several different schools, each one playing a little differently and having a different personality. I'm well acquainted with Geralt's personality and style by now, but Geralt's a legend and a unique Witcher in his own right- I'd much rather play a game that takes place during the Trial of the Grasses which lets you develop your character's personality and help choose who survives the mutations and who dies.

>choose who survives the mutations and who dies.
its pure luck though

I'm aware. But much like other RPG's allow how you interact (or don't) with other characters to decide their fate, it would be cool to do that in a Witcher game and choose the next generation of your school based on your interactions and training.